第 3 节
作者:寻找山吹      更新:2021-02-27 02:12      字数:9322
  Abednego!  Later on; when my father took me to the steel…works; and I
  beheld with awe a huge pot filled with molten metal that ran out of it
  like water; I asked himif I leaped into that stream; could God save me?
  He was shocked。  Miracles; he told me; didn't happen any more。
  〃When did they stop?〃 I demanded。
  〃About two thousand years ago; my son;〃 he replied gravely。
  〃Then;〃 said I; 〃no matter how much I believed in God; he wouldn't save
  me if I jumped into the big kettle for his sake?〃
  For this I was properly rebuked and silenced。
  My boyhood was filled with obsessing desires。  If God; for example; had
  cast down; out of his abundant store; manna and quail in the desert; why
  couldn't he fling me a little pocket money?  A paltry quarter of a
  dollar; let us say; which to me represented wealth。  To avoid the
  reproach of the Pharisees; I went into the closet of my bed…chamber to
  pray; requesting that the quarter should be dropped on the north side of
  Lyme Street; between Stamford and Tryon; in short; as conveniently near
  home as possible。  Then I issued forth; not feeling overconfident; but
  hoping。  Tom Peters; leaning over the ornamental cast…iron fence which
  separated his front yard from the street; presently spied me scanning the
  〃What are you looking for; Hugh?〃 he demanded with interest。
  〃Oh; something I dropped;〃 I answered uneasily。
  Naturally; I refused to tell。  It was a broiling; midsummer day; Julia
  and Russell; who had been warned to stay in the shade; but who were
  engaged in the experiment of throwing the yellow cat from the top of the
  lattice fence to see if she would alight on her feet; were presently
  attracted; and joined in the search。  The mystery which I threw around it
  added to its interest; and I was not inconsiderably annoyed。  Suppose one
  of them were to find the quarter which God had intended for me?  Would
  that be justice?
  〃It's nothing;〃 I said; and pretended to abandon the questto be renewed
  later。  But this ruse failed; they continued obstinately to search; and
  after a few minutes Tom; with a shout; picked out of a hot crevice
  between the bricksa nickel!
  〃It's mine!〃 I cried fiercely。
  〃Did you lose it?〃 demanded Julia; the canny one; as Tom was about to
  give it up。
  My lying was generally reserved for my elders。
  〃N…no;〃 I said hesitatingly; 〃but it's mine all the same。  It wassent
  to me。〃
  〃Sent to you!〃 they exclaimed; in a chorus of protest and derision。  And
  how; indeed; was I to make good my claim?  The Peterses; when assembled;
  were a clan; led by Julia and in matters of controversy; moved as one。
  How was I to tell them that in answer to my prayers for twenty…five
  cents; God had deemed five all that was good for me?
  〃Somesomebody dropped it there for me。〃
  〃Who?〃 demanded the chorus。  〃Say; that's a good one!〃
  Tears suddenly blinded me。  Overcome by chagrin; I turned and flew into
  the house and upstairs into my room; locking the door behind me。  An
  interval ensued; during which I nursed my sense of wrong; and it pleased
  me to think that the money would bring a curse on the Peters family。  At
  length there came a knock on the door; and a voice calling my name。
  〃Hugh! Hugh!〃
  It was Tom。
  〃Hughie; won't you let me in?  I want to give you the nickel。〃
  〃Keep it!〃 I shouted back。  〃You found it。〃
  Another interval; and then more knocking。
  〃Open up;〃 he said coaxingly。  〃II want to talk to you。〃
  I relented; and let him in。  He pressed the coin into my hand。  I
  refused; he pleaded。
  〃You found it;〃 I said; 〃it's yours。〃
  〃Butbut you were looking for it。〃
  〃That makes no difference;〃 I declared magnanimously。
  Curiosity overcame him。
  〃Say; Hughie; if you didn't drop it; who on earth did?〃
  〃Nobody on earth;〃 I replied cryptically。。。。
  Naturally; I declined to reveal the secret。  Nor was this by any means
  the only secret I held over the Peters family; who never quite knew what
  to make of me。  They were not troubled with imaginations。  Julia was a
  little older than Tom and had a sharp tongue; but over him I exercised a
  distinct fascination; and I knew it。  Literal himself; good…natured and
  warm…hearted; the gift I had of tingeing life with romance (to put the
  thing optimistically); of creating kingdoms out of back yardsat which
  Julia and Russell sniffedheld his allegiance firm。
  I must have been about twelve years of age when I realized that I was
  possessed of the bard's inheritance。  A momentous journey I made with my
  parents to Boston about this time not only stimulated this gift; but gave
  me the advantage of which other travellers before me have likewise
  availed themselvesof being able to take certain poetic liberties with a
  distant land that my friends at home had never seen。  Often during the
  heat of summer noons when we were assembled under the big maple beside
  the lattice fence in the Peters' yard; the spirit would move me to relate
  the most amazing of adventures。  Our train; for instance; had been held
  up in the night by a band of robbers in black masks; and rescued by a
  traveller who bore a striking resemblance to my Cousin Robert Breck。  He
  had shot two of the robbers。  These fabrications; once started; flowed
  from me with ridiculous ease。  I experienced an unwonted exhilaration;
  exaltation; I began to believe that they had actually occurred。  In vain
  the astute Julia asserted that there were no train robbers in the east。
  What had my father done?  Well; he had been very brave; but he had had no
  pistol。  Had I been frightened?  No; not at all; I; too; had wished for a
  pistol。  Why hadn't I spoken of this before?  Well; so many things had
  happened to me I couldn't tell them all at once。  It was plain that
  Julia; though often fascinated against her will; deemed this sort of
  thing distinctly immoral。
  I was a boy divided in two。  One part of me dwelt in a fanciful realm of
  his own weaving; and the other part was a commonplace and protesting
  inhabitant of a world of lessons; disappointments and discipline。  My
  instincts were not vicious。  Ideas bubbled up within me continually from
  an apparently inexhaustible spring; and the very strength of the longings
  they set in motion puzzled and troubled my parents: what I seem to see
  most distinctly now is a young mind engaged in a ceaseless struggle for
  self…expression; for self…development; against the inertia of a tradition
  of which my father was the embodiment。  He was an enigma to me then。  He
  sincerely loved me; he cherished ambitions concerning me; yet thwarted
  every natural; budding growth; until I grew unconsciously to regard him
  as my enemy; although I had an affection for him and a pride in him that
  flared up at times。  Instead of confiding to him my aspirations; vague
  though they were; I became more and more secretive as I grew older。  I
  knew instinctively that he regarded these aspirations as evidences in my
  character of serious moral flaws。  And I would sooner have suffered many
  afternoons of his favourite punishmentsolitary confinement in my room
  than reveal to him those occasional fits of creative fancy which caused
  me to neglect my lessons in order to put them on paper。  Loving
  literature; in his way; he was characteristically incapable of
  recognizing the literary instinct; and the symptoms of its early stages
  he mistook for inherent frivolity; for lack of respect for the truth; in
  brief; for original sin。  At the age of fourteen I had begun secretly
  (alas; how many things I did secretly!) to write stories of a sort;
  stories that never were finished。
  He regarded reading as duty; not pleasure。  He laid out books for me;
  which I neglected。  He was part and parcel of that American environment
  in which literary ambition was regarded as sheer madness。  And no one who
  has not experienced that environment can have any conception of the
  pressure it exerted to stifle originality; to thrust the new generation
  into its religious and commercial moulds。  Shall we ever; I wonder;
  develop the enlightened education that will know how to take advantage of
  such initiative as was mine? that will be on the watch for it; sympathize
  with it and guide it to fruition?
  I was conscious of still another creative need; that of dramatizing my
  ideas; of converting them into action。  And this need was to lead me
  farther than ever afield from the path of righteousness。  The concrete
  realization of ideas; as many geniuses will testify; is an expensive
  undertaking; requiring a little pocket money; and I have already touched
  upon that subject。  My father did not believe in pocket money。  A sea
  story that my Cousin Donald Ewan gave me at Christmas inspired me to
  compose one of a somewhat different nature; incidentally; I deemed it a
  vast improvement on Cousin Donald's book。  Now; if I only had a boat;
  with the assistance of Ham Durrett and Tom Peters; Gene Hollister and
  Perry Blackwood and other friends; this story of mine might be staged。
  There were; however; as usual; certain seemingly insuperable
  difficulties: in the first place; it was winter time; in the second; no
  facilities existed in the city for operations of a nautical character;
  and; lastly; my Christmas mo