第 67 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  external arrangement; has made the said form tedious and given it a bad name。 Yet the triteness of
  this use of it cannot detract from its inner worth and we must always value highly the discovery of
  the shape of the rational; even though it was at first uncomprehended。
  Now more precisely the third is the immediate; but the immediate resulting from sublation of
  mediation; the simple resulting from sublation of difference; the positive resulting from sublation
  of the negative; the Notion that has realised itself by means of its otherness and by the sublation of
  this reality has become united with itself; and has restored its absolute reality; its simple relation to
  itself。 This result is therefore the truth。 It is equally immediacy and mediation; but such forms of
  judgement as: the third is immediacy and mediation; or it is the unity of them; are not capable of
  grasping it; for it is not a quiescent third; but; precisely as this unity; is self…mediating movement
  and activity。 As that with which we began was the universal; so the result is the individual; the
  concrete; the subject; what the former is in itself the latter is now equally for itself; the universal is
  posited in the subject。 The first two moments of the triplicity are abstract; untrue moments which
  for that very reason are dialectical; and through this their negativity make themselves into the
  subject。 The Notion itself is for us; in the first instance; alike the universal that is in itself; and the
  negative that is for itself; and also the third; that which is both in and for itself; the universal that
  runs through all the moments of he syllogism; but the third is the conclusion; in which the Notion
  through its negativity is mediated with itself and thereby posited for itself as the universal and the
  identity of its moments。
  Now this result; as the whole that has withdrawn into and is identical with itself; has given itself
  again the form of immediacy。 Hence it is now itself the same thing as the starting…point had
  determined itself to be。 As simple self…relation it is a universal; and in this universality; the
  negativity that constituted its dialectic and mediation has also collapsed into simple
  determinateness which can again be a beginning。 It may seem at first sight that this cognition of
  the result is an analysis of it and therefore must again dissect these determinations and the process
  by which it has come into being and been examined。 But if the treatment of the subject matter is
  actually carried out in this analytic manner; it belongs to that stage of the Idea considered above;
  to the cognition of enquiry; which merely states of its subject matter what is; but not the necessity
  of its concrete identity and the Notion of it。 But though the method of truth which comprehends the
  subject matter is; as we have shown; itself analytic; for it remains entirely within the Notion; yet it is
  equally synthetic; for through the Notion the subject matter is determined dialectically and as an
  other。 On the new foundation constituted by the result as the fresh subject matter; the method
  remains the same as with the previous subject matter。 The difference is concerned solely with the
  relationship of the foundation as such; true; it is now likewise a foundation; but its immediacy is
  only a form; since it was a result as well; hence its determinateness as content is no longer
  something merely picked up; but something deduced and proved。
  It is here that the content of cognition as such first enters into the circle of consideration; since; as
  deduced; it now belongs to the method。 The method itself by means of this moment expands itself
  into a system。 At first the beginning had to be; for the method; wholly indeterminate in respect of
  content; to this extent it appears as the merely formal soul; for and by which the beginning was
  determined simply and solely in regard to its form; namely; as the immediate and the universal。
  Through the movement we have indicated; the subject matter has obtained for itself a
  determinateness that is a content; because the negativity that has withdrawn into simplicity is the
  sublated form; and as simple determinateness stands over against its development; and first of all
  over against its very opposition to universality。
  Now as this determinateness is the proximate truth of the indeterminate beginning; it condemns the
  latter as something imperfect; as well as the method itself that; in starting from that beginning; was
  merely formal。 This can be expressed as the now specific demand that the beginning; since it is
  itself a determinate relatively to the determinateness of the result; shall be taken not as an
  immediate but as something mediated and deduced。 This may appear as the demand for an infinite
  retrogression in proof and deduction; just as from the fresh beginning that has been obtained; a
  result likewise emerges from the method in its course; so that the advance equally rolls onwards to
  It has been shown a number of times that the infinite progress as such belongs to reflection that is
  without the Notion; the absolute method; which has the Notion for its soul and content; cannot
  lead into that。 At first sight; even such beginnings as being; essence; universality; seem to be of
  such a kind as to possess the complete universality and absence of content demanded for a wholly
  formal beginning; as it is supposed to be; and therefore; as absolutely first beginnings; demand and
  admit of no further regress。 As they are pure relations to self; immediate and indeterminate; they
  do not of course possess within themselves the difference which in any other kind of beginning; is
  directly posited between the universality of its form and its content。 But it is the very
  indeterminateness which the above logical beginnings have for their sole content that constitutes
  their determinateness; this consists; namely; in their negativity as sublated mediation; the
  particularity of this gives even their indeterminateness a particularity by which being; essence; and
  universality are distinguished from one another。 The determinateness then which belongs to them
  if they are taken by themselves is their immediate determinateness; just as much as the
  determinateness of any other kind of content; and therefore requires a deduction; for the method it
  is a matter of indifference whether the determinateness be taken as determinateness of form or of
  content。 That a content has been determined by the first of its results is not in fact for the method;
  the beginning of a new mode; the method remains neither more nor less formal than before。 For
  since it is the absolute form; the Notion that knows itself and everything as Notion; there is no
  content that could stand over against it and determine it to be a one…sided external form。
  Consequently; just as the absence of content in the above beginnings does not make them absolute
  beginnings; so too it is not the content as such that could lead the method into the infinite progress
  forwards or backwards。 From one aspect; the determinateness which the method creates for
  itself in its result is the moment by means of which the method is self…mediation and converts the
  immediate beginning into something mediated。 But conversely; it is through the
  determinateness that this mediation of the method runs its course; it returns through a content as
  through an apparent other of itself to its beginning in such a manner that not only does it restore
  that beginning … as a determinate beginning however … but the result is no less the sublated
  determinateness; and so too the restoration of the first immediacy in which it began。 This it
  accomplishes as a system of totality。 We have still to consider it in this determination。
  We have shown that the determinateness which was a result is itself; by virtue of the form of
  simplicity into which it has withdrawn; a fresh beginning; as this beginning is distinguished from its
  predecessor precisely by that determinateness; cognition rolls onwards from content to content
  First of all; this advance is determined as beginning from simple determinatenesses the succeeding
  ones becoming ever richer and more concrete。 For the result contains its beginning and its course
  has enriched it by a fresh determinateness。 The universal constitutes the foundation; the advance is
  therefore not to be taken as a flowing from one other to the next other。 In the absolute method the
  Notion maintains itself in its otherness。 the universal in its particularisation; in judgement and reality;
  at each stage of its further determination it raises the entire mass of its preceding content; and by
  its dialectical advance it not only does not lose anything or leave anything behind; but carries along
  with it all it has gained; and inwardly enriches and consolidates itself。
  This expansion may be regarded as the moment of content; and in the whole as the first premise;
  the universal is communicated to the wealth of content; immediately maintained in it。 But the
  relationship has also its second; negative or dialectical side。 The enrichment proceeds in the
  necessity of the Notion; it is held by it; and each determination is a r