第 58 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  judgement of truth; in it; namely; the predicate is not merely the objectivity of the Notion; but the
  relating comparison of the Notion of the subject…matter with its actuality。 This realisation of the
  Notion is theoretical in so far as the Notion; as form; has still the determination of subjectivity; or
  has still the determination for the subject of being its own determination。 Because cognition is the
  Idea as end as subjective; the negation of the world presupposed as an implicit being is the first
  negation; therefore also the conclusion in which the objective is posited in the subjective; has at
  first only this meaning; that the implicit being is only posited in the form of subjectivity; or in the
  Notion determination; and for this reason is not; in that form; in and for itself。 Thus the conclusion
  only attains to a neutral unity or a synthesis; that is; to a unity of things that are originally separate
  and only are externally so conjoined。 Since therefore in this cognition the Notion posits the object
  as its own; the Idea in the first instance only gives itself a content whose basis is given; and in
  which only the form of externality has been sublated。
  Accordingly; this cognition still retains its finitude in its realised end; in its realised end it has at the
  same time not attained its end; and in its truth has not yet arrived at truth。 For in so far as in the
  result the content still has the character of a datum; the presupposed implicit being confronting
  the Notion is not sublated; equally therefore the unity of Notion and reality; truth; is also not
  contained in it。 Oddly enough; it is his side of finitude that latterly has been clung to; and accepted
  as the absolute relation of cognition … as though the finite as such was supposed to be the
  absolute! At this standpoint; the object is credited with being an unknown thing…in…itself behind
  cognition; and this character of the object; and with it truth too is regarded as an absolute beyond
  for cognition。 In this view of cognition; thought determinations in general; the categories; reflective
  determinations; as well as the for Notion and its moments are assigned the position of being finite
  determinations not in and for themselves; but finite in the sense that they are subjective in rely on to
  this empty thing…in…itself; the fallacy of taking this untrue relation of cognition as the true relation
  has become the universal opinion of modern times。
  From this determination of finite cognition it is immediately evident that it is a contradiction that
  sublates itself … the contradiction of a truth that at the same time is supposed not to be truth … of a
  cognition of what is; which at the same time does not cognise the thing…in…itself。 In the collapse of
  this contradiction; its content; subjective cognition and the thing…in…itself; collapses; that is; proves
  itself an untruth。 But cognition must; in the course of its own movement; resolve its finitude and
  with it its contradiction; this examination of it made by us is an external reflection; but cognition is
  itself the Notion; the Notion that is its own end and therefore through its realisation fulfils itself; and
  in this very fulfilment sublates its subjectivity and the presupposed implicit being。 We have
  therefore to consider cognition in its own self in its positive activity。 Since this Idea is; as we have
  seen; the urge of the Notion to realise itself for itself; its activity consists in determining the object;
  and by this determining to relate itself in the object identically to itself。 The object is in general
  something simply determinable; and in the Idea it has this essential side of not being in and for itself
  opposed to the Notion。 Because cognition is still finite; not speculative; cognition; the presupposed
  objectivity has not as yet for it the shape of something that is in its own self simply and solely the
  Notion and that contains nothing with a particularity of its own as against the latter。
  But the fact that it counts as an implicit beyond; necessarily implies that its determinability by the
  Notion is a determination it possesses essentially; for the Idea is the Notion that exists for itself; is
  that which is absolutely infinite within itself; in which the object is implicitly sublated and the end is
  now solely to sublate it explicitly。 Hence; though the object is presupposed by the Idea of
  cognition as possessing an implicit being; yet it is essentially in a relationship where the Idea;
  certain of itself and of the nullity of this opposition; comes to the realisation of its Notion in the
  In the syllogism whereby the subjective Idea now unites itself with objectivity; the first premise is
  the same form of immediate seizure and relation of the Notion to the object that we saw in the
  relation of end。 The determining activity of the Notion upon the object is an immediate
  communication of itself to the object and unresisted pervasion of the latter by the Notion。 In this
  process the Notion remains in pure identity with itself; but this its immediate reflection…into…self has
  equally the determination of objective immediacy; that which for the Notion is its own
  determination; is equally a being; for it is the first negation of the presupposition。 Therefore the
  posited determination ranks just as much as a presupposition that has been merely found; as an
  apprehension of a datum; in fact the activity of the Notion here consists merely in being negative
  towards itself; restraining itself and making itself passive towards what confronts it; in order that
  the latter may be able to show itself; not as determined by the subject; but as it is in its own self。
  Accordingly in this premise this cognition does not appear even as an application of logical
  determinations; but as an acceptance and apprehension of them just as given; and its activity
  appears to be restricted merely to the removal of a subjective obstacle; an external husk; from the
  subject…matter。 This cognition is analytic cognition。
  (a) Analytic Cognition
  We sometimes find the difference between analytic and synthetic cognition stated in the form that
  one proceeds from the known to the unknown; the other from the unknown to the known。 But if
  this distinction is closely examined; it will be difficult to discover in it a definite thought; much less a
  It may be said that cognition begins in general with ignorance; for one does not learn to know
  something with which one is already acquainted。 Conversely; it also begins with the known; this is
  a tautological proposition; that with which it begins; which therefore it actually cognises; is ipso
  facto something known; what is not as yet known and is to be known only later is still an
  unknown。 So far; then; it must be said that cognition; once it has begun; always proceeds from the
  known to the unknown。
  The distinguishing feature of analytic cognition is already defined in the fact that as the first premise
  of the whole syllogism; analytic cognition does not as yet contain mediation; it is the immediate
  communication of the Notion and does not as yet contain otherness; and in it the activity empties
  itself of its negativity。 However; this immediacy of the relation is for that reason itself a mediation;
  for it is the negative relation of the Notion to the object; but a relation that annuls itself; thereby
  making itself simple and identical。 This reflection…into…self is only subjective; because in its
  mediation the difference is present still only in the form of the presupposed implicit difference; as
  difference of the object within itself。 The determination; therefore; brought about by this relation;
  is the form of simple identity; of abstract universality。 Accordingly; analytic cognition has in
  general this identity for its principle; and transition into an other; the connection of different terms;
  is excluded from itself and from its activity。
  If we look now more closely at analytic cognition; we see that it starts from a presupposed; and
  therefore individual; concrete subject matter; this may be an object already complete in itself for
  ordinary thought; or it may be a problem; that is to say; given only in its circumstances and
  conditions; but not yet disengaged from them and presented on its own account in simple
  self…subsistence。 Now the analysis of this subject matter cannot consist in its being merely
  resolved into the particular picture thoughts which it may contain; such a resolution and the
  apprehension of such picture thoughts is a business that would not belong to cognition; but would
  merely be a matter of a closer acquaintance; a determination within the sphere of
  picture…thinking。 Since analysis is based on the Notion; its products are essentially
  Notion…determinations; and that too as determinations immediately contained in the subject
  We have seen from the nature of the Idea of cognition; that the activity of the subjective Notion
  must be regarded from one side merely as the explication of what is already in the object;
  because the object itself is nothing but the totality of the Notion。 It is just as one…sided to represent
  analysis as though there were nothing in the sub