第 46 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9320
  objects inhere and by which they are bound together into a genuine One。
  But this central individual is thus at first only a middle term which as yet has no true extremes; but
  as negative unity of the total Notion it sunders itself into such。 Or in other words the previously
  non…self…subsistent; self…external objects are likewise by the regress of the Notion determined into
  individuals; the identity of the central body with itself which is still a striving; is infected with
  externality which; being taken up into the centra body's objective individuality; has this latter
  determination communicated to it。 Through this centrality of their own; these individuals placed
  outside that first centre; are themselves centres for the non…self…subsistent objects。 These second
  centres and the non…self…subsistent objects are brought into unity by the above absolute middle
  But the relative individual centres themselves also constitute the middle term of a second
  syllogism; a middle term that on the one hand is subsumed under a higher extreme; namely the
  objective universality and power of the absolute centre; and on the other hand subsumes under
  itself the non…self…subsistent objects whose superficial or formal individualisation is supported by it。
  Again; these non…self…subsistent objects are the middle term of a third; the formal syllogism; in
  that they are the link between the absolute and the relative central individuality to the extent that
  the latter has in them its externality by virtue of which the relation…to…self is at the same time a
  striving towards an absolute centre。 The formal objects have for their essence the identical
  gravity of their immediate central body in which they inhere as in their subject and the extreme of
  individuality; through the externality which they constitute; that body is subsumed under the
  absolute central body; they are; therefore; the formal middle term of particularity。 But the
  absolute individual is the objectively universal middle term which brings into unity and holds fast
  the being…within…self or inwardness of the relative individual and its externality。 Similarly; too; the
  government; the individual citizens and the needs or external life of the individuals; are three
  terms; each of which is the middle of the other two。 The government is the absolute centre in
  which the extreme of the individuals is united with their external existence; similarly; the
  individuals are the middle term that activate that universal individual into external concrete
  existence and translate their moral essence into the extreme of actuality。 The third syllogism is the
  formal syllogism; that of an illusory show; in which the individuals purport to be linked to this
  universal absolute individuality by their needs and external existence; a syllogism which; as merely
  subjective; passes over into the others and in them has its truth。
  This totality; whose moments are themselves the complete relationships of the Notion; the
  syllogisms in which each of the three different objects runs through the determination of middle
  term and of extremes; constitutes free mechanism。 In it the different objects have for their basic
  determination the objective universality; the pervasive gravity that maintains its identity in the
  particularisation。 The relations of pressure; thrust; attraction and the like; as also
  aggregations or mixtures; belong to the relationship of externality which forms the basis of the
  third of this group of syllogisms。 Order; which is the merely external determinateness of objects;
  has passed over into the determination that is immanent and objective; this is Law。
  (b) Law
  In law; the more specific difference between the ideal reality of objectivity and its external
  reality is made prominent。 The object; as immediate totality of the Notion; does not yet possess
  externality as distinct from the Notion which is not yet posited for itself。 The object; being
  withdrawn into itself through the process; there has arisen the opposition of simple centrality
  against an externality which is now determined as externality; that is; is posited as that which is
  not in and for itself。 That identical or ideal aspect of individuality is; on account of the relation to
  externality; an ought…to…be; it is that unity of the Notion; absolutely determined and
  self…determining; to which that external reality does not correspond; and therefore gets no further
  than a striving towards it。 But individuality is in and for itself the concrete principle of negative
  unity; and as such itself totality; a unity that sunders itself into the specific differences of the
  Notion and abides within its self…identical universality; it s thus the centre expanded within its pure
  ideality by difference。
  This reality which corresponds to the Notion is the ideal reality that is distinct from the reality that
  was merely a striving; it is the difference; not as in the first instance a plurality of objects; but
  difference in its essential nature and taken up into pure universality。 This real ideality is the soul of
  the previously developed objective totality; the absolutely determined identity of the system。
  The objective being…in…and…for…self appears therefore more specifically in its totality as the
  negative unity of the centre; which divides itself into subjective individuality and external
  objectivity; maintains the former in the latter and determines it in an ideal difference。 This
  self…determining unity that absolutely reduces external objectivity to ideality is the principle of
  self…movement the determinateness of this animating principle; which is the difference of the
  Notion itself; is law。 Dead mechanism was the mechanical process considered above of objects
  that appeared immediately as self…subsistent but which for that very reason are; in truth; not
  self…subsistent and have their centre outside themselves; this process; which passes over into rest;
  exhibits either contingency and indeterminate dissimilarity or formal uniformity。 This uniformity is
  indeed a rule; but not a law。 Only free mechanism has a law; the spontaneous determination of
  pure individuality or of the explicated Notion; as difference; it is in its own self the imperishable
  source of self…kindling movement; and since in the ideality of its difference it relates itself to itself
  alone; it is free necessity。
  (c) Transition of Mechanism
  This soul; however; is still submerged in its body: the Notion of the objective totality; determinate
  now but inner; is free necessity — the law has not yet confronted its object; it is the concrete
  centrality as universality immediately expanded into its objectivity。 This ideality; therefore; has not
  the objects themselves for its determinate difference; these are self…subsistent individuals of the
  totality; or also; if we look back to the formal stage; non…individual; external objects。 Law is
  indeed immanent in them and constitutes their nature and power; but its difference is confined
  within its ideality; and the objects are not themselves differentiated into the ideal difference of the
  law。 But it is solely in the ideal centrality and its laws that the object possesses its essential
  self…subsistence; it is therefore powerless to resist the judgment of the Notion and to maintain itself
  in abstract; indeterminate self…subsistence and aloofness。
  By virtue of the ideal difference immanent in it; its existence is a determinateness posited by the
  Notion。 Its lack of self…subsistence is in this way no longer merely a striving towards the centre;
  as against which; just because its relation to it is only a striving; it still has the appearance of a
  self…subsistent external object; on the contrary; it is a striving towards the object specifically
  opposed to it; and similarly the centre itself has in consequence fallen asunder and its negative
  unity passed has over into objectified opposition。 Centrality is; therefore; now a relation of these
  reciprocally negative objectivities in a state of mutual tension。 Thus free mechanism determines
  itself into chemism。
  Chapter 2 Chemism
  Chemism constitutes in objectivity as a whole; the moment of judgment; of the difference that has
  become objective; and of the process。 Since it already begins with determinateness and
  positedness and the chemical object is at the same time an objective totality; its immediate course
  is simple and is completely determined by its presupposition。
  The chemical object is distinguished from the mechanical by the fact that the latter is a totality
  indifferent to determinateness; whereas in the case of the chemical object the determinateness;
  and consequently the relation to other and the kind and manner of this relation; belong to its
  nature。 This determinateness is at the same time essentially a particularisation; that is; it is taken
  up into universality; thus it is a principle — universal determinateness; the determinateness not
  only of the one individual object but also of the other。 In the chemical object; therefore; we now
  have the distinction between its Notion as the inner totality of the two determinatenesses; and the
  determinateness that constitutes the