第 39 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  inferior quality。
  When the identity of subject and predicate are so taken that at one time one Notion
  determination applies to the former and the other to the latter; and at another time the converse
  equally holds good; then the identity is as yet still only an implicit one; on account of the
  self…subsistent diversity of the two sides of the judgment; their posited unity also has these two
  sides; in the first instance as different。 But differenceless identity really constitutes the true relation
  of the subject to the predicate。 The Notion determination is itself essentially relation for it is a
  universal; therefore the same determinations possessed by the subject and predicate are also
  possessed by their relation itself。 The relation is universal; for it is the positive identity of the two;
  of subject and predicate; but it is also determinate; for the determinateness of the predicate is that
  of the subject; further; it is also individual; for in it the self…subsistent extremes are sublated as in
  their negative unity。 However; in the judgment this identity is not as yet posited; the copula is
  present as the still indeterminate relation of being as such: A is B; for in the judgment; the
  elf…subsistence of the Notion determinatenesses or the extremes; is the reality which the Notion
  has within it。 If the is of the copula were already posited as the above determinate and pregnant
  unity of subject and predicate; as their Notion; it would already be the syllogism。
  To restore this identity of the Notion; or rather to posit it; is the goal of the movement of the
  judgment。 What is already present in the judgment is; on the one hand; the self…subsistence of
  subject and predicate; but also their mutually opposed determinateness; and on the other hand
  their none the less abstract relation。 What the judgment enunciates to start with is that the subject
  is the predicate; but since the predicate is supposed not to be what the subject is; we are faced
  with a contradiction which must resolve itself; pass over into a result。 Or rather; since subject
  and predicate are in and for themselves the totality of the Notion; and the judgment is the reality
  of the Notion; its forward movement is only a development; there is already present in it what
  comes forth from it; so that proof is merely an exposition; a reflection as a positing of that which
  is already present in the extremes of the judgment; but even this positing itself is already present; it
  is the relation of the extremes。
  The judgment in its immediacy is in the first instance the judgment of existence; its subject is
  immediately an abstract individual which simply is; and the predicate is an immediate
  determinateness or property of the subject; an abstract universal。
  This qualitative character of subject and predicate being sublated; the determination of the one is
  reflected; to begin with; in the other; the judgment is now; secondly; the judgment of reflection。
  But this more external conjunction passes over into the essential identity of a substantial;
  necessary connection; as such it is; thirdly; the judgment of necessity。
  Fourthly; since in this essential identity the difference of subject and predicate has become a
  form; the judgment becomes subjective; it contains the opposition of the Notion and its reality
  and the equation of the two; it is the judgment of the Notion。
  This emergence of the Notion establishes the transition of the Judgment into the syllogism。
  In the subjective judgment we want to see one and the same object double; first in its individual
  actuality; and then in its essential identity or in its Notion: the individual raised into its universality;
  or; what is the same thing; the universal individualised into its actuality。 In this way the judgment is
  truth: for it is the agreement of the Notion and reality。 But this is not the nature of the judgment at
  first; for at first it is immediate; since as yet no reflection and movement of the determinations has
  appeared in it。 This immediacy makes the first judgment a judgment of existence; it can also be
  called the qualitative judgment; but only in so far as quality does not apply only to the
  determinateness of being but also includes the abstract universality which; on account of its
  simplicity; likewise has the form of immediacy。
  The judgment of existence is also the judgment of inherence; because it is in the form of
  immediacy; and because the subject as distinguished from the predicate is the immediate; and
  consequently the primary and essential feature in a judgment of this kind; the predicate has the
  form of a non…self…subsistent determination that has its foundation in the subject。
  (a) The Positive Judgment
  (b) The Negative Judgment
  (c) The Infinite Judgment
  In the judgment that has now arisen; the subject is an individual as such; and similarly the universal
  is no longer an abstract universality or a single property; but is posited as a universal that has
  gathered itself together into a unity through the relation of distinct terms; or; regarding it from the
  point of view of the content of various determinations in general; as the taking together of various
  properties and existences。 If examples are to be given of predicates of judgments of reflection;
  they must be of another kind than for judgments of existence。 It is in the judgment of reflection that
  we first have; strictly speaking; a determinate content; that is; a content as such; for the content is
  the form determination which is reflected into identity as distinct from the form in so far as this is a
  distinct determinateness…as it still is in the judgment。 In the judgment of existence the content is
  merely an immediate; or abstract; indeterminate content。 The following may therefore serve as
  examples of judgments of reflection: man is mortal; things are perishable; this thing is useful;
  harmful; hardness; elasticity of bodies; happiness; etc。 are predicates of this peculiar kind。
  They express an essential determination; but one which is in a relationship or is a unifying
  This universality; which will further determine itself in the movement of the judgment of reflection;
  is still distinct from the universality of the Notion as such; true; it is no longer the abstract
  universality of the qualitative judgment; but it still possesses a relation to the immediate from which
  it proceeds and has the latter as the basis of its negativity。 The Notion determines the existent; in
  the first instance; to determinations of relation; to self…continuities in the diverse multiplicity of
  concrete existence…yet in such a manner that the genuine universal; though it is the inner essence of
  that multiplicity; is still in the sphere of Appearance; and this relative nature…or even the mark…of
  this multiplicity is still not the moment of being…in…and…for…self of the latter。
  It may suggest itself to define the judgment of reflection as a judgment of quantity; just as the
  judgment of existence was also defined as qualitative judgment。 But just as immediacy in the
  latter was not merely an immediacy which simply is; but one which was essentially also mediated
  and abstract; so here; too; that sublated immediacy is not merely sublated quality; and therefore
  not merely quantity; on the contrary; just as quality is the most external immediacy; so is quantity;
  in the same way; the most external determination belonging to mediation。
  Further; as regards the determination as it appears in its movement in the judgment of reflection;
  it should be remarked that in the judgment of existence the movement of the determination
  showed itself in the predicate; because this judgment was in the determination of immediacy and
  the subject consequently appeared as the basis。 For a similar reason; in the judgment of reflection;
  the onward movement of determining runs its course in the subject; because this judgment has for
  its determination the reflected in…itself。 Here therefore the essential element is the universal or
  the predicate; hence it constitutes the basis by which; and in accordance with which; the subject is
  to be measured and determined。 However; the predicate also receives a further determination
  through the further development of the form of the subject; but this occurs indirectly; whereas the
  development of the subject is; for the reason stated; a direct advance。
  As regards the objective signification of the judgment; the individual; through its universality; enters
  into existence; but in an essential determination of relationship; in an essentiality which maintains
  itself throughout the multiplicity of the world of Appearance; the subject is supposed to be
  determinate in and for itself; this determinateness it possesses in its predicate。 The individual; on
  the other hand; is reflected into this its predicate which is its universal essence; the subject is in so
  far a concrete existence in the world of Appearance。 The predicate in this judgment no longer
  inheres in the subject; it is rather the implicit being under which this individual is subsumed as an
  accidental。 If the judgments of existen