第 24 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9319
  is as self…mediated through its negation; which negation essence itself is; it is therefore the identical
  unity of absolute negativity and immediacy。 The negativity is negativity per se; it is its relation to
  itself and is thus in itself immediacy; but it is negative self…relation; a negating that is a repelling of
  itself; and the intrinsic immediacy is thus negative or determinate in regard to it。 But this
  determinateness is itself absolute negativity; and this determining which is; as determining;
  immediately the sublating of itself; is a return…into…self。
  Illusory being is the negative that has a being; but in an other; in its negation; it is a
  non…self…subsistent being which is in its own self…sublated and null。 As such; it is the negative
  returned into itself; non…self…subsistent being as in its own self not self…subsistent。 This self…relation
  of the negative or of non…self…subsistent being is its immediacy; it is an other than the negative
  itself; it is its determinateness over against itself; or it is the negation directed against the negative。
  But negation directed against the negative is purely self…related negativity; the absolute sublating of
  the determinateness itself。
  The determinateness; therefore; which illusory being is in essence is infinite determinateness; it is
  the purely self…coincident negative; it is thus the determinateness which as such is self…subsistent
  and indeterminate。 Conversely; the self…subsistent; as self…related immediacy; is equally sheer
  determinateness and moment and is only as self…related negativity。 This negativity that is identical
  with immediacy and immediacy that is thus identical with negativity; is essence。 Illusory being;
  therefore; is essence itself; but essence in a determinateness; in such a manner; however; that this
  is only a moment of essence and essence is the reflection of itself within itself。
  In the sphere of being; there arises over against being as an immediacy; non…being; which is
  likewise an immediacy; and their truth is becoming。 In the sphere of essence; we have first
  essence opposed to the unessential; then essence opposed to illusory being; that is; to the
  unessential and to illusory bel rig as the remainder of being。 But both essence and illusory being;
  and also the difference of essence from them; derive solely from the fact that essence is at first
  taken as an immediate; not as it is in itself; namely; not as an immediacy that is as pure mediation
  or absolute negativity。 The first immediacy is thus only the determinateness of immediacy。 The
  sublating of this determinateness of essence; therefore; consists simply and solely in showing that
  the unessential is only illusory being and that the truth is rather that essence contains the illusory
  being within itself as the infinite immanent movement that determines its immediacy as negativity
  and its negativity as immediacy; and is thus the reflection of itself within itself。 Essence in this its
  self…movement is reflection
  (a) Positing Reflection
  (b) External Reflection
  (c) Determining Reflection
  Chapter 2 The Essentialities or Determinations of Reflection
  Reflection is determinate reflection; hence essence is determinate essence; or it is an essentiality。
  Reflection is the showing of the illusory being of essence within essence itself。 Essence; as
  infinite return…into…self; is not immediate but negative simplicity; it is a movement through distinct
  moments; absolute self…mediation。 But it reflects itself into these its moments which consequently
  are themselves determinations reflected into themselves。
  Essence is at first; simple self…relation; pure identity。 This is its determination; but as such it is
  rather the absence of any determination。
  Secondly; the proper determination is difference; a difference that is; on the one hand; external or
  indifferent; diversity in general; and on the other hand; is opposed diversity or opposition。
  Thirdly; as contradiction; the opposition is reflected into itself and withdrawn into its ground。
  Remark: The Categories of Reflection
  (a) Absolute Difference
  (b) Diversity
  Remark: The Law of Diversity
  Diversity; like identity; is expressed in its own law。 And both these laws are held apart as
  indifferently different; so that each is valid on its own without respect to the other。
  All things are different; or: there are no two things like each other。 This proposition is; in fact;
  opposed to the law of identity; for it declares: A is distinctive; therefore A is also not A; or: A is
  unlike something else; so that it is not simply A but rather a specific A。 A's place in the law of
  identity can be taken by any other substrate; but A as distinctive 'als Ungleiches' can no longer
  be exchanged with any other。 True; it is supposed to be distinctive; not from itself; but only from
  another; but this distinctiveness is its own determination。 As self…identical A; it is indeterminate;
  but as determinate it is the opposite of this; it no longer has only self…identity; but also a negation
  and therefore a difference of itself from itself within it。
  That everything is different from everything else is a very superfluous proposition; for things in the
  plural immediately involve manyness and wholly indeterminate diversity。 But the proposition that
  no two things are completely like each other; expresses more; namely; determinate difference。
  Two things are not merely two — numerical manyness is only one…and…the…sameness — but they
  are different through a determination。 Ordinary thinking is struck by the proposition that no two
  things are like each other — as in the story of how Leibniz propounded it at court and caused the
  ladies to look at the leaves of trees to see whether they could find two alike。 Happy times for
  metaphysics when it was the occupation of courtiers and the testing of its propositions called for
  no more exertion than to compare leaves! The reason why this proposition is striking lies in what
  has been said; that two; or numerical manyness; does not contain any determinate difference and
  that diversity as such; in its abstraction; is at first indifferent to likeness and unlikeness。 Ordinary
  thinking; even when it goes on to a determination of diversity; takes these moments themselves to
  be mutually indifferent; so that one without the other; the mere likeness of things without
  unlikeness; suffices to determine whether the things are different even when they are only a
  numerical many; not unlike; but simply different without further qualification。 The law of diversity;
  on the other hand; asserts that things are different from one another through unlikeness; that the
  determination of unlikeness belongs to them just as much as that of likeness; for determinate
  difference is constituted only by both together。
  Now this proposition that unlikeness must be predicated of all things; surely stands in need of
  proof; it cannot be set up as an immediate proposition; for even in the ordinary mode of cognition
  a proof is demanded of the combination of different determinations in a synthetic proposition; or
  else the indication of a third term in which they are mediated。 This proof would have to exhibit the
  passage of identity into difference; and then the passage of this into determinate difference; into
  unlikeness。 But as a rule this is not done。 We have found that diversity or external difference is; in
  truth; reflected into itself; is difference in its own self; that the indifferent subsistence of the diverse
  is a mere positedness and therefore not an external; indifferent difference; but a single relation of
  the two moments。
  This involves the dissolution and nullity of the law of diversity。 Two things are not perfectly alike;
  so they are at once alike and unlike; alike;;simply because they are things; or just two; without
  further qualification…for each is a thing and a one; no less than the other…but they are unlike ex
  hypothesi。 We are therefore presented with this determination; that both moments; likeness and
  unlikeness; are different in one and the same thing; or that the difference; while falling asunder; is at
  the same time one and the same relation。 This has therefore passed over Into opposition。
  The togetherness of both predicates is held asunder by the 'in so far'; namely; when it is said that
  two things are alike in so far as they are not unlike; or on the one side or in one respect are alike;
  but on another side or in another respect are unalike。 The effect of this is to remove the unity of
  likeness and unlikeness from the thing; and to adhere to what would be the thing's own reflection
  and the merely implicit reflection of likeness and unlikeness; as a reflection external to the thing。
  But it is this reflection that; in one and the same activity; distinguishes the two sides of likeness
  and unlikeness; hence contains both in one activity; lets the one show; be reflected; in the other。
  But the usual tenderness for things; whose only care is that they do not contradict themselves;
  forgets here as elsewhere that in this way the contradiction is not resolved but merely shifted
  elsewhere; i