第 1 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  by Hegel
  Preface to the First Edition
  Preface to the Second Edition
  Introduction: General Notion of Logic
  Introduction: General Division of Logic
  With What must Science Begin?
  General Division of Being
  Section One: Determinateness (Quality)
  Chapter 1 Being
  A Being
  B Nothing
  C Becoming
  1。 Unity of Being and Nothing
  2。 Moments of Becoming: Coming…to…be and Ceasing…to…be
  3。 Sublation of Becoming
  Chapter 2 Determinate Being
  A Determinate Being as Such
  (a) Determinate Being in General
  (b) Quality
  (c) Something
  B Finitude
  (a) Something and Other
  (b) Determination; Constitution and Limit
  (c) Finitude
  'a' The Immediacy of Finitude
  'b' Limitation and the Ought
  'c' Transition of the Finite into the Infinite
  C Infinity
  (a) The Infinite in General
  (b) Alternating Determination of the Finite and the Infinite
  (c) Affirmative Infinity
  Chapter 3 Being…for…self
  A Being…for…self as such
  (a) Determinate Being and Being…for…self
  (b) Being…for…one
  (c) The One
  B The One and the Many
  (a) The One in its own self
  (b) The One and the Void
  (c) Many Ones … Repulsion
  C Repulsion and Attraction
  (a) Exclusion of the One
  (b) The one One of Attraction
  (c) The Relation of Repulsion and Attraction
  Section Two: Magnitude (Quantity)
  Chapter 1 Quantity
  A Pure Quantity
  B Continuous and Discrete Magnitude
  C Limitation of Quantity
  Chapter 2 Quantum
  A Number
  B Extensive and Intensive Quantum
  (a) Their Difference
  (b) Identity of Extensive and Intensive Magnitude
  (c) Alteration of Quantum
  C Quantitative Infinity
  (a) Its Notion
  (b) The Qualitative Infinite Progress
  (c) The Infinity of Quantum
  Chapter 3 The Quantitative Relation or Quantiative Ratio
  A The Direct Ratio
  B Inverse Ratio
  C The Ratio of Powers
  Section Three: Measure
  Chapter 1 Specific Quantity
  A The Specific Quantum
  B Specifying Measure
  (a) The Rule
  (b) Specifying Measure
  (c) Relation of the Two Sides as Qualities
  C Being…for…self in Measure
  Chapter 2 Real Measure
  A The Relation of Self…Subsistent Measures
  (a) Combination of Two Measures
  (b) Measure of a Series of Measure Relations
  (c) Elective Affinity
  B Nodal Line of Measure Relations
  C The Measureless
  Chapter 3 The Becoming of Essence
  A Absolute Indifference
  B Indifference as an Inverse Ration of its Factors
  C Transition into Essence
  Section One: Essence as Reflection
  Within Itself
  Chapter 1 Illusory Being 'Semblance'
  A The Essential and the Unessential
  B Illusory Being
  C Reflection
  (a) Positing Reflection
  (b) External Reflection
  (c) Determining Reflection
  Chapter 2 The Essentialities or Determinations of Reflection
  A Identity
  B Difference
  (a) Absolute Difference
  (b) Diversity
  (c) Opposition
  C Contradiction
  Chapter 3 Ground
  A Absolute Ground
  (a) Form and Essence
  (b) Form and Matter
  (c) Form and Content
  B Determinate Ground
  (a) Formal Ground
  (b) Real Ground
  (c) The Complete Ground
  C Condition
  (a) The Relatively Unconditioned
  (b) The Absolutely Unconditioned
  (c) The Emergence of the Fact into Existence
  Section Two: Appearance
  Chapter 1 Existence
  A The Thing and its Properties
  (a) Thing…in…itself and Existence
  (b) Property
  (c) The Reciprocal Action of Things
  B The Constitution of the Thing out of Matters
  C Dissolution of the Thing
  Chapter 2 Appearance
  A The Law of Appearance
  B The World of Appearance and the World…in…itself
  C Disslution of Appearance
  Chapter 3 The Essential Relation
  A The Relation of Whole and Parts
  B The Relation of Force and its Expression
  (a) The Conditionedness of Force
  (b) The Solicitation of Force
  (c) The Infinity of Force
  C Relation of Outer and Inner
  Section Three: Actuality
  Chapter 1 The Absolute
  A The Exposition of the Absolute
  B The Absolute Attribute
  C The Mode of the Absolute
  Chapter 2 Actuality
  A Contingency; or Formal Actuality; Possibility and Necessity
  B Relative Necessity; or Real Actuality; Possibility and Necessity
  C Absolute Necessity
  Chapter 3 The Absolute Relation
  A The Relation of Substantiality
  B The Relation of Causality
  (a) Formal Causality
  (b) The Determinate Relation of Causality
  (c) Action and Reaction
  C Reciprocity
  The Notion in General
  Section One: Subjectivity
  Chapter 1 The Notion
  A The Universal Notion
  B The Particular Notion
  C The Individual
  Chapter 2 The Judgment
  A The Judgement of Existence
  (a) The Positive Judgment
  (b) The Negative Judgment
  (c) The Infinite Judgment
  B The Judgment of Reflection
  (a) The Singular Judgment
  (b) The Particular Judgment
  (c) The Universal Judgment
  C The Judgment of Necessity
  (a) The Categorical Judgment
  (b) The Hyopthetical Judgment
  (c) The Disjunctive Judgment
  D The Judgment of the Notion
  (a) The Assertoric Judgment
  (b) The Problematic Judgment
  (c) The Apodetic Judgment
  Chapter 3 The Syllogism
  A The Syllogism of Existence
  (a) First Figure of the Syllogism
  (b) The Seond Figure P…I…U
  (c) The Third Figure I…U…P
  (d) The Fourth Figure U…U…U
  B The Syllogism of Reflection
  (a) The Syllogism of Allness
  (b) The Syllogism of Induction
  (c) The Syllogism of Analogy
  C The Syllogism of Necessity
  (a) The Categorical Syllogism
  (b) The Hypothetical Syllogism
  (c) The Disjunctive Syllogism
  Section Two: Objectivity
  Chapter 1 Mechanism
  A The Mechanical Object
  B The Mechanical Process
  (a) The Formal Mechanical Process
  (b) The Real Mechanical Process
  (c) The Product of the Mechanical Process
  C Absolute Mechanism
  (a) The Centre
  (b) Law
  (c) Transition of Mechanism
  Chapter 2 Chemism
  A The Chemical Object
  B The Chemical Process
  C Transition of Chemism
  Chapter 3 Teleology
  A The Subjective End
  B The Means
  C The Realised End
  Section Three: The Idea
  Chapter 1 Life
  A The Living Individual
  B The Life Process
  C The Genus 'Kind'
  Chapter 2 The Idea of Cognition
  A The Idea of the True
  (a) Analytic Cognition
  (b) Synthetic Cognition
  1。 Definition
  2。 Division
  3。 The Theorem
  B The Idea of the Good
  Chapter 3 The Absolute Idea
  Preface to the First Edition
  The complete transformation which philosophical thought in Germany has undergone in the last
  twenty…five years and the higher standpoint reached by spirit in its awareness of itself; have had
  but little influence as yet on the structure of logic。
  That which; prior to this period; was called metaphysics has been; so to speak; extirpated root
  and branch and has vanished from the ranks of the sciences。 The ontology; rational psychology;
  cosmology; yes even natural theology; of former times…where is now to be heard any mention of
  them; or who would venture to mention them? Inquiries; for instance; into the immateriality of the
  soul; into efficient and final causes; where should these still arouse any interest? Even the former
  proofs of the existence of God are cited only for their historical interest or for purposes of
  edification and uplifting the e