第 17 节
作者:沸点123      更新:2021-02-27 02:03      字数:9322
  destroys   the   freedom   of   reminiscence;   takes   away   the   spontaneity;   and
  substitutes a mastery of form for a mastery of essence。 It means; rather; a
  perfect   grasp   of   the   gist   of   the   story;   with   sufficient   familiarity   with   its
  form to determine the manner of its telling。 The easiest way to obtain this
  mastery is; I think; to analyse the story into its simplest elements of plot。
  Strip it bare of style; description; interpolation; and find out simply WHAT
  HAPPENED。            Personally;     I  find   that   I  get   first  an   especially     vivid
  conception   of   the   climax;   this   then   has   to   be   rounded   out   by   a   clear
  perception of the successive steps which lead up to the climax。 One has; so;
  the framework of the story。 The next process is the filling in。
  There   must   be   many   ways   of   going   about   this   filling   in。   Doubtless
  many of my readers; in the days when it was their pet ambition to make a
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  good recitation   in   school; evolved personally  effective ways   of   doing   it;
  for it is; after all; the same thing as preparing a bit of history or a recitation
  in literature。   But   for   the   consideration   of   those   who   find   it   hard   to   gain
  mastery of fact without mastery of its stated form; I give my own way。 I
  have always used the childlike plan of talking it out。 Sometimes inaudibly;
  sometimes   in   loud   and   penetrating   tones   which   arouse   the   sympathetic
  curiosity of my family; I tell it over and over; to an imaginary hearer。 That
  hearer is as present to me; always has been; as Stevenson's 〃friend of the
  children〃 who takes the part of the enemy in their solitary games of war。
  His criticism (though he is a most composite double… sexed creature who
  should     not   have    a  designating      personal    pronoun)      is  all…revealing。    For
  talking it out instantly brings to light the weak spots in one's recollection。
  〃What was it the little crocodile said?〃 〃Just how did the little pig get into
  his   house?〃   〃What   was   that   link   in   the   chain   of   circumstances   which
  brought   the   wily   fox   to   confusion?〃   The   slightest   cloud   of   uncertainty
  becomes obvious in a moment。 And as obvious becomes one's paucity of
  expression; one's week…kneed imagination; one's imperfect assimilation of
  the spirit of the story。 It is not a flattering process。
  But   when   these   faults   have   been   corrected   by   several   attempts;   the
  method   gives   a   confidence;   a   sense   of   sureness;   which   makes   the   real
  telling   to   a   real   audience   ready   and   spontaneously   smooth。   Scarcely   an
  epithet or   a sentence   comes   out   as   it   was   in   the   preliminary  telling;   but
  epithets and sentences in sufficiency do come; the beauty of this method is
  that it brings freedom instead of bondage。
  A  valuable   exception   to   the   rule   against   memorising   must   be   noted
  here。 Especially beautiful and indicative phrases of the original should be
  retained;   and   even   whole   passages;   where   they   are   identified   with   the
  beauty of the tale。 And in stories like The Three Bears or Red Riding Hood
  the   exact   phraseology   of   the   conversation   as   given   in   familiar   versions
  should be preserved; it is in a way sacred; a classic; and not to be altered。
  But   beyond   this   the   language   should   be   the   teller's   own;   and   probably
  never twice the same。 Sureness; ease; freedom; and the effect of personal
  reminiscence come only from complete mastery。 I repeat; with emphasis:
  Know your story。
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  The     next    suggestion      is   a   purely    practical    one    concerning       the
  preparation of physical conditions。 See that the children are seated in close
  and     direct   range     of   your    eye;   the   familiar     half…circle    is   the   best
  arrangement for small groups of children; but the teacher should be at a
  point OPPOSITE the centre of the arc; NOT in its centre: it is important
  also not to have the ends too far at the side; and to have no child directly
  behind another; or in such a position that he has not an easy view of the
  teacher's full face。 Little children have to be physically close in order to be
  mentally close。 It is; of course; desirable to obtain a hushed quiet before
  beginning;   but   it   is   not   so   important   as   to   preserve   your   own   mood   of
  holiday; and theirs。 If the fates and the atmosphere of the day are against
  you; it is wiser to trust to the drawing power of the tale itself; and abate the
  irritation of didactic methods。 And never break into that magic tale; once
  begun;   with   an   admonition   to   Ethel   or   Tommy   to   stop   squirming;   or   a
  rebuke to 〃that little girl over there who is not listening。〃 Make her listen!
  It is probably your fault if she is not。 If you are telling a good story; and
  telling it   well;  she  can't help listening;unless   she  is   an   abnormal   child;
  and if she is abnormal   you ought not to spoil   the mood of   the others   to
  attend to her。
  I say 〃never〃 interrupt your story; perhaps it is only fair to amend that;
  after   the   fashion   of   dear   little   Marjorie   Fleming;   and   say   〃neverif   you
  can     help   it。〃   For;   of   course;    there    are   exceptional      occasions;     and
  exceptional children; some latitude must be left for the decisions of good
  common sense acting on the issue of the moment。
  The children ready; your own mood must be ready。 It is desirable that
  the    spirit  of   the   story   should    be   imposed      upon    the   room     from    the
  beginning;   and   this   result   hangs   on   the   clearness   and   intensity   of   the
  teller's initiatory mood。 An act of memory and of will is the requisite。 The
  story…teller     must    call  upit   comes     with   the   swiftness     of  thoughtthe
  essential emotion of the story as he felt it first。 A single volition puts him
  in touch with the characters and the movement of the tale。 This is scarcely
  more than a brief and condensed reminiscence; it is the stepping back into
  a mood once experienced。
  Let us say; for example; that the story to be told is the immortal fable
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  of The Ugly Duckling。 Before you open your lips the whole pathetic series
  of the little swan's mishaps should flash across your mind;not accurately
  and   in   detail;   but   blended   to   a   composite   of   undeserved   ignominy;   of
  baffled     innocent     wonderment;        and   of   delicious     underlying      satire   on
  average   views。   With   this   is   mingled   the   feeling   of   Andersen's   delicate
  whimsicality of style。 The dear little Ugly Duckling waddles; bodily; into
  your consciousness; and you pity his sorrows and anticipate his triumph;
  before you begin。
  This   preliminary   recognition   of   mood   is   what   brings   the   delicious
  quizzical twitch to the mouth of a good raconteur who begins an anecdote
  the hearers know will be side…splitting。 It is what makes grandmother sigh
  gently and look far over your heads; when her soft voice commences the
  story   of   〃the   little   girl   who   lived   long;   long   ago。〃   It   is   a   natural   and
  instinctive  thing   with   the  born story…teller;   a  necessary  thing   for   anyone
  who will become a story…teller。
  From   the     very   start;  the   mood     of  the   tale  should    be   definite   and
  authoritative;      beginning      with    the   mood     of  the   teller   and    emanating
  therefrom      in   proportion     as  the   physique     of  the   teller  is  a  responsive
  Now      we   are   off。   Knowing      your    story;   having    your    hearers    well
  arranged; and being as thoroughly as you are able in the right mood; you
  begin to tell it。 Tell it; then; simply; directly; dramatically; with zest。
  SIMPLY   applies   both   to   manner   and   matter。   As   to   manner;   I   mean
  without affectation; without any form of pretence; in short; without posing。
  It is a pity to 〃talk down〃 to the children; to assume a honeyed voice; to
  think    of   the  edifying    or   educational     value    of  the  work     one   is  doing。
  Naturalness; being oneself; is the desideratum。 I wonder why we so often
  use a preposterous voice;a su