第 14 节
作者:沸点123      更新:2021-02-27 02:03      字数:9322
  links in the chain? How much of the text is pure description?
  Having   this   essential   body   of   the   story   in   mind;   one   then   decides
  which of the steps toward the climax are needed for safe arrival there; and
  keeps these。 When two or more steps can be covered in a single stride; one
  makes   the   stride。   When   a   necessary   explanation   is   unduly   long;   or   is
  woven      into   the  story   in  too   many     strands;   one    disposes    of  it  in  an
  introductory   statement;   or   perhaps   in   a   side   remark。   If   there   are   two   or
  more threads of narrative; one chooses among them; and holds strictly to
  the one chosen; eliminating details which concern the others。
  In order to hold the simplicity of plot so attained; it is also desirable to
  have but   few personages   in the story; and   to narrate the action   from  the
  point of view of one of them;usually the hero。 To shift the point of view
  of the action is confusing to the child's mind。
  … Page 50…
  When      the   analysis   and    condensation      have    been   accomplished;       the
  whole must be cast in simple language; keeping if possible the same kind
  of speech as that used in the original; but changing difficult or technical
  terms to plain; and complex images to simple and familiar ones。
  All types of adaptation share in this need of simple language;stories
  which are too short; as well as those which are too long; have this feature
  in   their   changed   form。   The   change   in   a   short   story   is   applied   oftenest
  where   it   becomes   desirable   to   amplify   a   single   anecdote;   or   perhaps   a
  fable;   which   is   told   in   very   condensed   form。   Such   an   instance   is      the
  following anecdote of heroism; which in the original is quoted in one of F。
  W。 Robertson's lectures on Poetry。
  A   detachment      of   troops   was    marching      along    a  valley;   the  cliffs
  overhanging   which   were   crested   by   the   enemy。 A  sergeant;   with   eleven
  men; chanced to become separated from the rest by taking the wrong side
  of   a   ravine;  which   they  expected   soon   to   terminate; but   which   suddenly
  deepened into an impassable chasm。 The officer in command signalled to
  the   party  an   order   to   return。 They   mistook   the   signal   for   a   command   to
  charge;   the   brave   fellows   answered   with   a   cheer;   and   charged。   At   the
  summit   of   the   steep   mountain   was   a   triangular   platform;   defended   by   a
  breastwork; behind which were seventy of the foe。 On they went; charging
  up one of those fearful paths; eleven against seventy。 The contest could not
  long be doubtful with such odds。 One after another they fell; six upon the
  spot; the remainder hurled backwards; but not until they had slain nearly
  twice their own number。
  There is a custom; we are told; amongst the hillsmen; that when a great
  chieftain of their own falls in battle; his wrist is bound with a thread either
  of red or green; the red denoting the highest rank。 According to custom;
  they  stripped   the   dead;   and   threw   their   bodies over   the   precipice。 When
  their comrades came; they found their corpses stark and gashed; but round
  both wrists of every British hero was twined the red thread!
  This   anecdote   serves   its   purpose   of   illustration   perfectly   well;   but
  considered as a separate story it is somewhat too explanatory in diction;
  and too condensed in form。 Just as the long story is analysed for reduction
  of given details; so this must be analysed;to find the details implied。 We
  … Page 51…
  have to read into it again all that has been left between the lines。
  Moreover; the order must be slightly changed; if we are to end with the
  proper 〃snap;〃 the final sting of surprise and admiration given by the point
  of the story; the point must be prepared for。 The purpose of the original is
  equally   well   served   by   the   explanation   at   the   end;   but   we   must   never
  forget that the place for the climax; or effective point in a story told; is the
  last thing said。 That is what makes a story 〃go off〃 well。
  Imagining      vividly   the   situation   suggested;     and   keeping    the  logical
  sequence of facts in mind; shall we not find the story telling itself to boys
  and girls in somewhat this form?
  '1' See also The Red Thread of Honour; by Sir Francis Doyle; in Lyra
  This   story   which   I   am   going   to   tell   you   is   a   true   one。   It   happened
  while the English troops in India were fighting against some of the native
  tribes。 The  natives   who   were  making   trouble   were   people   from  the   hill…
  country; called Hillsmen; and they were strong enemies。 The English knew
  very   little   about   them;   except   their   courage;   but   they   had   noticed   one
  peculiar custom; after certain battles;the Hillsmen had a way of marking
  the bodies of their greatest chiefs who were killed in battle by binding a
  red   thread   about   the  wrist;   this   was   the highest   tribute  they  could   pay  a
  hero。 The English; however; found the common men of them quite enough
  to   handle;   for   they   had   proved   themselves   good   fighters   and   clever   at
  One day; a small body of the English had marched a long way into the
  hill country; after the enemy; and in the afternoon they found themselves
  in   a   part   of   the   country   strange   even   to   the   guides。   The   men  moved
  forward very slowly and cautiously; for fear of an ambush。 The trail led
  into a narrow valley with very steep; high; rocky sides; topped with woods
  in which the enemy might easily hide。
  Here the soldiers were ordered to advance more quickly; though with
  caution; to get out of the dangerous place。
  After   a   little   they   came   suddenly   to   a   place   where   the   passage   was
  divided in two by a big three…cornered boulder which seemed to rise from
  … Page 52…
  the   midst   of   the   valley。 The   main   line   of   men   kept   to   the   right;   to   save
  crowding the path; a sergeant and eleven men took the left; meaning to go
  round the rock and meet the rest beyond it。
  They had been in the path only a few minutes when they saw that the
  rock   was   not   a   single   boulder   at   all;   but   an   arm   of   the   left   wall   of   the
  valley;   and   that   they   were   marching   into   a   deep   ravine   with   no   outlet
  except      the   way     they   came。     Both     sides   were     sheer    rock;    almost
  perpendicular; with thick trees at the top; in front of them the ground rose
  in a steep hill; bare of woods。 As they looked up; they saw that the top was
  barricaded      by   the  trunks    of  trees;   and   guarded     by   a  strong   body    of
  Hillsmen。 As the English hesitated; looking at this; a shower of spears fell
  from the wood's edge; aimed by hidden foes。 The place was a death trap。
  At this moment; their danger was seen by the officer in command of
  the main body; and he signalled to the sergeant to retreat。
  By some terrible mischance; the signal was misunderstood。 The men
  took it for the signal to charge。 Without a moment's pause; straight up the
  slope; they charged on the run; cheering as they ran。
  Some   were   killed      by   the   spears  that   were   thrown     from   the   cliffs;
  before   they   had   gone   half   way;   some   were   stabbed   as   they   reached   the
  crest; and hurled backward from the precipice; two or three got to the top;
  and   fought   hand   to   hand   with   the   Hillsmen。   They   were   outnumbered;
  seven to one; but when the last of the English soldiers lay dead; twice their
  number of Hillsmen lay dead around them!
  When the relief party reached the spot; later in the day; they found the
  bodies     of   their  comrades;      full  of  wounds;      huddled     over   and    in  the
  barricade;     or   crushed    on   the   rocks   below。    They     were    mutilated    and
  battered;     and   bore   every    sign   of  the  terrible   struggle。    BUT     ROUND
  The Hillsmen had paid greater honour to their heroic foes than to the
  bravest of their own brave d