第 1 节
作者:辩论      更新:2021-02-27 01:50      字数:9322
  by Plutarch
  translated by John Dryden
  HAVING described all their actions that seem to deserve
  commemoration; their military ones; we may say; incline the balance
  very decidedly upon neither side。 They both; in pretty equal
  measure; displayed on numerous occasions the daring and courage of the
  soldier; and the skill and foresight of the general; unless; indeed;
  the fact that Alcibiades was victorious and successful in many
  contests both by sea and land; ought to gain him the title of a more
  complete commander。 That so long as they remained and held command
  in their respective countries they eminently sustained; and when
  they were driven into exile yet more eminently damaged; the fortunes
  of those countries; is common to both。 All the sober citizens felt
  disgust at the petulance; the low flattery; and base seductions
  which Alcibiades; in his public life; allowed himself to employ with
  the view of winning the people's favour; and the ungraciousness;
  pride; and oligarchical haughtiness which Marcius; on the other
  hand; displayed in his; were the abhorrence of the Roman populace。
  Neither of these courses can be called commendable; but a man who
  ingratiates himself by indulgence and flattery is hardly so censurable
  as one who; to avoid the appearance of flattering; insults。 To seek
  power by servility to the people is a disgrace; but to maintain it
  by terror; violence; and oppression is not a disgrace only; but an
  Marcius; according to our common conceptions of his character; was
  undoubtedly simple and straightforward; Alcibiades; unscrupulous as
  a public man; and false。 He is more especially blamed for the
  dishonourable and treacherous way in which; as Thucydides relates;
  he imposed upon the Lacedaemonian ambassadors; and disturbed the
  continuance of the peace。 Yet this policy; which engaged the city
  again in war; nevertheless placed it in a powerful and formidable
  position; by the accession; which Alcibiades obtained for it; of the
  alliance of Argos and Mantinea。 And Coriolanus also; Dionysius
  relates; used unfair means to excite war between the Romans and the
  Volscians; in the false report which he spread about the visitors at
  the Games; and the motive of this action seems to make it the worse of
  the two; since it was not done; like the other; out of ordinary
  political jealousy; strife; and competition。 Simply to gratify anger
  from which; as Ion says; no one ever yet got any return; he threw
  whole districts of Italy into confusion; and sacrificed to his passion
  against his country numerous innocent cities。 It is true; indeed; that
  Alcibiades also; by his resentment; was the occasion of great
  disasters to his country; but he relented as soon as he found their
  feelings to be changed; and after he was driven out a second time;
  so far from taking pleasure in the errors and inadvertencies of
  their commanders; or being indifferent to the danger they were thus
  incurring; he did the very thing that Aristides is so highly commended
  for doing to Themistocles; he came to the generals who were his
  enemies; and pointed out to them what they ought to do。 Coriolanus; on
  the other hand; first of all attacked the whole body of his
  countrymen; though only one portion of them had done him any wrong;
  while the other; the better and nobler portion; had actually suffered;
  as well as sympathized; with him。 And; secondly; by the obduracy
  with which he resisted numerous embassies and supplications; addressed
  in propitiation of his single anger and offence; he showed that it had
  been to destroy and overthrow; not to recover and regain his
  country; that he had excited bitter and implacable hostilities against
  it。 There is; indeed; one distinction that may be drawn。 Alcibiades;
  it may be said; was not safe among the Spartans; and had the
  inducements at once of fear and of hatred to lead him again to Athens;
  whereas Marcius could not honourably have left the Volscians; when
  they were behaving so well to him: he; in the command of their
  forces and the enjoyment of their entire confidence; was in a very
  different position from Alcibiades; whom the Lacedaemonians did not so
  much wish to adopt into their service; as to use and then abandon。
  Driven about from house to house in the city; and from general to
  general in the camp; the latter had no resort but to place himself
  in the hands of Tisaphernes; unless; indeed; we are to suppose that
  his object in courting favour with him was to avert the entire
  destruction of his native city; whither he wished himself to return。
  As regards money; Alcibiades; we are told; was often guilty of
  procuring it by accepting bribes; and spent it ill in luxury and
  dissipation。 Coriolanus declined to receive it; even when pressed upon
  him by his commanders as an honour; and one great reason for the odium
  he incurred with the populace in the discussions about their debts
  was; that he trampled upon the poor; not for money's sake; but out
  of pride and insolence。
  Antipater; in a letter written upon the death of Aristotle the
  philosopher; observes; 〃Amongst his other gifts he had that of
  persuasiveness;〃 and the absence of this in the character of Marcius
  made all his great actions and noble qualities unacceptable to those
  whom they benefited: pride; and self…will; the consort; as Plato calls
  it; of solitude; made him insufferable。 With the skill which
  Alcibiades; on the contrary; possessed to treat every one in the way
  most agreeable to him; we cannot wonder that all his successes were
  attended with the most exuberant favour and honour; his very errors;
  at times; being accompanied by something of grace and felicity。 And so
  in spite of great and frequent hurt that he had done the city; he
  was repeatedly appointed to office and command; while Coriolanus stood
  in vain for a place which his great services had made his due。 The
  one; in spite of the harm he occasioned; could not make himself hated;
  nor the other; with all the admiration he attracted; succeeded in
  being beloved by his countrymen。
  Coriolanus; moreover; it should be said; did not as a general obtain
  any successes for his country; but only for his enemies against his
  country。 Alcibiades was often of service to Athens; both as a
  soldier and as a commander。 So long as he was personally present; he
  had the perfect mastery of his political adversaries; calumny only
  succeeded in his absence。 Coriolanus was condemned in person at
  Rome; and in like manner killed by the Volscians; not indeed with
  any right or justice; yet not without some pretext occasioned by his
  own acts; since; after rejecting all conditions of peace in public; in
  private he yielded to the solicitations of the women and; without
  establishing peace; threw up the favourable chances of war。 He
  ought; before retiring; to have obtained the consent of those who
  had placed their trust in him; if indeed he considered their claims on
  him to be the strongest。 Or; if we say that he did not care about
  the Volscians; but merely had prosecuted the war; which he now
  abandoned; for the satisfaction of his own resentment; then the
  noble thing would have been; not to spare his country for his mother's
  sake; but his mother in and with his country; since both his mother
  and his wife were part and parcel of that endangered country。 After
  harshly repelling public supplications; the entreaties of ambassadors;
  and the prayers of priests; to concede all as a private favour to
  his mother was less an honour to her than a dishonour to the city
  which thus escaped; in spite; it would seem; of its own demerits
  through the intercession of a single woman。 Such a grace could;
  indeed; seem merely invidious; ungracious; and unreasonable in the
  eyes of both parties; he retreated without listening to the
  persuasions of his opponents or asking the consent of his friends。 The
  origin of all lay in his unsociable; supercilious; and self…willed
  disposition; which; in all cases; is offensive to most people; and
  when combined with a passion for distinction passes into absolute
  savageness and mercilessness。 Men decline to ask favours of the
  people; professing not to need any honours from them; and then are
  indignant if they do not obtain them。 Metellus; Aristides; and
  Epaminondas certainly did not beg favours of the multitude; but that
  was because they; in real truth; did not value the gifts which a
  popular body can either confer or refuse; and when they were more than
  once driven into exile; rejected at elections; and condemned in courts
  of justice; they showed no resentment at the ill…humour of their
  fellow…citizens; but were willing and contented to return and be
  reconciled when the feeling altered and they were wished for。 He who
  least likes courting favour; ought also least to think of resenting
  neglect; to feel wounded at being refused a distinction can only arise
  from an overweening appetite to have it。
  Alcibiades never professed to deny that it was pleasant to him to be
  honoured; and distasteful to him to be overlooked; and; accordingly;
  he always tried to place himself upon good