第 1 节
作者:乐乐陶陶      更新:2021-02-27 00:56      字数:9322
  On a certain afternoon; in the late springtime; the bell upon
  Tunstall Moat House was heard ringing at an unaccustomed hour。  Far
  and near; in the forest and in the fields along the river; people
  began to desert their labours and hurry towards the sound; and in
  Tunstall hamlet a group of poor country…folk stood wondering at the
  Tunstall hamlet at that period; in the reign of old King Henry VI。;
  wore much the same appearance as it wears to…day。  A score or so of
  houses; heavily framed with oak; stood scattered in a long green
  valley ascending from the river。  At the foot; the road crossed a
  bridge; and mounting on the other side; disappeared into the
  fringes of the forest on its way to the Moat House; and further
  forth to Holywood Abbey。  Half…way up the village; the church stood
  among yews。  On every side the slopes were crowned and the view
  bounded by the green elms and greening oak…trees of the forest。
  Hard by the bridge; there was a stone cross upon a knoll; and here
  the group had collected … half a dozen women and one tall fellow in
  a russet smock … discussing what the bell betided。  An express had
  gone through the hamlet half an hour before; and drunk a pot of ale
  in the saddle; not daring to dismount for the hurry of his errand;
  but he had been ignorant himself of what was forward; and only bore
  sealed letters from Sir Daniel Brackley to Sir Oliver Oates; the
  parson; who kept the Moat House in the master's absence。
  But now there was the noise of a horse; and soon; out of the edge
  of the wood and over the echoing bridge; there rode up young Master
  Richard Shelton; Sir Daniel's ward。  He; at the least; would know;
  and they hailed him and begged him to explain。  He drew bridle
  willingly enough … a young fellow not yet eighteen; sun…browned and
  grey…eyed; in a jacket of deer's leather; with a black velvet
  collar; a green hood upon his head; and a steel cross…bow at his
  back。  The express; it appeared; had brought great news。  A battle
  was impending。  Sir Daniel had sent for every man that could draw a
  bow or carry a bill to go post…haste to Kettley; under pain of his
  severe displeasure; but for whom they were to fight; or of where
  the battle was expected; Dick knew nothing。  Sir Oliver would come
  shortly himself; and Bennet Hatch was arming at that moment; for he
  it was who should lead the party。
  〃It is the ruin of this kind land;〃 a woman said。  〃If the barons
  live at war; ploughfolk must eat roots。〃
  〃Nay;〃 said Dick; 〃every man that follows shall have sixpence a
  day; and archers twelve。〃
  〃If they live;〃 returned the woman; 〃that may very well be; but how
  if they die; my master?〃
  〃They cannot better die than for their natural lord;〃 said Dick。
  〃No natural lord of mine;〃 said the man in the smock。  〃I followed
  the Walsinghams; so we all did down Brierly way; till two years
  ago; come Candlemas。  And now I must side with Brackley!  It was
  the law that did it; call ye that natural?  But now; what with Sir
  Daniel and what with Sir Oliver … that knows more of law than
  honesty … I have no natural lord but poor King Harry the Sixt; God
  bless him! … the poor innocent that cannot tell his right hand from
  his left。〃
  〃Ye speak with an ill tongue; friend;〃 answered Dick; 〃to miscall
  your good master and my lord the king in the same libel。  But King
  Harry … praised be the saints! … has come again into his right
  mind; and will have all things peaceably ordained。  And as for Sir
  Daniel; y' are very brave behind his back。  But I will be no tale…
  bearer; and let that suffice。〃
  〃I say no harm of you; Master Richard;〃 returned the peasant。  〃Y'
  are a lad; but when ye come to a man's inches; ye will find ye have
  an empty pocket。  I say no more:  the saints help Sir Daniel's
  neighbours; and the Blessed Maid protect his wards!〃
  〃Clipsby;〃 said Richard; 〃you speak what I cannot hear with honour。
  Sir Daniel is my good master; and my guardian。〃
  〃Come; now; will ye read me a riddle?〃 returned Clipsby。  〃On whose
  side is Sir Daniel?〃
  〃I know not;〃 said Dick; colouring a little; for his guardian had
  changed sides continually in the troubles of that period; and every
  change had brought him some increase of fortune。
  〃Ay;〃 returned Clipsby; 〃you; nor no man。  For; indeed; he is one
  that goes to bed Lancaster and gets up York。〃
  Just then the bridge rang under horse…shoe iron; and the party
  turned and saw Bennet Hatch come galloping … a brown…faced;
  grizzled fellow; heavy of hand and grim of mien; armed with sword
  and spear; a steel salet on his head; a leather jack upon his body。
  He was a great man in these parts; Sir Daniel's right hand in peace
  and war; and at that time; by his master's interest; bailiff of the
  〃Clipsby;〃 he shouted; 〃off to the Moat House; and send all other
  laggards the same gate。  Bowyer will give you jack and salet。  We
  must ride before curfew。  Look to it:  he that is last at the lych…
  gate Sir Daniel shall reward。  Look to it right well!  I know you
  for a man of naught。  Nance;〃 he added; to one of the women; 〃is
  old Appleyard up town?〃
  〃I'll warrant you;〃 replied the woman。  〃In his field; for sure。〃
  So the group dispersed; and while Clipsby walked leisurely over the
  bridge; Bennet and young Shelton rode up the road together; through
  the village and past the church。
  〃Ye will see the old shrew;〃 said Bennet。  〃He will waste more time
  grumbling and prating of Harry the Fift than would serve a man to
  shoe a horse。  And all because he has been to the French wars!〃
  The house to which they were bound was the last in the village;
  standing alone among lilacs; and beyond it; on three sides; there
  was open meadow rising towards the borders of the wood。
  Hatch dismounted; threw his rein over the fence; and walked down
  the field; Dick keeping close at his elbow; to where the old
  soldier was digging; knee…deep in his cabbages; and now and again;
  in a cracked voice; singing a snatch of song。  He was all dressed
  in leather; only his hood and tippet were of black frieze; and tied
  with scarlet; his face was like a walnut…shell; both for colour and
  wrinkles; but his old grey eye was still clear enough; and his
  sight unabated。  Perhaps he was deaf; perhaps he thought it
  unworthy of an old archer of Agincourt to pay any heed to such
  disturbances; but neither the surly notes of the alarm bell; nor
  the near approach of Bennet and the lad; appeared at all to move
  him; and he continued obstinately digging; and piped up; very thin
  and shaky:
  〃Now; dear lady; if thy will be;
  I pray you that you will rue on me。〃
  〃Nick Appleyard;〃 said Hatch; 〃Sir Oliver commends him to you; and
  bids that ye shall come within this hour to the Moat House; there
  to take command。〃
  The old fellow looked up。
  〃Save you; my masters!〃 he said; grinning。  〃And where goeth Master
  〃Master Hatch is off to Kettley; with every man that we can horse;〃
  returned Bennet。  〃There is a fight toward; it seems; and my lord
  stays a reinforcement。〃
  〃Ay; verily;〃 returned Appleyard。  〃And what will ye leave me to
  garrison withal?〃
  〃I leave you six good men; and Sir Oliver to boot;〃 answered Hatch。
  〃It'll not hold the place;〃 said Appleyard; 〃the number sufficeth
  not。  It would take two score to make it good。〃
  〃Why; it's for that we came to you; old shrew!〃 replied the other。
  〃Who else is there but you that could do aught in such a house with
  such a garrison?〃
  〃Ay! when the pinch comes; ye remember the old shoe;〃 returned
  Nick。  〃There is not a man of you can back a horse or hold a bill;
  and as for archery … St。 Michael! if old Harry the Fift were back
  again; he would stand and let ye shoot at him for a farthen a
  〃Nay; Nick; there's some can draw a good bow yet;〃 said Bennet。
  〃Draw a good bow!〃 cried Appleyard。  〃Yes!  But who'll shoot me a
  good shoot?  It's there the eye comes in; and the head between your
  shoulders。  Now; what might you call a long shoot; Bennet Hatch?〃
  〃Well;〃 said Bennet; looking about him; 〃it would be a long shoot
  from here into the forest。〃
  〃Ay; it would be a longish shoot;〃 said the old fellow; turning to
  look over his shoulder; and then he put up his hand over his eyes;
  and stood staring。
  〃Why; what are you looking at?〃 asked Bennet; with a chuckle。  〃Do;
  you see Harry the Fift?〃
  The veteran continued looking up the hill in silence。  The sun
  shone broadly over the shelving meadows; a few white sheep wandered
  browsing; all was still but the distant jangle of the bell。
  〃What is it; Appleyard?〃 asked Dick。
  〃Why; the birds;〃 said Appleyard。
  And; sure enough; over the top of the forest; where it ran down in
  a tongue among the meadows; and ended in a pair of g