第 16 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9321
  stories about nothing; the wearisome recitals of petty grievances; the local
  anecdotes   unrelieved   by   the   faintest   suspicion   of   anything   like   general
  interest;    which    I  have    been   condemned        to  hear;   as  a  consequence       of
  thawing      the   ice  off  the   features    of  formal    sitters  by   the   method     just
  described;   would   fill   hundreds   of   volumes   and   promote   the   repose   of
  thousands   of   readers。   On   the   other   hand;   if   I   have   suffered   under   the
  tediousness of the many; I have not been without my compensating gains
  from the wisdom and experience of the few。 To some of my sitters I have
  been indebted for information which has enlarged my mind; to some for
  advice   which   has   lightened   my   heart;   to   some   for   narratives   of   strange
  adventure   which   riveted   my   attention   at   the   time;   which   have   served   to
  interest and amuse my fireside circle for many years past; and which are
  now;   I   would   fain   hope;   destined   to   make   kind   friends   for   me   among   a
  wider audience than any that I have yet addressed。
  Singularly enough;  almost all   the best stories that   I have   heard   from
  my sitters have been told by accident。 I only remember two cases in which
  a   story   was    volunteered      to  me;    and;   although     I  have   often   tried   the
  experiment; I cannot call to mind even a single instance in which leading
  questions   (as   lawyers   call   them)   on   my   part;   addressed   to   a   sitter;   ever
  produced   any   result   worth   recording。   Over   and   over   again   I   have   been
  disastrously  successful   in   encouraging dull   people to   weary  me。  But   the
  clever people who have something interesting to say seem; so far as I have
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  observed them; to acknowledge no other stimulant than chance。 For every
  story;   excepting   one;   I   have   been   indebted;   in   the   first   instance;   to   the
  capricious   influence   of   the   same   chance。   Something   my   sitter   has   seen
  about me; something I have remarked in my sitter; or in the room in which
  I take the likeness; or in the neighbourhood through which I pass on my
  way to work;  has suggested the   necessary association; or has started the
  right train of recollections; and then the story appeared to begin of its own
  accord。   Occasionally   the   most   casual   notice;   on   my   part;   of   some   very
  unpromising object has smoothed the way for the relation of a long and
  interesting narrative。 I first heard one of the most dramatic stories merely
  through     being    carelessly    inquisitive    to  know     the  history    of  a  stuffed
  It is thus not without reason that I lay some stress on the desirableness
  of   prefacing   the   following   narrative   by   a   brief   account   of   the   curious
  manner in which I became possessed of it。 As to my capacity for repeating
  the story correctly; I can answer for it that my memory may be trusted。 I
  may claim it   as a   merit; because   it is;   after all;   a mechanical one; that   I
  forget nothing; and that I can call long… past conversations and events as
  readily to my recollection as if they had happened but a few weeks ago。 Of
  two things at least I feel tolerably certain before…hand; in meditating over
  its   contents:   first;   that   I   can   repeat   correctly   all   that   I   have   heard;   and;
  secondly; that I have never missed anything worth hearing when my sitters
  were addressing me on an interesting subject。 Although I cannot take the
  lead in talking while I am engaged in painting; I can listen while others
  speak; and work all the better for it。
  So   much   in   the   way  of   general   preface   to   the   pages   for   which   I   am
  about to ask the reader's attention。 Let me now advance to particulars; and
  describe how I came to hear the story。 I begin with it because it is the story
  that   I  have    oftenest   〃rehearsed;〃     to   borrow    a  phrase    from    the   stage。
  Wherever I go; I am sooner or later sure to tell it。 Only last night I was
  persuaded into repeating it once more by the inhabitants of the farm…house
  in which I am now staying。
  Not many years ago; on returning from a short holiday visit to a friend
  settled in Paris; I found professional letters awaiting me at my agent's in
  … Page 55…
  London;   which   required   my   immediate   presence   in   Liverpool。   Without
  stopping     to  unpack;     I  proceeded     by  the   first  conveyance     to  my    new
  destination;     and;    calling   at  the   picture…dealer's     shop   where     portrait…
  painting engagements were received for me; found to my great satisfaction
  that I had remunerative employment in prospect; in and about Liverpool;
  for at least two months to come。 I was putting up my letters in high spirits;
  and was just leaving the picture…dealer's shop to look out for comfortable
  lodgings; when I was met at the door by the landlord of one of the largest
  hotels in Liverpoolan old acquaintance whom I had known as manager
  of a tavern in London in my student days。
  〃Mr。     Kerby!〃     he   exclaimed;      in   great   astonishment。       〃What     an
  unexpected meeting!   the last   man   in   the world   whom  I   expected to see;
  and yet the very man whose services I want to make use of!〃
  〃What! more   work   for me?〃   said   I。 〃Are   all   the people   in   Liverpool
  going to have their portraits painted?〃
  〃I only know of one;〃 replied the landlord; 〃a gentleman staying at my
  hotel; who wants a chalk drawing done of him。 I was on my way here to
  inquire for any artist whom our picture…dealing friend could recommend。
  How glad I am that I met you before I had committed myself to employing
  a stranger!〃
  〃Is this likeness wanted at once?〃 I asked; thinking of the number of
  engagements that I had already got in my pocket。
  〃Immediatelyto…daythis   very   hour;   if   possible;〃   said   the   landlord。
  〃Mr。     Faulkner;    the  gentleman      I  am   speaking     of;  was   to  have    sailed
  yesterday for the Brazils from this place; but the wind shifted last night to
  the   wrong   quarter;   and   he   came   ashore   again   this   morning。   He   may;   of
  course; be detained here for some time; but he may also be called on board
  ship   at   half   an   hour's   notice;   if   the   wind   shifts   back   again   in   the   right
  direction。     This   uncertainty    makes     it  a  matter   of  importance      that  the
  likeness should be begun immediately。 Undertake it if you possibly  can;
  for Mr。 Faulkner is a liberal gentleman; who is sure to give you your own
  I reflected for a minute or two。 The portrait was only wanted in chalk;
  and would not take long; besides; I might finish it in the evening; if my
  … Page 56…
  other engagements pressed hard upon me in the daytime。 Why not leave
  my luggage at the picture…dealer's; put off looking for lodgings till night;
  and   secure   the   new   commission   boldly   by   going   back   at   once   with   the
  landlord to the hotel? I decided on following this course almost as soon as
  the   idea   occurred   to   me;   put   my   chalks   in   my   pocket;   and   a   sheet   of
  drawing…paper   in   the   first   of   my   portfolios   that   came   to   hand;   and   so
  presented myself before Mr。 Faulkner; ready to take his likeness; literally
  at five minutes' notice。
  I found him a very pleasant; intelligent man; young and handsome。 He
  had been a great traveller; had visited all the wonders of the East; and was
  now about to explore the wilds of the vast South American continent。 Thus
  much      he  told   me   good…humouredly          and   unconstrainedly      while    I  was
  preparing my drawing materials。
  As soon as I had put him in the right light and position; and had seated
  myself opposite to him; he changed the subject of conversation; and asked
  me;   a   little   confusedly   as   I   thought;   if   it   was   not   a   customary   practice
  among portrait…painters to gloss over the faults in their sitters' faces; and to
  make as much as possible of any good points which their features might
  〃Certainly;〃      I  answered。     〃You    have    described     the   whole    art   and
  mystery of successful portrait…painting in a few words。〃
  〃May      I  beg;  then;〃   said   he;  〃that   you   will