第 10 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9321
  it seemed to her that; than the Berceau; heaven itself could hold no sweeter
  or fairer nook of Paradise。
  The year rolled on; and the cottage under the sycamores was but the
  happier   for   its   new   inmate。   Bernadou   was   serious   of   temper;   though   so
  gentle;   and   the   arch;   gay   humour   of   his   young   wife   was   like   perpetual
  sunlight in the house。 Margot; too; was so docile; so eager; so bright; and
  so imbued with devotional reverence for her husband and his home; that
  Reine   Allix   day   by   day   blessed       the   fate   that   had   brought   to   her   this
  fatherless and penniless child。 Bernadou himself spoke little; words were
  not in his way; but his blue; frank eyes shone with an unclouded radiance
  that   never   changed;   and   his   voice;   when   he   did   speak;   had   a   mellow
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  softness in it that made his slightest speech to the two women with him
  tender as a caress。
  〃Thou art a happy woman; my sister;〃 said the priest; who was well…
  nigh as old as herself。
  Reine Allix   bowed   her   head   and   made   the   sign   of   the   cross。   〃I   am;
  praise be to God!〃
  And being happy; she went to the hovel of poor Madelon Dreux; the
  cobbler's   widow;   and   nursed   her   and   her   children   through   a   malignant
  fever; sitting early and late; and leaving her own peaceful hearth for the
  desolate   hut   with   the   delirious   ravings   and   heartrending   moans   of   the
  fever…stricken。 〃How ought one to dare to be happy if one is not of use?〃
  she   would   say   to   those   who   sought   to   dissuade   her   from   running   such
  Madelon Dreux and her family recovered; owing to her their lives; and
  she was happier than before; thinking of them when she sat on the settle
  before   the   wood   fire   roasting   chestnuts   and   spinning   flax   on   the   wheel;
  and    ever   and   again    watching     the  flame    reflected    on  the   fair  head   of
  Bernadou or in the dark; smiling eyes of Margot。
  Another spring passed and another year went by; and the little home
  under the sycamores was still no less honest in its labours or bright in its
  rest。 It was one among a million of such homes in France; where a sunny
  temper made mirth with a meal of herbs; and filial love touched to poetry
  the prose of daily household tasks。
  A   child   was   born   to   Margot   in   the   springtime   with   the   violets   and
  daisies; and   Reine Allix   was proud   of the   fourth generation;  and;  as she
  caressed the boy's healthy; fair limbs; thought that God was indeed good to
  her; and that her race would live long in the place of her birth。 The child
  resembled   Bernadou;   and   had   his   clear;   candid   eyes。   It   soon   learned   to
  know the voice of 〃/gran'mere/;〃 and would turn from its young mother's
  bosom to stretch its arms to Reine Allix。 It grew fair and strong; and all the
  ensuing winter passed its hours curled like a dormouse or playing like a
  puppy   at   her   feet   in   the   chimney…   corner。   Another   spring   and   summer
  came;   and   the   boy   was   more   than   a   year   old;   with   curls   of   gold;   and
  cheeks like apples; and a mouth that always smiled。 He could talk a little;
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  and tumbled like a young rabbit among the flowering grasses。 Reine Allix
  watched   him;   and   her   eyes   filled。   〃God   is   too   good;〃   she   thought。   She
  feared that she should scarce be so willing to go to her last sleep under the
  trees on the hillside as she used to be。 She could not help a desire to see
  this child; this second Bernadou; grow up to youth and manhood; and of
  this she knew it was wild to dream。
  It was ripe midsummer。 The fields were all russet and amber with an
  abundance of corn。 The little gardens had seldom yielded so rich a produce。
  The cattle and the flocks were in excellent health。 There had never been a
  season     of  greater   promise     and   prosperity   for   the  little  traffic  that  the
  village    and   its  farms   drove    in  sending    milk   and   sheep   and   vegetable
  wealth to that great city which was to it as a dim; wonderful; mystic name
  without meaning。
  One   evening   in   this   gracious   and   golden   time   the   people   sat   out   as
  usual when the day was done; talking from door to door; the old women
  knitting or spinning; the younger ones mending their husbands' or brothers'
  blouses or the little blue shirts of their infants; the children playing with
  the dogs on the sward that edged the stones of the street; and above all the
  great calm heavens and the glow of the sun that had set。
  Reine Allix; like the others; sat before the door; for once doing nothing;
  but   with   folded   hands   and   bended   head   dreamily   taking   pleasure   in   the
  coolness that had come with evening; and the smell of the limes that were
  in   blossom;     and    the   blithe   chatter   of   Margot     with   the   neighbours。
  Bernadou was close beside them; watering and weeding those flowers that
  were at once his pride and his recreation; making the face of his dwelling
  bright and the air around it full of fragrance。
  The little street was quiet in the evening light; only the laughter of the
  children and the gay gossip of their mothers breaking the pleasant stillness;
  it had been thus at evening with the Berceau centuries before their time;
  they thought that it would thus likewise be when the centuries should have
  seen the youngest…born there in his grave。
  Suddenly   came   along   the   road   between   the   trees   an   old   man   and   a
  mule; it was Mathurin; the miller; who had been that day to a little town
  four leagues off; which was the trade…mart and the corn…exchange of the
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  district。 He paused before the cottage of Reine Allix; he was dusty; travel…
  stained; and sad。 Margot ceased laughing among her flowers as she saw
  her old master。 None of them knew why; yet the sight of him made the air
  seem cold and the night seem near。
  〃There   is   terrible   news;〃   he   said;   drawing   a   sheet   of   printed   words
  from his coat…pocket〃terrible news! We are to go to war。〃
  〃War!〃 The whole village clustered round him。 They had heard of war;
  far…off wars in Africa and Mexico; and some of their sons had been taken
  off like young wheat mown before its time; but it still remained to them a
  thing remote; impersonal; inconceivable; with which they had nothing to
  do; nor ever would have anything。
  〃Read!〃 said the old man; stretching out his sheet。 The only one there
  who could do so; Picot; the tailor; took it and spelled the news out to their
  wondering ears。 It was the declaration of France against Prussia。
  There arose a great wail from the mothers whose sons were conscripts。
  The rest asked in trembling; 〃Will it touch us?〃
  〃Us!〃 echoed Picot; the tailor; in contempt。 〃How should it touch us?
  Our braves will be in Berlin with another fortnight。 The paper says so。〃
  The people were silent; they were not sure what he meant by Berlin;
  and they were afraid to ask。
  〃My  boy!   my  boy!〃   wailed one   woman;  smiting   her breast。   Her   son
  was in the army。
  〃Marengo!〃 murmured Reine Allix; thinking of that far…off time in her
  dim youth when the horseman had flown through the dusky street and the
  bonfire had blazed on the highest hill above the river。
  〃Bread   will   be   dear;〃   muttered   Mathurin;   the   miller;   going   onward
  with   his   foot…weary  mule。  Bernadou   stood   silent;  with his   roses   dry  and
  thirsty round him。
  〃Why art thou sad?〃 whispered Margot; with wistful eyes。 〃Thou art
  exempt from war service; my love?〃
  Bernadou shook his head。 〃The poor will suffer somehow;〃 was all he
  Yet   to   him;   as   to   all   the   Berceau;   the   news   was   not   very   terrible;
  because it was so vague and distantan evil so far off and shapeless。
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  Monsieur   Picot;   the   tailor;   who   alone   could   read;   ran   from   house   to
  house; from group to group; breathless; gay; and triumphant; telling them
  all that in two weeks more their brethren would sup in the king's palace at
  Berlin; and the people believed and laughed and chattered; and; standing
  outside their doors in the cool