第 111 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2021-02-25 00:47      字数:9321
  He is likewise said to have been a great libertine。  The following
  story is told of him:…
  〃In a certain neighbourhood he had a great many mistresses; some
  married and others not。  Once upon a time; in the month of June he
  made a secret appointment with each of his lady…loves; the place
  and hour of meeting being the same for all; each was to meet him at
  the same hour beneath a mighty oak which stood in the midst of a
  forest glade。  Some time before the appointed hour he went; and
  climbing up the oak; hid himself amidst the dense foliage of its
  boughs。  When the hour arrived he observed all the nymphs tripping
  to the place of appointment; all came; to the number of twenty…four
  … not one stayed away。  For some time they remained beneath the oak
  staring at each other。  At length an explanation ensued; and it
  appeared that they had all come to meet Ab Gwilym。
  〃'Oh; the treacherous monster!' cried they with one accord; 'only
  let him show himself and we will tear him to pieces。'
  〃'Will you?' said Ab Gwilym from the oak; 'here I am; let her who
  has been most wanton with me make the first attack upon me!'
  〃The females remained for some time speechless; all of a sudden;
  however; their anger kindled; not against the bard; but against
  each other。  From harsh and taunting words they soon came to
  actions:  hair was torn off; faces were scratched; blood flowed
  from cheek and nose。  Whilst the tumult was at its fiercest Ab
  Gwilym slipped away。〃
  The writer merely repeats this story; and he repeats it as
  concisely as possible; in order to have an opportunity of saying
  that he does not believe one particle of it。  If he believed it; he
  would forthwith burn the most cherished volume of the small
  collection of books from which he derives delight and recreation;
  namely; that which contains the songs of Ab Gwilym; for he would
  have nothing in his possession belonging to such a heartless
  scoundrel as Ab Gwilym must have been had he got up the scene above
  described。  Any common man who would expose to each other and the
  world a number of hapless; trusting females who had favoured him
  with their affections; and from the top of a tree would feast his
  eyes upon their agonies of shame and rage; would deserve to be …
  emasculated。  Had Ab Gwilym been so dead to every feeling of
  gratitude and honour as to play the part which the story makes him
  play; he would have deserved not only to be emasculated; but to be
  scourged with harp…strings in every market…town in Wales; and to be
  dismissed from the service of the Muse。  But the writer repeats
  that he does not believe one tittle of the story; though Ab
  Gwilym's biographer; the learned and celebrated William Owen; not
  only seems to believe it; but rather chuckles over it。  It is the
  opinion of the writer that the story is of Italian origin; and that
  it formed part of one of the many rascally novels brought over to
  England after the marriage of Lionel; Duke of Clarence; the third
  son of Edward the Third; with Violante; daughter of Galeazzo; Duke
  of Milan。
  Dafydd Ab Gwilym has been in general considered as a songster who
  never employed his muse on any subject save that of love; and there
  can be no doubt that by far the greater number of his pieces are
  devoted more or less to the subject of love。  But to consider him
  merely in the light of an amatory poet would be wrong。  He has
  written poems of wonderful power on almost every conceivable
  subject。  Ab Gwilym has been styled the Welsh Ovid; and with great
  justice; but not merely because like the Roman he wrote admirably
  on love。  The Roman was not merely an amatory poet:  let the shade
  of Pythagoras say whether the poet who embodied in immortal verse
  the oldest; the most wonderful; and at the same time the most
  humane; of all philosophy was a mere amatory poet。  Let the shade
  of blind Homer be called up to say whether the bard who composed
  the tremendous line …
  〃Surgit ad hos clypei dominus septemplicis Ajax〃 …
  equal to any save ONE of his own; was a mere amatory songster。
  Yet; diversified as the genius of the Roman was; there is no
  species of poetry in which he shone in which the Welshman may not
  be said to display equal merit。  Ab Gwilym; then; has been fairly
  styled the Welsh Ovid。  But he was something more … and here let
  there be no sneers about Welsh:  the Welsh are equal in genius;
  intellect and learning to any people under the sun; and speak a
  language older than Greek; and which is one of the immediate
  parents of the Greek。  He was something more than the Welsh Ovid:
  he was the Welsh Horace; and wrote light; agreeable; sportive
  pieces; equal to any things of the kind composed by Horace in his
  best moods。  But he was something more:  he was the Welsh Martial;
  and wrote pieces equal in pungency to those of the great Roman
  epigrammatist; … perhaps more than equal; for we never heard that
  any of Martial's epigrams killed anybody; whereas Ab Gwilym's piece
  of vituperation on Rhys Meigan … pity that poets should be so
  virulent … caused the Welshman to fall down dead。  But he was yet
  something more:  he could; if he pleased; be a Tyrtaeus; he was no
  fighter … where was there ever a poet that was? … but he wrote an
  ode on a sword; the only warlike piece that he ever wrote; the best
  poem on the subject ever written in any language。  Finally; he was
  something more:  he was what not one of the great Latin poets was;
  a Christian; that is; in his latter days; when he began to feel the
  vanity of all human pursuits; when his nerves began to be unstrung;
  his hair to fall off; and his teeth to drop out; and he then
  composed sacred pieces entitling him to rank with … we were going
  to say Caedmon; had we done so we should have done wrong; no
  uninspired poet ever handled sacred subjects like the grand Saxon
  Skald … but which entitle him to be called a great religious poet;
  inferior to none but the protege of Hilda。
  Before ceasing to speak of Ab Gwilym; it will be necessary to state
  that his amatory pieces; which constitute more than one…half of his
  productions; must be divided into two classes:  the purely amatory
  and those only partly devoted to love。  His poems to Dyddgu and the
  daughter of Ifor Hael are productions very different from those
  addressed to Morfudd。  There can be no doubt that he had a sincere
  affection for the two first; there is no levity in the cowydds
  which he addressed to them; and he seldom introduces any other
  objects than those of his love。  But in his cowydds addressed to
  Morfudd is there no levity?  Is Morfudd ever prominent?  His
  cowydds to that woman abound with humorous levity; and for the most
  part have far less to do with her than with natural objects … the
  snow; the mist; the trees of the forest; the birds of the air; and
  the fishes of the stream。  His first piece to Morfudd is full of
  levity quite inconsistent with true love。  It states how; after
  seeing her for the first time at Rhosyr in Anglesey; and falling in
  love with her; he sends her a present of wine by the hands of a
  servant; which present she refuses; casting the wine contemptuously
  over the head of the valet。  This commencement promises little in
  the way of true passion; so that we are not disappointed when we
  read a little farther on that the bard is dead and buried; all on
  account of love; and that Morfudd makes a pilgrimage to Mynyw to
  seek for pardon for killing him; nor when we find him begging the
  popish image to convey a message to her。  Then presently we almost
  lose sight of Morfudd amidst birds; animals and trees; and we are
  not sorry that we do; for though Ab Gwilym is mighty in humour;
  great in describing the emotions of love and the beauties of the
  lovely; he is greatest of all in describing objects of nature;
  indeed in describing them he has no equal; and the writer has no
  hesitation in saying that in many of his cowydds in which he
  describes various objects of nature; by which he sends messages to
  Morfudd; he shows himself a far greater poet than Ovid appears in
  any one of his Metamorphoses。  There are many poets who attempt to
  describe natural objects without being intimately acquainted with
  them; but Ab Gwilym was not one of these。  No one was better
  acquainted with nature; he was a stroller; and there is every
  probability that during the greater part of the summer he had no
  other roof than the foliage; and that the voices of birds and
  animals were more familiar to his ears than was the voice of man。
  During the summer months; indeed; in the early part of his life; he
  was; if we may credit him; generally lying perdue in the woodland
  or mountain recesses near the habitation of his mistress; before or
  after her marriage; awaiting her secret visits; made whenever she
  could escape the vigilance of her parents; or the watchful of her
  husband; and during her absence he had nothing better to do than to
  observe objects of nature and describe them。  His ode to the Fox;
  one of the most admirable of his pieces; was composed on one of
  these occasions。
  Want of space prevents the writer from saying