第 62 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2021-02-25 00:47      字数:9322
  a small house。  He presently reached me; stopped and smiled。  A
  more open countenance than his I never saw in all the days of my
  〃Dydd dachwi; sir;〃 said the man of the open countenance; 〃the
  weather is very showy。〃
  〃Very showy; indeed;〃 said I; 〃I was just now wishing for somebody;
  of whom I might ask a question or two。〃
  〃Perhaps I can answer those questions; sir?〃
  〃Perhaps you can。  What is the name of that wonderful peak sticking
  up behind the rocks to the north?〃
  〃Many people have asked that question; sir; and I have given them
  the answer which I now give you。  It is called the 'Knicht;' sir;
  and a wondrous hill it is。〃
  〃And what is the name of yonder hill opposite to it; to the south;
  rising like one big lump。〃
  〃I do not know the name of that hill; sir; farther than that I have
  heard it called the Great Hill。〃
  〃And a very good name for it;〃 said I; 〃do you live in that house?〃
  〃I do; sir; when I am at home。〃
  〃And what occupation do you follow?〃
  〃I am a farmer; though a small one。〃
  〃Is your farm your own?〃
  〃It is not; sir:  I am not so far rich。〃
  〃Who is your landlord?〃
  〃Mr Blicklin; sir。  He is my landlord。〃
  〃Is he a good landlord?〃
  〃Very good; sir; no one can wish for a better landlord。〃
  〃Has he a wife?〃
  〃In truth; sir; he has; and a very good wife she is。〃
  〃Has he children?〃
  〃Plenty; sir; and very fine children they are。〃
  〃Is he Welsh?〃
  〃He is; sir!  Cumro pur iawn。〃
  〃Farewell;〃 said I; 〃I shall never forget you; you are the first
  tenant I ever heard speak well of his landlord; or any one
  connected with him。〃
  〃Then you have not spoken to the other tenants of Mr Blicklin; sir。
  Every tenant of Mr Blicklin would say the same of him as I have
  said; and of his wife and his children too。  Good…day; sir!〃
  I wended on my way; the sun was very powerful; saw cattle in a pool
  on my right; maddened with heat and flies; splashing and fighting。
  Presently I found myself with extensive meadows on my right; and a
  wall of rocks on my left; on a lofty bank below which I saw goats
  feeding; beautiful creatures they were; white and black; with long
  silky hair; and long upright horns。  They were of large size; and
  very different in appearance from the common race。  These were the
  first goats which I had seen in Wales; for Wales is not at present
  the land of goats; whatever it may have been。
  I passed under a crag exceedingly lofty; and of very frightful
  appearance。  It hung menacingly over the road。  With this crag the
  wall of rocks terminated; beyond it lay an extensive strath;
  meadow; or marsh bounded on the cast by a lofty hill。  The road lay
  across the marsh。  I went forward; crossed a bridge over a
  beautiful streamlet; and soon arrived at the foot of the hill。  The
  road now took a turn to the right; that is to the south; and seemed
  to lead round the hill。  Just at the turn of the road stood a small
  neat cottage。  There was a board over the door with an inscription。
  I drew nigh and looked at it; expecting that it would tell me that
  good ale was sold within; and read:  〃Tea made here; the draught
  which cheers but not inebriates。〃  I was before what is generally
  termed a temperance house。
  〃The bill of fare does not tempt you; sir;〃 said a woman who made
  her appearance at the door; just as I was about to turn away with
  an exceedingly wry face。
  〃It does not;〃 said I; 〃and you ought to be ashamed of yourself to
  have nothing better to offer to a traveller than a cup of tea。  I
  am faint; and I want good ale to give me heart; not wishy…washy tea
  to take away the little strength I have。〃
  〃What would you have me do; sir?  Glad should I be to have a cup of
  ale to offer you; but the magistrates; when I applied to them for a
  licence; refused me one; so I am compelled to make a cup of tea; in
  order to get a crust of bread。  And if you choose to step in; I
  will make you a cup of tea; not wishy…washy; I assure you; but as
  good as ever was brewed。〃
  〃I had tea for my breakfast at Beth Gelert;〃 said I; 〃and want no
  more till to…morrow morning。  What's the name of that strange…
  looking crag across the valley?〃
  〃We call it Craig yr hyll ddrem; sir; which means … I don't know
  what it means in English。〃
  〃Does it mean the crag of the frightful look?〃
  〃It does; sir;〃 said the woman; 〃ah; I see you understand Welsh。
  Sometimes it's called Allt Traeth。〃
  〃The high place of the sandy channel;〃 said I; 〃did the sea ever
  come up here?〃
  〃I can't say; sir; perhaps it did; who knows?〃
  〃I shouldn't wonder;〃 said I; 〃if there was once an arm of the sea
  between that crag and this hill。  Thank you!  Farewell。〃
  〃Then you won't walk in; sir?
  〃Not to drink tea;〃 said I; 〃tea is a good thing at a proper time;
  but were I to drink it now; it would make me ill。〃
  〃Pray; sir; walk in;〃 said the woman; 〃and perhaps I can
  accommodate you。〃
  〃Then you have ale?〃 said I。
  〃No; sir; not a drop; but perhaps I can set something before you
  which you will like as well。〃
  〃That I question;〃 said I; 〃however; I will walk in。〃
  The woman conducted me into a nice little parlour; and; leaving me;
  presently returned with a bottle and tumbler on a tray。
  〃Here; sir;〃 said she; 〃is something; which though not ale; I hope
  you will be able to drink。〃
  〃What is it?〃 said I。
  〃It is …; sir; and better never was drunk。〃
  I tasted it; it was terribly strong。  Those who wish for either
  whisky or brandy far above proof; should always go to a temperance
  I told the woman to bring me some water; and she brought me a jug
  of water cold from the spring。  With a little of the contents of
  the bottle; and a deal of the contents of the jug; I made myself a
  beverage tolerable enough; a poor substitute; however; to a genuine
  Englishman for his proper drink; the liquor which; according to the
  Edda; is called by men ale; and by the gods beer。
  I asked the woman whether she could read; she told me that she
  could; both Welsh and English; she likewise informed me that she
  had several books in both languages。  I begged her to show me some;
  whereupon she brought me some half dozen; and placing them on the
  table left me to myself。  Amongst the books was a volume of poems
  in Welsh; written by Robert Williams of Betws Fawr; styled in
  poetic language; Gwilym Du O Eifion。  The poems were chiefly on
  religious subjects。  The following lines which I copied from
  〃Pethau a wnaed mewn Gardd;〃 or things written in a garden;
  appeared to me singularly beautiful:…
  〃Mewn gardd y cafodd dyn ei dwyllo;
  Mewn gardd y rhoed oddewid iddo;
  Mewn gardd bradychwyd Iesu hawddgar;
  Mewn gardd amdowyd ef mewn daear。〃
  〃In a garden the first of our race was deceived;
  In a garden the promise of grace he received;
  In a garden was Jesus betrayed to His doom;
  In a garden His body was laid in the tomb。〃
  Having finished my glass of 〃summut〃 and my translation; I called
  to the woman and asked her what I had to pay。
  〃Nothing;〃 said she; 〃if you had had a cup of tea I should have
  charged sixpence。〃
  〃You make no charge;〃 said I; 〃for what I have had?〃
  〃Nothing; sir; nothing。〃
  〃But suppose;〃 said I; 〃I were to give you something by way of
  present would you … 〃 and here I stopped。  The woman smiled。
  〃Would you fling it in my face?〃 said I。
  〃Oh dear; no; sir;〃 said the woman; smiling more than before。
  I gave her something … it was not a sixpence … at which she not
  only smiled but curtseyed; then bidding her farewell I went out of
  the door。
  I was about to take the broad road; which led round the hill; when
  she inquired of me where I was going; and on my telling her to
  Festiniog; she advised me to go by a by…road behind the house which
  led over the hill。
  〃If you do; sir;〃 said she; 〃you will see some of the finest
  prospects in Wales; get into the high road again; and save a mile
  and a half of way。〃
  I told the temperance woman I would follow her advice; whereupon
  she led me behind the house; pointed to a rugged path; which with a
  considerable ascent seemed to lead towards the north; and after
  giving certain directions; not very intelligible; returned to her
  temperance temple。
  Spanish Proverb … The Short Cut … Predestinations … Rhys Goch … Old
  Crusty … Undercharging … The Cavalier。
  THE Spaniards have a proverb:  〃No hay atajo sin trabajo;〃 there is
  no short cut without a deal of labour。  This proverb is very true;
  as I know by my own experience; for I never took a short cut in my
  life; and I have taken many in my wanderings; without falling down;
  getting into a slough; or losing my way。  On the present occasion I
  lost my way; and wandered about for nearly two hours amidst rocks;
  thickets; and precipices; without being able to find it。  The
  temperance woman; however; spoke nothing but the truth when she
  said I should see some fine scenery。  From a rock I obtained a
  wonderful view of the Wyddfa towering in sublime grandeur in the
  west; and of the beautiful; but spectral; Knicht shooting up high
  in the north; and from the top of a bare hill I obtained a prospect
  to th