第 46 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2021-02-25 00:46      字数:9322
  〃I can scarcely tell you how it was; sir;〃 said the man scratching
  his head; 〃but I thought I would speak to you in Spanish。〃
  〃And why not English?〃 said I。
  〃Why; I heard you speaking Welsh;〃 said the man; 〃and as for an
  Englishman speaking Welsh …〃
  〃But why not answer me in Welsh?〃 said I。
  〃Why; I saw it was not your language; sir;〃 said the man; 〃and as I
  had picked up some Spanish I thought it would be but fair to answer
  you in it。〃
  〃But how did you know that I could speak Spanish?〃 said I。
  〃I don't know indeed; sir;〃 said the man; 〃but I looked at you; and
  something seemed to tell me that you could speak Spanish。  I can't
  tell you how it was sir;〃 said he; looking me very innocently in
  the face; 〃but I was forced to speak Spanish to you。  I was
  〃The long and the short of it was;〃 said I; 〃that you took me for a
  foreigner; and thought that it would be but polite to answer me in
  a foreign language。〃
  〃I daresay it was so; sir;〃 said the man。  〃I daresay it was just
  as you say。〃
  〃How did you fare in California?〃 said I。
  〃Very fairly indeed; sir;〃 said the man。  〃I made some money there;
  and brought it home; and with part of it I am building this house。〃
  〃I am very happy to hear it;〃 said I; 〃you are really a remarkable
  man … few return from California speaking Spanish as you do; and
  still fewer with money in their pockets。〃
  The poor fellow looked pleased at what I said; more especially at
  that part of the sentence which touched upon his speaking Spanish
  well。  Wishing him many years of health and happiness in the house
  he was building; I left him; and proceeded on my path towards
  Pentraeth Goch。
  After walking some way; I turned round in order to take a last look
  of the place which had so much interest for me。  The mill may be
  seen from a considerable distance; so may some of the scattered
  houses; and also the wood which surrounds the house of the
  illustrious Gronwy。  Prosperity to Llanfair! and may many a
  pilgrimage be made to it of the same character as my own。
  Boxing Harry … Mr Bos … Black Robin … Drovers … Commercial
  I ARRIVED at the hostelry of Mr Pritchard without meeting any
  adventure worthy of being marked down。  I went into the little
  parlour; and; ringing the bell; was presently waited upon by Mrs
  Pritchard; a nice matronly woman; whom I had not before seen; of
  whom I inquired what I could have for dinner。
  〃This is no great place for meat;〃 said Mrs Pritchard; 〃that is
  fresh meat; for sometimes a fortnight passes without anything being
  killed in the neighbourhood。  I am afraid at present there is not a
  bit of fresh meat to be had。  What we can get you for dinner I do
  not know; unless you are willing to make shift with bacon and
  〃I'll tell you what I'll do;〃 said I; 〃I will have the bacon and
  eggs with tea and bread…and…butter; not forgetting a pint of ale …
  in a word; I will box Harry。〃
  〃I suppose you are a commercial gent;〃 said Mrs Pritchard。
  〃Why do you suppose me a commercial gent?〃 said I。  〃Do I look
  〃Can't say you do much;〃 said Mrs Pritchard; 〃you have no rings on
  your fingers; nor a gilt chain at your waistcoat…pocket; but when
  you said 'box Harry;' I naturally took you to be one of the
  commercial gents; for when I was at Liverpool I was told that that
  was a word of theirs。〃
  〃I believe the word properly belongs to them;〃 said I。  〃I am not
  one of them; but I learnt it from them; a great many years ago;
  when I was much amongst them。  Those whose employers were in a
  small way of business; or allowed them insufficient salaries;
  frequently used to 'box Harry;' that is; have a beaf…steak; or
  mutton…chop; or perhaps bacon and eggs; as I am going to have;
  along with tea and ale; instead of the regular dinner of a
  commercial gentleman; namely; fish; hot joint; and fowl; pint of
  sherry; tart; ale and cheese; and bottle of old port; at the end of
  Having made arrangements for 〃boxing Harry〃 I went into the tap…
  room; from which I had heard the voice of Mr Pritchard proceeding
  during the whole of my conversation with his wife。  Here I found
  the worthy landlord seated with a single customer; both were
  smoking。  The customer instantly arrested my attention。  He was a
  man; seemingly about forty years of age with a broad red face; with
  certain somethings; looking very much like incipient carbuncles;
  here and there; upon it。  His eyes were grey and looked rather as
  if they squinted; his mouth was very wide; and when it opened
  displayed a set of strong; white; uneven teeth。  He was dressed in
  a pepper…and…salt coat of the Newmarket cut; breeches of corduroy
  and brown top boots; and had on his head a broad; black; coarse;
  low…crowned hat。  In his left hand he held a heavy whale…bone whip
  with a brass head。  I sat down on a bench nearly opposite to him
  and the landlord。
  〃Well;〃 said Mr Pritchard; 〃did you find your way to Llanfair?〃
  〃Yes;〃 said I。
  〃And did you execute the business satisfactorily which led you
  there?〃 said Mr Pritchard。
  〃Perfectly;〃 said I。
  〃Well; what did you give a stone for your live pork?〃 said his
  companion glancing up at me; and speaking in a gruff voice。
  〃I did not buy any live pork;〃 said I; 〃do you take me for a pig…
  〃Of course;〃 said the man; in pepper…and…salt; 〃who but a pig
  jobber could have business at Llanfair?〃
  〃Does Llanfair produce nothing but pigs?〃 said I。
  〃Nothing at all;〃 said the man in the pepper…and…salt; 〃that is;
  nothing worth mentioning。  You wouldn't go there for runts; that
  is; if you were in your right senses; if you were in want of runts
  you would have gone to my parish and have applied to me; Mr Bos;
  that is if you were in your senses。  Wouldn't he; John Pritchard?〃
  Mr Pritchard thus appealed to took the pipe out of his mouth; and
  with some hesitations said that he believed the gentleman neither
  went to Llanfair for pigs nor black cattle but upon some particular
  〃Well;〃 said Mr Bos; 〃it may be so; but I can't conceive how any
  person; either gentle or simple; could have any business in
  Anglesey save that business was pigs or cattle。〃
  〃The truth is;〃 said I; 〃I went to Llanfair to see the birth…place
  of a great man … the cleverest Anglesey ever produced。〃
  〃Then you went wrong;〃 said Mr Bos; 〃you went to the wrong parish;
  you should have gone to Penmynnydd; the clebber man of Anglesey was
  born and buried at Penmynnydd; you may see his tomb in the church。〃
  〃You are alluding to Black Robin;〃 said I; 〃who wrote the ode in
  praise of Anglesey … yes; he was a very clever young fellow; but
  excuse me; he was not half such a poet as Gronwy Owen。〃
  〃Black Robin;〃 said Mr Bos; 〃and Gronow Owen; who the Devil were
  they?  I never heard of either。  I wasn't talking of them; but of
  the clebberest man the world ever saw。  Did you never hear of Owen
  Tiddir?  If you didn't; where did you get your education?〃
  〃I have heard of Owen Tudor;〃 said I; 〃but never understood that he
  was particularly clever; handsome he undoubtedly was … but clever …
  〃How not clebber?〃 interrupted Mr Bos。  〃If he wasn't clebber; who
  was clebber?  Didn't he marry a great queen; and was not Harry the
  Eighth his great grandson?〃
  〃Really;〃 said I; 〃you know a great deal of history。〃
  〃I should hope I do;〃 said Mr Bos。  〃Oh; I wasn't at school at
  Blewmaris for six months for nothing; and I haven't been in
  Northampton; and in every town in England; without learning
  something of history。  With regard to history I may say that few …
  Won't you drink?〃 said he; patronizingly; as he pushed a jug of ale
  which stood before him on a little table towards me。
  Begging politely to be excused on the plea that I was just about to
  take tea; I asked him in what capacity he had travelled all over
  〃As a drover to be sure;〃 said Mr Bos; 〃and I may say that there
  are not many in Anglesey better known in England than myself … at
  any rate I may say that there is not a public…house between here
  and Worcester at which I am not known。〃
  〃Pray excuse me;〃 said I; 〃but is not droving rather a low…lifed
  〃Not half so much as pig…jobbing;〃 said Bos; 〃and that that's your
  trade I am certain; or you would never have gone to Llanfair。〃
  〃I am no pig…jobber;〃 said I; 〃and when I asked you that question
  about droving; I merely did so because one Ellis Wynn; in a book he
  wrote; gives the drovers a very bad character; and puts them in
  Hell for their mal…practices。〃
  〃Oh; he does;〃 said Mr Bos; 〃well; the next time I meet him at
  Corwen I'll crack his head for saying so。  Mal…practices … he had
  better look at his own; for he is a pig…jobber too。  Written a book
  has he? then I suppose he has been left a legacy; and gone to
  school after middle…age; for when I last saw him; which is four
  years ago; he could neither read nor write。〃
  I was about to tell Mr Bos that the Ellis Wynn that I meant was no
  more a pig…jobber than myself; but a respectable clergyman; who had
  been dead considerably upwards of a hundred years; and that a