第 6 节
作者:老山文学      更新:2021-02-25 00:24      字数:9322
  pikes against him and killed him; looking upon him as convict; his
  confusion and silence served them for a confession; for having had so
  much leisure to prepare himself in prison; they concluded that it was not
  his memory that failed him; but that his conscience tied up his tongue
  and stopped his mouth。  And; truly; well said; the place; the assembly;
  the expectation; astound a man; even when he has but the ambition to
  speak well; what can a man do when 'tis an harangue upon which his life
  For my part; the very being tied to what I am to say is enough to loose
  me from it。  When I wholly commit and refer myself to my memory; I lay so
  much stress upon it that it sinks under me: it grows dismayed with the
  burden。  So much as I trust to it; so much do I put myself out of my own
  power; even to the finding it difficult to keep my own countenance; and
  have been sometimes very much put to it to conceal the slavery wherein I
  was engaged; whereas my design is to manifest; in speaking; a perfect
  calmness both of face and accent; and casual and unpremeditated motions;
  as rising from present occasions; choosing rather to say nothing to
  purpose than to show that I came prepared to speak well; a thing
  especially unbecoming a man of my profession; and of too great obligation
  on him who cannot retain much。  The preparation begets a great deal more
  expectation than it will satisfy。  A man often strips himself to his
  doublet to leap no farther than he would have done in his gown:
  〃Nihil est his; qui placere volunt; turn adversarium;
  quam expectatio。〃
  '〃Nothing is so adverse to those who make it their business to
  please as expectation〃Cicero; Acad。; ii。 4'
  It is recorded of the orator Curio; that when he proposed the division of
  his oration into three or four parts; or three or four arguments or
  reasons; it often happened either that he forgot some one; or added one
  or two more。  I have always avoided falling into this inconvenience;
  having ever hated these promises and prescriptions; not only out of
  distrust of my memory; but also because this method relishes too much of
  the artist:
  〃Simpliciora militares decent。〃
  '〃Simplicity becomes warriors。〃Quintilian; Instit。 Orat。; xi。 I。'
  'Tis… enough that I have promised to myself never again to take upon me
  to speak in a place of respect; for as to speaking; when a man reads his
  speech; besides that it is very absurd; it is a mighty disadvantage to
  those who naturally could give it a grace by action; and to rely upon the
  mercy of my present invention; I would much less do it; 'tis heavy and
  perplexed; and such as would never furnish me in sudden and important
  Permit; reader; this essay its course also; and this third sitting to
  finish the rest of my picture: I add; but I correct not。  First; because
  I conceive that a man having once parted with his labours to the world;
  he has no further right to them; let him do better if he can; in some new
  undertaking; but not adulterate what he has already sold。  Of such
  dealers nothing should be bought till after they are dead。  Let them well
  consider what they do before they; produce it to the light who hastens
  them?  My book is always the same; saving that upon every new edition
  (that the buyer may not go away quite empty) I take the liberty to add
  (as 'tis but an ill jointed marqueterie) some supernumerary emblem; it is
  but overweight; that does not disfigure the primitive form of the essays;
  but; by a little artful subtlety; gives a kind of particular value to
  every one of those that follow。  Thence; however; will easily happen some
  transposition of chronology; my stories taking place according to their
  opportuneness; not always according to their age。
  Secondly; because as to what concerns myself; I fear to lose by change:
  my understanding does not always go forward; it goes backward too。  I do
  not much less suspect my fancies for being the second or the third; than
  for being the first; or present; or past; we often correct ourselves as
  foolishly as we do others。  I am grown older by a great many years since
  my first publications; which were in the year 1580; but I very much doubt
  whether I am grown an inch the wiser。  I now; and I anon; are two several
  persons; but whether better; I cannot determine。  It were a fine thing to
  be old; if we only travelled towards improvement; but 'tis a drunken;
  stumbling; reeling; infirm motion: like that of reeds; which the air
  casually waves to and fro at pleasure。  Antiochus had in his youth
  strongly written in favour of the Academy; in his old age he wrote as
  much against it; would not; which of these two soever I should follow; be
  still Antiochus?  After having established the uncertainty; to go about
  to establish the certainty of human opinions; was it not to establish
  doubt; and not certainty; and to promise; that had he had yet another age
  to live; he would be always upon terms of altering his judgment; not so
  much for the better; as for something else?
  The public favour has given me a little more confidence than I expected;
  but what I 'most fear is; lest I should glut the world with my writings;
  I had rather; of the two; pique my reader than tire him; as a learned man
  of my time has done。  Praise is always pleasing; let it come from whom;
  or upon what account it will; yet ought a man to understand why he is
  commended; that he may know how to keep up the same reputation still:
  imperfections themselves may get commendation。  The vulgar and common
  estimation is seldom happy in hitting; and I am much mistaken if; amongst
  the writings of my time; the worst are not those which have most gained
  the popular applause。  For my part; I return my thanks to those good…
  natured men who are pleased to take my weak endeavours in good part; the
  faults of the workmanship are nowhere so apparent as in a matter which of
  itself has no recommendation。  Blame not me; reader; for those that slip
  in here by the fancy or inadvertency of others; every hand; every
  artisan; contribute their own materials; I neither concern myself with
  orthography (and only care to have it after the old way) nor pointing;
  being very inexpert both in the one and the other。  Where they wholly
  break the sense; I am very little concerned; for they at least discharge
  me; but where they substitute a false one; as they so often do; and wrest
  me to their conception; they ruin me。  When the sentence; nevertheless;
  is not strong enough for my proportion; a civil person ought to reject it
  as spurious; and none of mine。  Whoever shall know how lazy I am; and how
  indulgent to my own humour; will easily believe that I had rather write
  as many more essays; than be tied to revise these over again for so
  childish a correction。
  I said elsewhere; that being planted in the very centre of this new
  religion; I am not only deprived of any great familiarity with men of
  other kind of manners than my own; and of other opinions; by which they
  hold together; as by a tie that supersedes all other obligations; but
  moreover I do not live without danger; amongst men to whom all things are
  equally lawful; and of whom the most part cannot offend the laws more
  than they have already done; from which the extremist degree of licence
  proceeds。  All the particular being summed up together; I do not find one
  man of my country; who pays so dear for the defence of our laws both in
  loss and damages (as the lawyers say) as myself; and some there are who
  vapour and brag of their zeal and constancy; that if things were justly
  weighed; do much less than I。  My house; as one that has ever been open
  and free to all comers; and civil to all (for I could never persuade
  myself to make it a garrison of war; war being a thing that I prefer to
  see as remote as may be); has sufficiently merited popular kindness; and
  so that it would be a hard matter justly to insult over me upon my own
  dunghill; and I look upon it as a wonderful and exemplary thing that it
  yet continues a virgin from blood and plunder during so long a storm; and
  so many neighbouring revolutions and tumults。  For to confess the truth;
  it had been possible enough for a man of my complexion to have shaken
  hands with any one constant and continued form whatever; but the contrary
  invasions and incursions; alternations and vicissitudes of fortune round
  about me; have hitherto more exasperated than calmed and mollified the
  temper of the country; and involved me; over and over again; with
  invincible difficulties and dangers。
  I escape; 'tis true; but am troubled that it is more by chance; and
  something of my own prudence; than by justice; and am not satisfied to be
  out of the protection of the laws; and under any other safeguard than
  theirs。  As matters stand; I live; above one half; by the favour of
  others; which is an untoward obligation。  I do not like to owe my safety
  either to the generosity or affection of great persons; who allow me my
  legality and my liberty; or to the obliging manners of my predecessors;
  or my own: for what if I were another kind of man?  If my deportment; and
  the frankness of my conversation or relationship; oblige my