第 23 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  deciduous。 Thus; let D be broad…leaved; E deciduous; F vine。 Then E
  inheres in F (since every vine is deciduous); and D in E (for every
  deciduous plant has broad leaves): therefore every vine has broad
  leaves; and the cause is its deciduous character。 If; however; they
  cannot each be the cause of the other (for cause is prior to effect;
  and the earth's interposition is the cause of the moon's eclipse and
  not the eclipse of the interposition)…if; then; demonstration
  through the cause is of the reasoned fact and demonstration not
  through the cause is of the bare fact; one who knows it through the
  eclipse knows the fact of the earth's interposition but not the
  reasoned fact。 Moreover; that the eclipse is not the cause of the
  interposition; but the interposition of the eclipse; is obvious
  because the interposition is an element in the definition of
  eclipse; which shows that the eclipse is known through the
  interposition and not vice versa。
  On the other hand; can a single effect have more than one cause? One
  might argue as follows: if the same attribute is predicable of more
  than one thing as its primary subject; let B be a primary subject in
  which A inheres; and C another primary subject of A; and D and E
  primary subjects of B and C respectively。 A will then inhere in D
  and E; and B will be the cause of A's inherence in D; C of A's
  inherence in E。 The presence of the cause thus necessitates that of
  the effect; but the presence of the effect necessitates the presence
  not of all that may cause it but only of a cause which yet need not be
  the whole cause。 We may; however; suggest that if the connexion to
  be proved is always universal and commensurate; not only will the
  cause be a whole but also the effect will be universal and
  commensurate。 For instance; deciduous character will belong
  exclusively to a subject which is a whole; and; if this whole has
  species; universally and commensurately to those species…i。e。 either
  to all species of plant or to a single species。 So in these
  universal and commensurate connexions the 'middle' and its effect must
  reciprocate; i。e。 be convertible。 Supposing; for example; that the
  reason why trees are deciduous is the coagulation of sap; then if a
  tree is deciduous; coagulation must be present; and if coagulation
  is present…not in any subject but in a tree…then that tree must be
  Can the cause of an identical effect be not identical in every
  instance of the effect but different? Or is that impossible? Perhaps
  it is impossible if the effect is demonstrated as essential and not as
  inhering in virtue of a symptom or an accident…because the middle is
  then the definition of the major term…though possible if the
  demonstration is not essential。 Now it is possible to consider the
  effect and its subject as an accidental conjunction; though such
  conjunctions would not be regarded as connexions demanding
  scientific proof。 But if they are accepted as such; the middle will
  correspond to the extremes; and be equivocal if they are equivocal;
  generically one if they are generically one。 Take the question why
  proportionals alternate。 The cause when they are lines; and when
  they are numbers; is both different and identical; different in so far
  as lines are lines and not numbers; identical as involving a given
  determinate increment。 In all proportionals this is so。 Again; the
  cause of likeness between colour and colour is other than that between
  figure and figure; for likeness here is equivocal; meaning perhaps
  in the latter case equality of the ratios of the sides and equality of
  the angles; in the case of colours identity of the act of perceiving
  them; or something else of the sort。 Again; connexions requiring proof
  which are identical by analogy middles also analogous。
  The truth is that cause; effect; and subject are reciprocally
  predicable in the following way。 If the species are taken severally;
  the effect is wider than the subject (e。g。 the possession of
  external angles equal to four right angles is an attribute wider
  than triangle or are); but it is coextensive with the species taken
  collectively (in this instance with all figures whose external
  angles are equal to four right angles)。 And the middle likewise
  reciprocates; for the middle is a definition of the major; which is
  incidentally the reason why all the sciences are built up through
  We may illustrate as follows。 Deciduous is a universal attribute
  of vine; and is at the same time of wider extent than vine; and of
  fig; and is of wider extent than fig: but it is not wider than but
  coextensive with the totality of the species。 Then if you take the
  middle which is proximate; it is a definition of deciduous。 I say
  that; because you will first reach a middle next the subject; and a
  premiss asserting it of the whole subject; and after that a middle…the
  coagulation of sap or something of the sort…proving the connexion of
  the first middle with the major: but it is the coagulation of sap at
  the junction of leaf…stalk and stem which defines deciduous。
  If an explanation in formal terms of the inter…relation of cause and
  effect is demanded; we shall offer the following。 Let A be an
  attribute of all B; and B of every species of D; but so that both A
  and B are wider than their respective subjects。 Then B will be a
  universal attribute of each species of D (since I call such an
  attribute universal even if it is not commensurate; and I call an
  attribute primary universal if it is commensurate; not with each
  species severally but with their totality); and it extends beyond each
  of them taken separately。
  Thus; B is the cause of A's inherence in the species of D:
  consequently A must be of wider extent than B; otherwise why should
  B be the cause of A's inherence in D any more than A the cause of
  B's inherence in D? Now if A is an attribute of all the species of
  E; all the species of E will be united by possessing some common cause
  other than B: otherwise how shall we be able to say that A is
  predicable of all of which E is predicable; while E is not
  predicable of all of which A can be predicated? I mean how can there
  fail to be some special cause of A's inherence in E; as there was of
  A's inherence in all the species of D? Then are the species of E; too;
  united by possessing some common cause? This cause we must look for。
  Let us call it C。
  We conclude; then; that the same effect may have more than one
  cause; but not in subjects specifically identical。 For instance; the
  cause of longevity in quadrupeds is lack of bile; in birds a dry
  constitution…or certainly something different。
  If immediate premisses are not reached at once; and there is not
  merely one middle but several middles; i。e。 several causes; is the
  cause of the property's inherence in the several species the middle
  which is proximate to the primary universal; or the middle which is
  proximate to the species? Clearly the cause is that nearest to each
  species severally in which it is manifested; for that is the cause
  of the subject's falling under the universal。 To illustrate
  formally: C is the cause of B's inherence in D; hence C is the cause
  of A's inherence in D; B of A's inherence in C; while the cause of A's
  inherence in B is B itself。
  As regards syllogism and demonstration; the definition of; and the
  conditions required to produce each of them; are now clear; and with
  that also the definition of; and the conditions required to produce;
  demonstrative knowledge; since it is the same as demonstration。 As
  to the basic premisses; how they become known and what is the
  developed state of knowledge of them is made clear by raising some
  preliminary problems。
  We have already said that scientific knowledge through demonstration
  is impossible unless a man knows the primary immediate premisses。
  But there are questions which might be raised in respect of the
  apprehension of these immediate premisses: one might not only ask
  whether it is of the same kind as the apprehension of the conclusions;
  but also whether there is or is not scientific knowledge of both; or
  scientific knowledge of the latter; and of the former a different kind
  of knowledge; and; further; whether the developed states of
  knowledge are not innate but come to be in us; or are inna