第 22 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9320
  assumed as primary; and this will be ensured if the term selected is
  predicable of all the others but not all they of it; since there
  must be one such term。 Having assumed this we at once proceed in the
  same way with the lower terms; for our second term will be the first
  of the remainder; our third the first of those which follow the second
  in a 'contiguous' series; since when the higher term is excluded; that
  term of the remainder which is 'contiguous' to it will be primary; and
  so on。 Our procedure makes it clear that no elements in the
  definable form have been omitted: we have taken the differentia that
  comes first in the order of division; pointing out that animal; e。g。
  is divisible exhaustively into A and B; and that the subject accepts
  one of the two as its predicate。 Next we have taken the differentia of
  the whole thus reached; and shown that the whole we finally reach is
  not further divisible…i。e。 that as soon as we have taken the last
  differentia to form the concrete totality; this totality admits of
  no division into species。 For it is clear that there is no superfluous
  addition; since all these terms we have selected are elements in the
  definable form; and nothing lacking; since any omission would have
  to be a genus or a differentia。 Now the primary term is a genus; and
  this term taken in conjunction with its differentiae is a genus:
  moreover the differentiae are all included; because there is now no
  further differentia; if there were; the final concrete would admit
  of division into species; which; we said; is not the case。
  To resume our account of the right method of investigation: We
  must start by observing a set of similar…i。e。 specifically
  identical…individuals; and consider what element they have in
  common。 We must then apply the same process to another set of
  individuals which belong to one species and are generically but not
  specifically identical with the former set。 When we have established
  what the common element is in all members of this second species;
  and likewise in members of further species; we should again consider
  whether the results established possess any identity; and persevere
  until we reach a single formula; since this will be the definition
  of the thing。 But if we reach not one formula but two or more;
  evidently the definiendum cannot be one thing but must be more than
  one。 I may illustrate my meaning as follows。 If we were inquiring what
  the essential nature of pride is; we should examine instances of proud
  men we know of to see what; as such; they have in common; e。g。 if
  Alcibiades was proud; or Achilles and Ajax were proud; we should
  find on inquiring what they all had in common; that it was intolerance
  of insult; it was this which drove Alcibiades to war; Achilles
  wrath; and Ajax to suicide。 We should next examine other cases;
  Lysander; for example; or Socrates; and then if these have in common
  indifference alike to good and ill fortune; I take these two results
  and inquire what common element have equanimity amid the
  vicissitudes of life and impatience of dishonour。 If they have none;
  there will be two genera of pride。 Besides; every definition is always
  universal and commensurate: the physician does not prescribe what is
  healthy for a single eye; but for all eyes or for a determinate
  species of eye。 It is also easier by this method to define the
  single species than the universal; and that is why our procedure
  should be from the several species to the universal genera…this for
  the further reason too that equivocation is less readily detected in
  genera than in infimae species。 Indeed; perspicuity is essential in
  definitions; just as inferential movement is the minimum required in
  demonstrations; and we shall attain perspicuity if we can collect
  separately the definition of each species through the group of
  singulars which we have established e。g。 the definition of
  similarity not unqualified but restricted to colours and to figures;
  the definition of acuteness; but only of sound…and so proceed to the
  common universal with a careful avoidance of equivocation。 We may
  add that if dialectical disputation must not employ metaphors; clearly
  metaphors and metaphorical expressions are precluded in definition:
  otherwise dialectic would involve metaphors。
  In order to formulate the connexions we wish to prove we have to
  select our analyses and divisions。 The method of selection consists in
  laying down the common genus of all our subjects of investigation…if
  e。g。 they are animals; we lay down what the properties are which
  inhere in every animal。 These established; we next lay down the
  properties essentially connected with the first of the remaining
  classes…e。g。 if this first subgenus is bird; the essential
  properties of every bird…and so on; always characterizing the
  proximate subgenus。 This will clearly at once enable us to say in
  virtue of what character the subgenera…man; e。g。 or horse…possess
  their properties。 Let A be animal; B the properties of every animal; C
  D E various species of animal。 Then it is clear in virtue of what
  character B inheres in D…namely A…and that it inheres in C and E for
  the same reason: and throughout the remaining subgenera always the
  same rule applies。
  We are now taking our examples from the traditional class…names; but
  we must not confine ourselves to considering these。 We must collect
  any other common character which we observe; and then consider with
  what species it is connected and what。properties belong to it。 For
  example; as the common properties of horned animals we collect the
  possession of a third stomach and only one row of teeth。 Then since it
  is clear in virtue of what character they possess these
  attributes…namely their horned character…the next question is; to what
  species does the possession of horns attach?
  Yet a further method of selection is by analogy: for we cannot
  find a single identical name to give to a squid's pounce; a fish's
  spine; and an animal's bone; although these too possess common
  properties as if there were a single osseous nature。
  Some connexions that require proof are identical in that they
  possess an identical 'middle' e。g。 a whole group might be proved
  through 'reciprocal replacement'…and of these one class are
  identical in genus; namely all those whose difference consists in
  their concerning different subjects or in their mode of manifestation。
  This latter class may be exemplified by the questions as to the causes
  respectively of echo; of reflection; and of the rainbow: the
  connexions to be proved which these questions embody are identical
  generically; because all three are forms of repercussion; but
  specifically they are different。
  Other connexions that require proof only differ in that the 'middle'
  of the one is subordinate to the 'middle' of the other。 For example:
  Why does the Nile rise towards the end of the month? Because towards
  its close the month is more stormy。 Why is the month more stormy
  towards its close? Because the moon is waning。 Here the one cause is
  subordinate to the other。
  The question might be raised with regard to cause and effect whether
  when the effect is present the cause also is present; whether; for
  instance; if a plant sheds its leaves or the moon is eclipsed; there
  is present also the cause of the eclipse or of the fall of the
  leaves…the possession of broad leaves; let us say; in the latter case;
  in the former the earth's interposition。 For; one might argue; if this
  cause is not present; these phenomena will have some other cause: if
  it is present; its effect will be at once implied by it…the eclipse by
  the earth's interposition; the fall of the leaves by the possession of
  broad leaves; but if so; they will be logically coincident and each
  capable of proof through the other。 Let me illustrate: Let A be
  deciduous character; B the possession of broad leaves; C vine。 Now
  if A inheres in B (for every broad…leaved plant is deciduous); and B
  in C (every vine possessing broad leaves); then A inheres in C
  (every vine is deciduous); and the middle term B is the cause。 But
  we can also demonstrate that the vine has broad leaves because it is
  deciduous。 Thus; let D be broad…leaved; E deciduous; F vine。 Then E
  inheres in F (since every vine is deciduous); and D in E (for every