第 16 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  attribute and we ask whether the thing is thus or otherwise
  qualified…whether; e。g。 the sun suffers eclipse or not…then we are
  asking as to the fact of a connexion。 That our inquiry ceases with the
  discovery that the sun does suffer eclipse is an indication of this;
  and if we know from the start that the sun suffers eclipse; we do
  not inquire whether it does so or not。 On the other hand; when we know
  the fact we ask the reason; as; for example; when we know that the sun
  is being eclipsed and that an earthquake is in progress; it is the
  reason of eclipse or earthquake into which we inquire。
  Where a complex is concerned; then; those are the two questions we
  ask; but for some objects of inquiry we have a different kind of
  question to ask; such as whether there is or is not a centaur or a
  God。 (By 'is or is not' I mean 'is or is not; without further
  qualification'; as opposed to 'is or is not 'e。g。' white'。) On the
  other hand; when we have ascertained the thing's existence; we inquire
  as to its nature; asking; for instance; 'what; then; is God?' or 'what
  is man?'。
  These; then; are the four kinds of question we ask; and it is in the
  answers to these questions that our knowledge consists。
  Now when we ask whether a connexion is a fact; or whether a thing
  without qualification is; we are really asking whether the connexion
  or the thing has a 'middle'; and when we have ascertained either
  that the connexion is a fact or that the thing is…i。e。 ascertained
  either the partial or the unqualified being of the thing…and are
  proceeding to ask the reason of the connexion or the nature of the
  thing; then we are asking what the 'middle' is。
  (By distinguishing the fact of the connexion and the existence of
  the thing as respectively the partial and the unqualified being of the
  thing; I mean that if we ask 'does the moon suffer eclipse?'; or 'does
  the moon wax?'; the question concerns a part of the thing's being; for
  what we are asking in such questions is whether a thing is this or
  that; i。e。 has or has not this or that attribute: whereas; if we ask
  whether the moon or night exists; the question concerns the
  unqualified being of a thing。)
  We conclude that in all our inquiries we are asking either whether
  there is a 'middle' or what the 'middle' is: for the 'middle' here
  is precisely the cause; and it is the cause that we seek in all our
  inquiries。 Thus; 'Does the moon suffer eclipse?' means 'Is there or is
  there not a cause producing eclipse of the moon?'; and when we have
  learnt that there is; our next question is; 'What; then; is this
  cause? for the cause through which a thing is…not is this or that;
  i。e。 has this or that attribute; but without qualification is…and
  the cause through which it is…not is without qualification; but is
  this or that as having some essential attribute or some accident…are
  both alike the middle'。 By that which is without qualification I
  mean the subject; e。g。 moon or earth or sun or triangle; by that which
  a subject is (in the partial sense) I mean a property; e。g。 eclipse;
  equality or inequality; interposition or non…interposition。 For in all
  these examples it is clear that the nature of the thing and the reason
  of the fact are identical: the question 'What is eclipse?' and its
  answer 'The privation of the moon's light by the interposition of
  the earth' are identical with the question 'What is the reason of
  eclipse?' or 'Why does the moon suffer eclipse?' and the reply
  'Because of the failure of light through the earth's shutting it out'。
  Again; for 'What is a concord? A commensurate numerical ratio of a
  high and a low note'; we may substitute 'What ratio makes a high and a
  low note concordant? Their relation according to a commensurate
  numerical ratio。' 'Are the high and the low note concordant?' is
  equivalent to 'Is their ratio commensurate?'; and when we find that it
  is commensurate; we ask 'What; then; is their ratio?'。
  Cases in which the 'middle' is sensible show that the object of
  our inquiry is always the 'middle': we inquire; because we have not
  perceived it; whether there is or is not a 'middle' causing; e。g。 an
  eclipse。 On the other hand; if we were on the moon we should not be
  inquiring either as to the fact or the reason; but both fact and
  reason would be obvious simultaneously。 For the act of perception
  would have enabled us to know the universal too; since; the present
  fact of an eclipse being evident; perception would then at the same
  time give us the present fact of the earth's screening the sun's
  light; and from this would arise the universal。
  Thus; as we maintain; to know a thing's nature is to know the reason
  why it is; and this is equally true of things in so far as they are
  said without qualification to he as opposed to being possessed of some
  attribute; and in so far as they are said to be possessed of some
  attribute such as equal to right angles; or greater or less。
  It is clear; then; that all questions are a search for a 'middle'。
  Let us now state how essential nature is revealed and in what way it
  can be reduced to demonstration; what definition is; and what things
  are definable。 And let us first discuss certain difficulties which
  these questions raise; beginning what we have to say with a point most
  intimately connected with our immediately preceding remarks; namely
  the doubt that might be felt as to whether or not it is possible to
  know the same thing in the same relation; both by definition and by
  demonstration。 It might; I mean; be urged that definition is held to
  concern essential nature and is in every case universal and
  affirmative; whereas; on the other hand; some conclusions are negative
  and some are not universal; e。g。 all in the second figure are
  negative; none in the third are universal。 And again; not even all
  affirmative conclusions in the first figure are definable; e。g。 'every
  triangle has its angles equal to two right angles'。 An argument
  proving this difference between demonstration and definition is that
  to have scientific knowledge of the demonstrable is identical with
  possessing a demonstration of it: hence if demonstration of such
  conclusions as these is possible; there clearly cannot also be
  definition of them。 If there could; one might know such a conclusion
  also in virtue of its definition without possessing the
  demonstration of it; for there is nothing to stop our having the one
  without the other。
  Induction too will sufficiently convince us of this difference;
  for never yet by defining anything…essential attribute or accident…did
  we get knowledge of it。 Again; if to define is to acquire knowledge of
  a substance; at any rate such attributes are not substances。
  It is evident; then; that not everything demonstrable can be
  defined。 What then? Can everything definable be demonstrated; or
  not? There is one of our previous arguments which covers this too。
  Of a single thing qua single there is a single scientific knowledge。
  Hence; since to know the demonstrable scientifically is to possess the
  demonstration of it; an impossible consequence will follow:…possession
  of its definition without its demonstration will give knowledge of the
  Moreover; the basic premisses of demonstrations are definitions; and
  it has already been shown that these will be found indemonstrable;
  either the basic premisses will be demonstrable and will depend on
  prior premisses; and the regress will be endless; or the primary
  truths will be indemonstrable definitions。
  But if the definable and the demonstrable are not wholly the same;
  may they yet be partially the same? Or is that impossible; because
  there can be no demonstration of the definable? There can be none;
  because definition is of the essential nature or being of something;
  and all demonstrations evidently posit and assume the essential
  nature…mathematical demonstrations; for example; the nature of unity
  and the odd; and all the other sciences likewise。 Moreover; every
  demonstration proves a predicate of a subject as attaching or as not
  attaching to it; but in definition one thing is not predicated of
  another; we do not; e。g。 predicate animal of biped nor biped of
  animal; nor yet figure of plane…plane not being figure nor figure
  plane。 Again; to prove essential nature is not the same as to prove
  the fact of a connexion。 Now defi