第 15 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  their attributes。
  Again; it is not true that the basic truths are much fewer than
  the conclusions; for the basic truths are the premisses; and the
  premisses are formed by the apposition of a fresh extreme term or
  the interposition of a fresh middle。 Moreover; the number of
  conclusions is indefinite; though the number of middle terms is
  finite; and lastly some of the basic truths are necessary; others
  Looking at it in this way we see that; since the number of
  conclusions is indefinite; the basic truths cannot be identical or
  limited in number。 If; on the other hand; identity is used in
  another sense; and it is said; e。g。 'these and no other are the
  fundamental truths of geometry; these the fundamentals of calculation;
  these again of medicine'; would the statement mean anything except
  that the sciences have basic truths? To call them identical because
  they are self…identical is absurd; since everything can be
  identified with everything in that sense of identity。 Nor again can
  the contention that all conclusions have the same basic truths mean
  that from the mass of all possible premisses any conclusion may be
  drawn。 That would be exceedingly naive; for it is not the case in
  the clearly evident mathematical sciences; nor is it possible in
  analysis; since it is the immediate premisses which are the basic
  truths; and a fresh conclusion is only formed by the addition of a new
  immediate premiss: but if it be admitted that it is these primary
  immediate premisses which are basic truths; each subject…genus will
  provide one basic truth。 If; however; it is not argued that from the
  mass of all possible premisses any conclusion may be proved; nor yet
  admitted that basic truths differ so as to be generically different
  for each science; it remains to consider the possibility that; while
  the basic truths of all knowledge are within one genus; special
  premisses are required to prove special conclusions。 But that this
  cannot be the case has been shown by our proof that the basic truths
  of things generically different themselves differ generically。 For
  fundamental truths are of two kinds; those which are premisses of
  demonstration and the subject…genus; and though the former are common;
  the latter…number; for instance; and magnitude…are peculiar。
  Scientific knowledge and its object differ from opinion and the
  object of opinion in that scientific knowledge is commensurately
  universal and proceeds by necessary connexions; and that which is
  necessary cannot be otherwise。 So though there are things which are
  true and real and yet can be otherwise; scientific knowledge clearly
  does not concern them: if it did; things which can be otherwise
  would be incapable of being otherwise。 Nor are they any concern of
  rational intuition…by rational intuition I mean an originative
  source of scientific knowledge…nor of indemonstrable knowledge;
  which is the grasping of the immediate premiss。 Since then rational
  intuition; science; and opinion; and what is revealed by these
  terms; are the only things that can be 'true'; it follows that it is
  opinion that is concerned with that which may be true or false; and
  can be otherwise: opinion in fact is the grasp of a premiss which is
  immediate but not necessary。 This view also fits the observed facts;
  for opinion is unstable; and so is the kind of being we have described
  as its object。 Besides; when a man thinks a truth incapable of being
  otherwise he always thinks that he knows it; never that he opines
  it。 He thinks that he opines when he thinks that a connexion; though
  actually so; may quite easily be otherwise; for he believes that
  such is the proper object of opinion; while the necessary is the
  object of knowledge。
  In what sense; then; can the same thing be the object of both
  opinion and knowledge? And if any one chooses to maintain that all
  that he knows he can also opine; why should not opinion be
  knowledge? For he that knows and he that opines will follow the same
  train of thought through the same middle terms until the immediate
  premisses are reached; because it is possible to opine not only the
  fact but also the reasoned fact; and the reason is the middle term; so
  that; since the former knows; he that opines also has knowledge。
  The truth perhaps is that if a man grasp truths that cannot be other
  than they are; in the way in which he grasps the definitions through
  which demonstrations take place; he will have not opinion but
  knowledge: if on the other hand he apprehends these attributes as
  inhering in their subjects; but not in virtue of the subjects'
  substance and essential nature possesses opinion and not genuine
  knowledge; and his opinion; if obtained through immediate premisses;
  will be both of the fact and of the reasoned fact; if not so obtained;
  of the fact alone。 The object of opinion and knowledge is not quite
  identical; it is only in a sense identical; just as the object of true
  and false opinion is in a sense identical。 The sense in which some
  maintain that true and false opinion can have the same object leads
  them to embrace many strange doctrines; particularly the doctrine that
  what a man opines falsely he does not opine at all。 There are really
  many senses of 'identical'; and in one sense the object of true and
  false opinion can be the same; in another it cannot。 Thus; to have a
  true opinion that the diagonal is commensurate with the side would
  be absurd: but because the diagonal with which they are both concerned
  is the same; the two opinions have objects so far the same: on the
  other hand; as regards their essential definable nature these
  objects differ。 The identity of the objects of knowledge and opinion
  is similar。 Knowledge is the apprehension of; e。g。 the attribute
  'animal' as incapable of being otherwise; opinion the apprehension
  of 'animal' as capable of being otherwise…e。g。 the apprehension that
  animal is an element in the essential nature of man is knowledge;
  the apprehension of animal as predicable of man but not as an
  element in man's essential nature is opinion: man is the subject in
  both judgements; but the mode of inherence differs。
  This also shows that one cannot opine and know the same thing
  simultaneously; for then one would apprehend the same thing as both
  capable and incapable of being otherwise…an impossibility。 Knowledge
  and opinion of the same thing can co…exist in two different people
  in the sense we have explained; but not simultaneously in the same
  person。 That would involve a man's simultaneously apprehending; e。g。
  (1) that man is essentially animal…i。e。 cannot be other than
  animal…and (2) that man is not essentially animal; that is; we may
  assume; may be other than animal。
  Further consideration of modes of thinking and their distribution
  under the heads of discursive thought; intuition; science; art;
  practical wisdom; and metaphysical thinking; belongs rather partly
  to natural science; partly to moral philosophy。
  Quick wit is a faculty of hitting upon the middle term
  instantaneously。 It would be exemplified by a man who saw that the
  moon has her bright side always turned towards the sun; and quickly
  grasped the cause of this; namely that she borrows her light from him;
  or observed somebody in conversation with a man of wealth and
  divined that he was borrowing money; or that the friendship of these
  people sprang from a common enmity。 In all these instances he has seen
  the major and minor terms and then grasped the causes; the middle
  Let A represent 'bright side turned sunward'; B 'lighted from the
  sun'; C the moon。 Then B; 'lighted from the sun' is predicable of C;
  the moon; and A; 'having her bright side towards the source of her
  light'; is predicable of B。 So A is predicable of C through B。
  Book II
  THE kinds of question we ask are as many as the kinds of things
  which we know。 They are in fact four:…(1) whether the connexion of
  an attribute with a thing is a fact; (2) what is the reason of the
  connexion; (3) whether a thing exists; (4) What is the nature of the
  thing。 Thus; when our question concerns a complex of thing and
  attribute and we ask whether the thing is thus or otherwise
  qualified…whether; e。g。 the sun suffers eclipse or not…then we are
  asking as t