第 13 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  as we have exemplified; it follows that in the case of the other
  causes also full knowledge is attained when an attribute no longer
  inheres because of something else。 Thus; when we learn that exterior
  angles are equal to four right angles because they are the exterior
  angles of an isosceles; there still remains the question 'Why has
  isosceles this attribute?' and its answer 'Because it is a triangle;
  and a triangle has it because a triangle is a rectilinear figure。'
  If rectilinear figure possesses the property for no further reason; at
  this point we have full knowledge…but at this point our knowledge
  has become commensurately universal; and so we conclude that
  commensurately universal demonstration is superior。
  (6) The more demonstration becomes particular the more it sinks into
  an indeterminate manifold; while universal demonstration tends to
  the simple and determinate。 But objects so far as they are an
  indeterminate manifold are unintelligible; so far as they are
  determinate; intelligible: they are therefore intelligible rather in
  so far as they are universal than in so far as they are particular。
  From this it follows that universals are more demonstrable: but
  since relative and correlative increase concomitantly; of the more
  demonstrable there will be fuller demonstration。 Hence the
  commensurate and universal form; being more truly demonstration; is
  the superior。
  (7) Demonstration which teaches two things is preferable to
  demonstration which teaches only one。 He who possesses
  commensurately universal demonstration knows the particular as well;
  but he who possesses particular demonstration does not know the
  universal。 So that this is an additional reason for preferring
  commensurately universal demonstration。 And there is yet this
  further argument:
  (8) Proof becomes more and more proof of the commensurate
  universal as its middle term approaches nearer to the basic truth; and
  nothing is so near as the immediate premiss which is itself the
  basic truth。 If; then; proof from the basic truth is more accurate
  than proof not so derived; demonstration which depends more closely on
  it is more accurate than demonstration which is less closely
  dependent。 But commensurately universal demonstration is characterized
  by this closer dependence; and is therefore superior。 Thus; if A had
  to be proved to inhere in D; and the middles were B and C; B being the
  higher term would render the demonstration which it mediated the
  more universal。
  Some of these arguments; however; are dialectical。 The clearest
  indication of the precedence of commensurately universal demonstration
  is as follows: if of two propositions; a prior and a posterior; we
  have a grasp of the prior; we have a kind of knowledge…a potential
  grasp…of the posterior as well。 For example; if one knows that the
  angles of all triangles are equal to two right angles; one knows in
  a sense…potentially…that the isosceles' angles also are equal to two
  right angles; even if one does not know that the isosceles is a
  triangle; but to grasp this posterior proposition is by no means to
  know the commensurate universal either potentially or actually。
  Moreover; commensurately universal demonstration is through and
  through intelligible; particular demonstration issues in
  The preceding arguments constitute our defence of the superiority of
  commensurately universal to particular demonstration。 That affirmative
  demonstration excels negative may be shown as follows。
  (1) We may assume the superiority ceteris paribus of the
  demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypotheses…in
  short from fewer premisses; for; given that all these are equally well
  known; where they are fewer knowledge will be more speedily
  acquired; and that is a desideratum。 The argument implied in our
  contention that demonstration from fewer assumptions is superior may
  be set out in universal form as follows。 Assuming that in both cases
  alike the middle terms are known; and that middles which are prior are
  better known than such as are posterior; we may suppose two
  demonstrations of the inherence of A in E; the one proving it
  through the middles B; C and D; the other through F and G。 Then A…D is
  known to the same degree as A…E (in the second proof); but A…D is
  better known than and prior to A…E (in the first proof); since A…E
  is proved through A…D; and the ground is more certain than the
  Hence demonstration by fewer premisses is ceteris paribus
  superior。 Now both affirmative and negative demonstration operate
  through three terms and two premisses; but whereas the former
  assumes only that something is; the latter assumes both that something
  is and that something else is not; and thus operating through more
  kinds of premiss is inferior。
  (2) It has been proved that no conclusion follows if both
  premisses are negative; but that one must be negative; the other
  affirmative。 So we are compelled to lay down the following
  additional rule: as the demonstration expands; the affirmative
  premisses must increase in number; but there cannot be more than one
  negative premiss in each complete proof。 Thus; suppose no B is A;
  and all C is B。 Then if both the premisses are to be again expanded; a
  middle must be interposed。 Let us interpose D between A and B; and E
  between B and C。 Then clearly E is affirmatively related to B and C;
  while D is affirmatively related to B but negatively to A; for all B
  is D; but there must be no D which is A。 Thus there proves to be a
  single negative premiss; A…D。 In the further prosyllogisms too it is
  the same; because in the terms of an affirmative syllogism the
  middle is always related affirmatively to both extremes; in a negative
  syllogism it must be negatively related only to one of them; and so
  this negation comes to be a single negative premiss; the other
  premisses being affirmative。 If; then; that through which a truth is
  proved is a better known and more certain truth; and if the negative
  proposition is proved through the affirmative and not vice versa;
  affirmative demonstration; being prior and better known and more
  certain; will be superior。
  (3) The basic truth of demonstrative syllogism is the universal
  immediate premiss; and the universal premiss asserts in affirmative
  demonstration and in negative denies: and the affirmative
  proposition is prior to and better known than the negative (since
  affirmation explains denial and is prior to denial; just as being is
  prior to not…being)。 It follows that the basic premiss of
  affirmative demonstration is superior to that of negative
  demonstration; and the demonstration which uses superior basic
  premisses is superior。
  (4) Affirmative demonstration is more of the nature of a basic
  form of proof; because it is a sine qua non of negative demonstration。
  Since affirmative demonstration is superior to negative; it is
  clearly superior also to reductio ad impossibile。 We must first make
  certain what is the difference between negative demonstration and
  reductio ad impossibile。 Let us suppose that no B is A; and that all C
  is B: the conclusion necessarily follows that no C is A。 If these
  premisses are assumed; therefore; the negative demonstration that no C
  is A is direct。 Reductio ad impossibile; on the other hand; proceeds
  as follows。 Supposing we are to prove that does not inhere in B; we
  have to assume that it does inhere; and further that B inheres in C;
  with the resulting inference that A inheres in C。 This we have to
  suppose a known and admitted impossibility; and we then infer that A
  cannot inhere in B。 Thus if the inherence of B in C is not questioned;
  A's inherence in B is impossible。
  The order of the terms is the same in both proofs: they differ
  according to which of the negative propositions is the better known;
  the one denying A of B or the one denying A of C。 When the falsity
  of the conclusion is the better known; we use reductio ad
  impossible; when the major premiss of the syllogism is the more
  obvious; we use direct demonstration。 All the same the proposition
  denying A of B is; in the order of being; prior to that denying A of
  C; for premisses are prior to the conclusion which follows from
  them; and 'no C is A' is the conclusion; 'no B is A' one of its
  premisses。 For the destructive result of reductio