第 10 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  asked…unless; indeed; the terms can reciprocate by two different
  modes; by accidental predication in one relation and natural
  predication in the other。
  Now; it is clear that if the predications terminate in both the
  upward and the downward direction (by 'upward' I mean the ascent to
  the more universal; by 'downward' the descent to the more particular);
  the middle terms cannot be infinite in number。 For suppose that A is
  predicated of F; and that the intermediates…call them BB'B〃。。。…are
  infinite; then clearly you might descend from and find one term
  predicated of another ad infinitum; since you have an infinity of
  terms between you and F; and equally; if you ascend from F; there
  are infinite terms between you and A。 It follows that if these
  processes are impossible there cannot be an infinity of
  intermediates between A and F。 Nor is it of any effect to urge that
  some terms of the series AB。。。F are contiguous so as to exclude
  intermediates; while others cannot be taken into the argument at
  all: whichever terms of the series B。。。I take; the number of
  intermediates in the direction either of A or of F must be finite or
  infinite: where the infinite series starts; whether from the first
  term or from a later one; is of no moment; for the succeeding terms in
  any case are infinite in number。
  Further; if in affirmative demonstration the series terminates in
  both directions; clearly it will terminate too in negative
  demonstration。 Let us assume that we cannot proceed to infinity either
  by ascending from the ultimate term (by 'ultimate term' I mean a
  term such as was; not itself attributable to a subject but itself
  the subject of attributes); or by descending towards an ultimate
  from the primary term (by 'primary term' I mean a term predicable of a
  subject but not itself a subject)。 If this assumption is justified;
  the series will also terminate in the case of negation。 For a negative
  conclusion can be proved in all three figures。 In the first figure
  it is proved thus: no B is A; all C is B。 In packing the interval
  B…C we must reach immediate propositionsas is always the case with
  the minor premisssince B…C is affirmative。 As regards the other
  premiss it is plain that if the major term is denied of a term D prior
  to B; D will have to be predicable of all B; and if the major is
  denied of yet another term prior to D; this term must be predicable of
  all D。 Consequently; since the ascending series is finite; the descent
  will also terminate and there will be a subject of which A is
  primarily non…predicable。 In the second figure the syllogism is; all A
  is B; no C is B;。。no C is A。 If proof of this is required; plainly
  it may be shown either in the first figure as above; in the second
  as here; or in the third。 The first figure has been discussed; and
  we will proceed to display the second; proof by which will be as
  follows: all B is D; no C is D。。。; since it is required that B
  should be a subject of which a predicate is affirmed。 Next; since D is
  to be proved not to belong to C; then D has a further predicate
  which is denied of C。 Therefore; since the succession of predicates
  affirmed of an ever higher universal terminates; the succession of
  predicates denied terminates too。
  The third figure shows it as follows: all B is A; some B is not C。
  Therefore some A is not C。 This premiss; i。e。 C…B; will be proved
  either in the same figure or in one of the two figures discussed
  above。 In the first and second figures the series terminates。 If we
  use the third figure; we shall take as premisses; all E is B; some E
  is not C; and this premiss again will be proved by a similar
  prosyllogism。 But since it is assumed that the series of descending
  subjects also terminates; plainly the series of more universal
  non…predicables will terminate also。 Even supposing that the proof
  is not confined to one method; but employs them all and is now in
  the first figure; now in the second or third…even so the regress
  will terminate; for the methods are finite in number; and if finite
  things are combined in a finite number of ways; the result must be
  Thus it is plain that the regress of middles terminates in the
  case of negative demonstration; if it does so also in the case of
  affirmative demonstration。 That in fact the regress terminates in both
  these cases may be made clear by the following dialectical
  In the case of predicates constituting the essential nature of a
  thing; it clearly terminates; seeing that if definition is possible;
  or in other words; if essential form is knowable; and an infinite
  series cannot be traversed; predicates constituting a thing's
  essential nature must be finite in number。 But as regards predicates
  generally we have the following prefatory remarks to make。 (1) We
  can affirm without falsehood 'the white (thing) is walking'; and
  that big (thing) is a log'; or again; 'the log is big'; and 'the man
  walks'。 But the affirmation differs in the two cases。 When I affirm
  'the white is a log'; I mean that something which happens to be
  white is a log…not that white is the substratum in which log
  inheres; for it was not qua white or qua a species of white that the
  white (thing) came to be a log; and the white (thing) is
  consequently not a log except incidentally。 On the other hand; when
  I affirm 'the log is white'; I do not mean that something else;
  which happens also to be a log; is white (as I should if I said 'the
  musician is white;' which would mean 'the man who happens also to be a
  musician is white'); on the contrary; log is here the substratum…the
  substratum which actually came to be white; and did so qua wood or qua
  a species of wood and qua nothing else。
  If we must lay down a rule; let us entitle the latter kind of
  statement predication; and the former not predication at all; or not
  strict but accidental predication。 'White' and 'log' will thus serve
  as types respectively of predicate and subject。
  We shall assume; then; that the predicate is invariably predicated
  strictly and not accidentally of the subject; for on such
  predication demonstrations depend for their force。 It follows from
  this that when a single attribute is predicated of a single subject;
  the predicate must affirm of the subject either some element
  constituting its essential nature; or that it is in some way
  qualified; quantified; essentially related; active; passive; placed;
  or dated。
  (2) Predicates which signify substance signify that the subject is
  identical with the predicate or with a species of the predicate。
  Predicates not signifying substance which are predicated of a
  subject not identical with themselves or with a species of
  themselves are accidental or coincidental; e。g。 white is a
  coincident of man; seeing that man is not identical with white or a
  species of white; but rather with animal; since man is identical
  with a species of animal。 These predicates which do not signify
  substance must be predicates of some other subject; and nothing can be
  white which is not also other than white。 The Forms we can dispense
  with; for they are mere sound without sense; and even if there are
  such things; they are not relevant to our discussion; since
  demonstrations are concerned with predicates such as we have defined。
  (3) If A is a quality of B; B cannot be a quality of A…a quality
  of a quality。 Therefore A and B cannot be predicated reciprocally of
  one another in strict predication: they can be affirmed without
  falsehood of one another; but not genuinely predicated of each
  other。 For one alternative is that they should be substantially
  predicated of one another; i。e。 B would become the genus or
  differentia of A…the predicate now become subject。 But it has been
  shown that in these substantial predications neither the ascending
  predicates nor the descending subjects form an infinite series; e。g。
  neither the series; man is biped; biped is animal; &c。; nor the series
  predicating animal of man; man of Callias; Callias of a further。
  subject as an element of its essential nature; is infinite。 For all
  such substance is definable; and an infinite series cannot be
  traversed in thought: consequently neither the ascent nor the
  descent is infinite; since a substance whose predicates were
  infinite would not b