第 8 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  qualified sense; but universally。 Finally; the first figure has no
  need of the others; while it is by means of the first that the other
  two figures are developed; and have their intervals closepacked
  until immediate premisses are reached。
  Clearly; therefore; the first figure is the primary condition of
  Just as an attribute A may (as we saw) be atomically connected
  with a subject B; so its disconnexion may be atomic。 I call 'atomic'
  connexions or disconnexions which involve no intermediate term;
  since in that case the connexion or disconnexion will not be
  mediated by something other than the terms themselves。 It follows that
  if either A or B; or both A and B; have a genus; their disconnexion
  cannot be primary。 Thus: let C be the genus of A。 Then; if C is not
  the genus of B…for A may well have a genus which is not the genus of
  B…there will be a syllogism proving A's disconnexion from B thus:
  all A is C;
  no B is C;
  therefore no B is A。
  Or if it is B which has a genus D; we have
  all B is D;
  no D is A;
  therefore no B is A; by syllogism;
  and the proof will be similar if both A and B have a genus。 That the
  genus of A need not be the genus of B and vice versa; is shown by
  the existence of mutually exclusive coordinate series of
  predication。 If no term in the series ACD。。。is predicable of any
  term in the series BEF。。。;and if G…a term in the former series…is
  the genus of A; clearly G will not be the genus of B; since; if it
  were; the series would not be mutually exclusive。 So also if B has a
  genus; it will not be the genus of A。 If; on the other hand; neither A
  nor B has a genus and A does not inhere in B; this disconnexion must
  be atomic。 If there be a middle term; one or other of them is bound to
  have a genus; for the syllogism will be either in the first or the
  second figure。 If it is in the first; B will have a genus…for the
  premiss containing it must be affirmative: if in the second; either
  A or B indifferently; since syllogism is possible if either is
  contained in a negative premiss; but not if both premisses are
  Hence it is clear that one thing may be atomically disconnected from
  another; and we have stated when and how this is possible。
  Ignorance…defined not as the negation of knowledge but as a positive
  state of mind…is error produced by inference。
  (1) Let us first consider propositions asserting a predicate's
  immediate connexion with or disconnexion from a subject。 Here; it is
  true; positive error may befall one in alternative ways; for it may
  arise where one directly believes a connexion or disconnexion as
  well as where one's belief is acquired by inference。 The error;
  however; that consists in a direct belief is without complication; but
  the error resulting from inference…which here concerns us…takes many
  forms。 Thus; let A be atomically disconnected from all B: then the
  conclusion inferred through a middle term C; that all B is A; will
  be a case of error produced by syllogism。 Now; two cases are possible。
  Either (a) both premisses; or (b) one premiss only; may be false。
  (a) If neither A is an attribute of any C nor C of any B; whereas
  the contrary was posited in both cases; both premisses will be
  false。 (C may quite well be so related to A and B that C is neither
  subordinate to A nor a universal attribute of B: for B; since A was
  said to be primarily disconnected from B; cannot have a genus; and A
  need not necessarily be a universal attribute of all things。
  Consequently both premisses may be false。) On the other hand; (b)
  one of the premisses may be true; though not either indifferently
  but only the major A…C since; B having no genus; the premiss C…B
  will always be false; while A…C may be true。 This is the case if;
  for example; A is related atomically to both C and B; because when the
  same term is related atomically to more terms than one; neither of
  those terms will belong to the other。 It is; of course; equally the
  case if A…C is not atomic。
  Error of attribution; then; occurs through these causes and in
  this form only…for we found that no syllogism of universal attribution
  was possible in any figure but the first。 On the other hand; an
  error of non…attribution may occur either in the first or in the
  second figure。 Let us therefore first explain the various forms it
  takes in the first figure and the character of the premisses in each
  (c) It may occur when both premisses are false; e。g。 supposing A
  atomically connected with both C and B; if it be then assumed that
  no C is and all B is C; both premisses are false。
  (d) It is also possible when one is false。 This may be either
  premiss indifferently。 A…C may be true; C…B false…A…C true because A
  is not an attribute of all things; C…B false because C; which never
  has the attribute A; cannot be an attribute of B; for if C…B were
  true; the premiss A…C would no longer be true; and besides if both
  premisses were true; the conclusion would be true。 Or again; C…B may
  be true and A…C false; e。g。 if both C and A contain B as genera; one
  of them must be subordinate to the other; so that if the premiss takes
  the form No C is A; it will be false。 This makes it clear that whether
  either or both premisses are false; the conclusion will equally be
  In the second figure the premisses cannot both be wholly false;
  for if all B is A; no middle term can be with truth universally
  affirmed of one extreme and universally denied of the other: but
  premisses in which the middle is affirmed of one extreme and denied of
  the other are the necessary condition if one is to get a valid
  inference at all。 Therefore if; taken in this way; they are wholly
  false; their contraries conversely should be wholly true。 But this
  is impossible。 On the other hand; there is nothing to prevent both
  premisses being partially false; e。g。 if actually some A is C and some
  B is C; then if it is premised that all A is C and no B is C; both
  premisses are false; yet partially; not wholly; false。 The same is
  true if the major is made negative instead of the minor。 Or one
  premiss may be wholly false; and it may be either of them。 Thus;
  supposing that actually an attribute of all A must also be an
  attribute of all B; then if C is yet taken to be a universal attribute
  of all but universally non…attributable to B; C…A will be true but C…B
  false。 Again; actually that which is an attribute of no B will not
  be an attribute of all A either; for if it be an attribute of all A;
  it will also be an attribute of all B; which is contrary to
  supposition; but if C be nevertheless assumed to be a universal
  attribute of A; but an attribute of no B; then the premiss C…B is true
  but the major is false。 The case is similar if the major is made the
  negative premiss。 For in fact what is an attribute of no A will not be
  an attribute of any B either; and if it be yet assumed that C is
  universally non…attributable to A; but a universal attribute of B; the
  premiss C…A is true but the minor wholly false。 Again; in fact it is
  false to assume that that which is an attribute of all B is an
  attribute of no A; for if it be an attribute of all B; it must be an
  attribute of some A。 If then C is nevertheless assumed to be an
  attribute of all B but of no A; C…B will be true but C…A false。
  It is thus clear that in the case of atomic propositions erroneous
  inference will be possible not only when both premisses are false
  but also when only one is false。
  In the case of attributes not atomically connected with or
  disconnected from their subjects; (a) (i) as long as the false
  conclusion is inferred through the 'appropriate' middle; only the
  major and not both premisses can be false。 By 'appropriate middle' I
  mean the middle term through which the contradictory…i。e。 the
  true…conclusion is inferrible。 Thus; let A be attributable to B
  through a middle term C: then; since to produce a conclusion the
  premiss C…B must be taken affirmatively; it is clear that this premiss
  must always be true; for its quality is not changed。 But the major A…C
  is false; for it is by a change in the quality of A…C that the
  conclusion becomes its contradictory…i。e。 true。 Similarly (ii) if