第 7 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  arguments formally illogical do sometimes occur through taking as
  middles mere attributes of the major and minor terms。 An instance of
  this is Caeneus' proof that fire increases in geometrical
  proportion: 'Fire'; he argues; 'increases rapidly; and so does
  geometrical proportion'。 There is no syllogism so; but there is a
  syllogism if the most rapidly increasing proportion is geometrical and
  the most rapidly increasing proportion is attributable to fire in
  its motion。 Sometimes; no doubt; it is impossible to reason from
  premisses predicating mere attributes: but sometimes it is possible;
  though the possibility is overlooked。 If false premisses could never
  give true conclusions 'resolution' would be easy; for premisses and
  conclusion would in that case inevitably reciprocate。 I might then
  argue thus: let A be an existing fact; let the existence of A imply
  such and such facts actually known to me to exist; which we may call
  B。 I can now; since they reciprocate; infer A from B。
  Reciprocation of premisses and conclusion is more frequent in
  mathematics; because mathematics takes definitions; but never an
  accident; for its premisses…a second characteristic distinguishing
  mathematical reasoning from dialectical disputations。
  A science expands not by the interposition of fresh middle terms;
  but by the apposition of fresh extreme terms。 E。g。 A is predicated
  of B; B of C; C of D; and so indefinitely。 Or the expansion may be
  lateral: e。g。 one major A; may be proved of two minors; C and E。
  Thus let A represent number…a number or number taken
  indeterminately; B determinate odd number; C any particular odd
  number。 We can then predicate A of C。 Next let D represent determinate
  even number; and E even number。 Then A is predicable of E。
  Knowledge of the fact differs from knowledge of the reasoned fact。
  To begin with; they differ within the same science and in two ways:
  (1) when the premisses of the syllogism are not immediate (for then
  the proximate cause is not contained in them…a necessary condition
  of knowledge of the reasoned fact): (2) when the premisses are
  immediate; but instead of the cause the better known of the two
  reciprocals is taken as the middle; for of two reciprocally predicable
  terms the one which is not the cause may quite easily be the better
  known and so become the middle term of the demonstration。 Thus (2) (a)
  you might prove as follows that the planets are near because they do
  not twinkle: let C be the planets; B not twinkling; A proximity。
  Then B is predicable of C; for the planets do not twinkle。 But A is
  also predicable of B; since that which does not twinkle is nearwe
  must take this truth as having been reached by induction or
  sense…perception。 Therefore A is a necessary predicate of C; so that
  we have demonstrated that the planets are near。 This syllogism;
  then; proves not the reasoned fact but only the fact; since they are
  not near because they do not twinkle; but; because they are near; do
  not twinkle。 The major and middle of the proof; however; may be
  reversed; and then the demonstration will be of the reasoned fact。
  Thus: let C be the planets; B proximity; A not twinkling。 Then B is an
  attribute of C; and A…not twinkling…of B。 Consequently A is predicable
  of C; and the syllogism proves the reasoned fact; since its middle
  term is the proximate cause。 Another example is the inference that the
  moon is spherical from its manner of waxing。 Thus: since that which so
  waxes is spherical; and since the moon so waxes; clearly the moon is
  spherical。 Put in this form; the syllogism turns out to be proof of
  the fact; but if the middle and major be reversed it is proof of the
  reasoned fact; since the moon is not spherical because it waxes in a
  certain manner; but waxes in such a manner because it is spherical。
  (Let C be the moon; B spherical; and A waxing。) Again (b); in cases
  where the cause and the effect are not reciprocal and the effect is
  the better known; the fact is demonstrated but not the reasoned
  fact。 This also occurs (1) when the middle falls outside the major and
  minor; for here too the strict cause is not given; and so the
  demonstration is of the fact; not of the reasoned fact。 For example;
  the question 'Why does not a wall breathe?' might be answered;
  'Because it is not an animal'; but that answer would not give the
  strict cause; because if not being an animal causes the absence of
  respiration; then being an animal should be the cause of
  respiration; according to the rule that if the negation of causes
  the non…inherence of y; the affirmation of x causes the inherence of
  y; e。g。 if the disproportion of the hot and cold elements is the cause
  of ill health; their proportion is the cause of health; and
  conversely; if the assertion of x causes the inherence of y; the
  negation of x must cause y's non…inherence。 But in the case given this
  consequence does not result; for not every animal breathes。 A
  syllogism with this kind of cause takes place in the second figure。
  Thus: let A be animal; B respiration; C wall。 Then A is predicable
  of all B (for all that breathes is animal); but of no C; and
  consequently B is predicable of no C; that is; the wall does not
  breathe。 Such causes are like far…fetched explanations; which
  precisely consist in making the cause too remote; as in Anacharsis'
  account of why the Scythians have no flute…players; namely because
  they have no vines。
  Thus; then; do the syllogism of the fact and the syllogism of the
  reasoned fact differ within one science and according to the
  position of the middle terms。 But there is another way too in which
  the fact and the reasoned fact differ; and that is when they are
  investigated respectively by different sciences。 This occurs in the
  case of problems related to one another as subordinate and superior;
  as when optical problems are subordinated to geometry; mechanical
  problems to stereometry; harmonic problems to arithmetic; the data
  of observation to astronomy。 (Some of these sciences bear almost the
  same name; e。g。 mathematical and nautical astronomy; mathematical
  and acoustical harmonics。) Here it is the business of the empirical
  observers to know the fact; of the mathematicians to know the reasoned
  fact; for the latter are in possession of the demonstrations giving
  the causes; and are often ignorant of the fact: just as we have
  often a clear insight into a universal; but through lack of
  observation are ignorant of some of its particular instances。 These
  connexions have a perceptible existence though they are manifestations
  of forms。 For the mathematical sciences concern forms: they do not
  demonstrate properties of a substratum; since; even though the
  geometrical subjects are predicable as properties of a perceptible
  substratum; it is not as thus predicable that the mathematician
  demonstrates properties of them。 As optics is related to geometry;
  so another science is related to optics; namely the theory of the
  rainbow。 Here knowledge of the fact is within the province of the
  natural philosopher; knowledge of the reasoned fact within that of the
  optician; either qua optician or qua mathematical optician。 Many
  sciences not standing in this mutual relation enter into it at points;
  e。g。 medicine and geometry: it is the physician's business to know
  that circular wounds heal more slowly; the geometer's to know the
  reason why。
  Of all the figures the most scientific is the first。 Thus; it is the
  vehicle of the demonstrations of all the mathematical sciences; such
  as arithmetic; geometry; and optics; and practically all of all
  sciences that investigate causes: for the syllogism of the reasoned
  fact is either exclusively or generally speaking and in most cases
  in this figure…a second proof that this figure is the most scientific;
  for grasp of a reasoned conclusion is the primary condition of
  knowledge。 Thirdly; the first is the only figure which enables us to
  pursue knowledge of the essence of a thing。 In the second figure no
  affirmative conclusion is possible; and knowledge of a thing's essence
  must be affirmative; while in the third figure the conclusion can be
  affirmative; but cannot be universal; and essence must have a
  universal character: e。g。 man is not two…footed animal in any
  qualified sense; but universally。 Finally; the first figure has no
  need of the others; while it is by means