第 3 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2021-02-25 00:21      字数:9322
  belong to line; odd and even; prime and compound; square and oblong;
  to number; and also the formula defining any one of these attributes
  contains its subject…e。g。 line or number as the case may be。
  Extending this classification to all other attributes; I distinguish
  those that answer the above description as belonging essentially to
  their respective subjects; whereas attributes related in neither of
  these two ways to their subjects I call accidents or 'coincidents';
  e。g。 musical or white is a 'coincident' of animal。
  Further (a) that is essential which is not predicated of a subject
  other than itself: e。g。 'the walking 'thing'' walks and is white in
  virtue of being something else besides; whereas substance; in the
  sense of whatever signifies a 'this somewhat'; is not what it is in
  virtue of being something else besides。 Things; then; not predicated
  of a subject I call essential; things predicated of a subject I call
  accidental or 'coincidental'。
  In another sense again (b) a thing consequentially connected with
  anything is essential; one not so connected is 'coincidental'。 An
  example of the latter is 'While he was walking it lightened': the
  lightning was not due to his walking; it was; we should say; a
  coincidence。 If; on the other hand; there is a consequential
  connexion; the predication is essential; e。g。 if a beast dies when its
  throat is being cut; then its death is also essentially connected with
  the cutting; because the cutting was the cause of death; not death a
  'coincident' of the cutting。
  So far then as concerns the sphere of connexions scientifically
  known in the unqualified sense of that term; all attributes which
  (within that sphere) are essential either in the sense that their
  subjects are contained in them; or in the sense that they are
  contained in their subjects; are necessary as well as
  consequentially connected with their subjects。 For it is impossible
  for them not to inhere in their subjects either simply or in the
  qualified sense that one or other of a pair of opposites must inhere
  in the subject; e。g。 in line must be either straightness or curvature;
  in number either oddness or evenness。 For within a single identical
  genus the contrary of a given attribute is either its privative or its
  contradictory; e。g。 within number what is not odd is even; inasmuch as
  within this sphere even is a necessary consequent of not…odd。 So;
  since any given predicate must be either affirmed or denied of any
  subject; essential attributes must inhere in their subjects of
  Thus; then; we have established the distinction between the
  attribute which is 'true in every instance' and the 'essential'
  I term 'commensurately universal' an attribute which belongs to
  every instance of its subject; and to every instance essentially and
  as such; from which it clearly follows that all commensurate
  universals inhere necessarily in their subjects。 The essential
  attribute; and the attribute that belongs to its subject as such;
  are identical。 E。g。 point and straight belong to line essentially; for
  they belong to line as such; and triangle as such has two right
  angles; for it is essentially equal to two right angles。
  An attribute belongs commensurately and universally to a subject
  when it can be shown to belong to any random instance of that
  subject and when the subject is the first thing to which it can be
  shown to belong。 Thus; e。g。 (1) the equality of its angles to two
  right angles is not a commensurately universal attribute of figure。
  For though it is possible to show that a figure has its angles equal
  to two right angles; this attribute cannot be demonstrated of any
  figure selected at haphazard; nor in demonstrating does one take a
  figure at random…a square is a figure but its angles are not equal
  to two right angles。 On the other hand; any isosceles triangle has its
  angles equal to two right angles; yet isosceles triangle is not the
  primary subject of this attribute but triangle is prior。 So whatever
  can be shown to have its angles equal to two right angles; or to
  possess any other attribute; in any random instance of itself and
  primarily…that is the first subject to which the predicate in question
  belongs commensurately and universally; and the demonstration; in
  the essential sense; of any predicate is the proof of it as
  belonging to this first subject commensurately and universally:
  while the proof of it as belonging to the other subjects to which it
  attaches is demonstration only in a secondary and unessential sense。
  Nor again (2) is equality to two right angles a commensurately
  universal attribute of isosceles; it is of wider application。
  We must not fail to observe that we often fall into error because
  our conclusion is not in fact primary and commensurately universal
  in the sense in which we think we prove it so。 We make this mistake
  (1) when the subject is an individual or individuals above which there
  is no universal to be found: (2) when the subjects belong to different
  species and there is a higher universal; but it has no name: (3)
  when the subject which the demonstrator takes as a whole is really
  only a part of a larger whole; for then the demonstration will be true
  of the individual instances within the part and will hold in every
  instance of it; yet the demonstration will not be true of this subject
  primarily and commensurately and universally。 When a demonstration
  is true of a subject primarily and commensurately and universally;
  that is to be taken to mean that it is true of a given subject
  primarily and as such。 Case (3) may be thus exemplified。 If a proof
  were given that perpendiculars to the same line are parallel; it might
  be supposed that lines thus perpendicular were the proper subject of
  the demonstration because being parallel is true of every instance
  of them。 But it is not so; for the parallelism depends not on these
  angles being equal to one another because each is a right angle; but
  simply on their being equal to one another。 An example of (1) would be
  as follows: if isosceles were the only triangle; it would be thought
  to have its angles equal to two right angles qua isosceles。 An
  instance of (2) would be the law that proportionals alternate。
  Alternation used to be demonstrated separately of numbers; lines;
  solids; and durations; though it could have been proved of them all by
  a single demonstration。 Because there was no single name to denote
  that in which numbers; lengths; durations; and solids are identical;
  and because they differed specifically from one another; this property
  was proved of each of them separately。 To…day; however; the proof is
  commensurately universal; for they do not possess this attribute qua
  lines or qua numbers; but qua manifesting this generic character which
  they are postulated as possessing universally。 Hence; even if one
  prove of each kind of triangle that its angles are equal to two
  right angles; whether by means of the same or different proofs; still;
  as long as one treats separately equilateral; scalene; and
  isosceles; one does not yet know; except sophistically; that
  triangle has its angles equal to two right angles; nor does one yet
  know that triangle has this property commensurately and universally;
  even if there is no other species of triangle but these。 For one
  does not know that triangle as such has this property; nor even that
  'all' triangles have it…unless 'all' means 'each taken singly': if
  'all' means 'as a whole class'; then; though there be none in which
  one does not recognize this property; one does not know it of 'all
  When; then; does our knowledge fail of commensurate universality;
  and when it is unqualified knowledge? If triangle be identical in
  essence with equilateral; i。e。 with each or all equilaterals; then
  clearly we have unqualified knowledge: if on the other hand it be not;
  and the attribute belongs to equilateral qua triangle; then our
  knowledge fails of commensurate universality。 'But'; it will be asked;
  'does this attribute belong to the subject of which it has been
  demonstrated qua triangle or qua isosceles? What is the point at which
  the subject。 to which it belongs is primary? (i。e。 to what subject can
  it be demonstrated as belonging commensurately and universally?)'
  Clearly this point is the first term in which it is found to inhere as
  the elimination of inferior differenti