第 6 节
作者:莫莫言      更新:2021-02-24 23:39      字数:9322
  matters     after   they   had    become     mixed     up   with    religion;   so   that   some
  individual   might   prop   up   his   own   inventions   with   a   pretext   of   Divine
  authority。 (75) But such matters have little to do with salvation; whether
  they be corrupted little or much; as I will show in detail in the next chapter;
  though I think the question sufficiently plain from what I have said already;
  especially in Chapter II。
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  IT    IS   SHOWN        THAT       SCRIPTURE         TEACHES          ONLY      VERY
  (1)   In  the  second     chapter   of  this  treatise   we   pointed    out  that  the
  prophets were gifted with extraordinary powers of imagination; but not of
  understanding; also that God only revealed to them such things as are very
  simple      …  not    philosophic     mysteries;     …   and    that   He    adapted     His
  communications to their previous opinions。 (2) We further showed in Chap。
  V。   that   Scripture   only   transmits   and   teaches   truths   which   can   readily   be
  comprehended by all; not deducing and concatenating its conclusions from
  definitions   and   axioms;   but   narrating   quite   simply;   and   confirming   its
  statements; with a view to inspiring belief; by an appeal to experience as
  exemplified in miracles and history; and setting forth its truths in the style
  and phraseology which would most appeal to the popular mind (cf。 Chap。
  VI。; third division)。
  (3)   Lastly;   we   demonstrated       in  Chap。    VIII。   that  the   difficulty   of
  understanding        Scripture    lies  in   the   language     only;   and    not   in  the
  abstruseness of the argument。
  (4)   To   these   considerations   we   may   add   that   the   Prophets   did   not
  preach only to the  learned; but to all   Jews; without exception; while  the
  Apostles were wont to teach the gospel doctrine in churches where there
  were public meetings; whence it follows that Scriptural doctrine contains
  no   lofty   speculations   nor   philosophic      reasoning;   but   only   very   simple
  matters; such as could be understood by the slowest intelligence。
  (5) I am consequently lost in wonder at the ingenuity of those whom I
  have   already   mentioned;   who   detect   in   the   Bible   mysteries   so   profound
  that    they   cannot    be   explained      in  human     language;     and    who    have
  introduced so many philosophic speculations into religion that the Church
  seems like an academy; and religion like a science; or rather a dispute。
  (6)   It   is   not   to   be   wondered   at   that   men;   who   boast   of   possessing
  supernatural      intelligence;    should     be   unwilling    to   yield   the   palm    of
  knowledge to philosophers who have only their ordinary; faculties; still I
  should be surprised if I found them teaching any new speculative doctrine;
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  which   was   not   a   commonplace   to   those   Gentile   philosophers   whom;   in
  spite    of  all;  they   stigmatize    as  blind;   for;  if  one   inquires    what    these
  mysteries lurking in Scripture may be; one is confronted with nothing but
  the reflections of Plato or Aristotle; or the like; which it would often be
  easier    for  an   ignorant    man    to  dream   than    for   the  most    accomplished
  scholar to wrest out of the Bible。
  (7) However; I do not wish to affirm absolutely that Scripture contains
  no doctrines in the sphere of philosophy; for in the last chapter I pointed
  out some of the kind; as fundamental principles; but I go so far as to say
  that such doctrines are very few and very simple。 (8) Their precise nature
  and definition I will now set forth。 (9) The task will be easy; for we know
  that    Scripture    does    not   aim   at   imparting     scientific   knowledge;       and;
  therefore;     it  demands     from    men    nothing    but   obedience;     and   censures
  obstinacy; but not ignorance。
  (10) Furthermore; as obedience to God consists solely in love to our
  neighbour   …   for   whosoever   loveth   his   neighbour;   as   a   means   of   obeying
  God; hath; as St。 Paul says (Rom。 xiii:8); fulfilled the law; … it follows that
  no knowledge is commended in the Bible save that which is necessary for
  enabling   all   men   to   obey   God   in   the   manner   stated;   and   without   which
  they would become rebellious; or without the discipline of obedience。
  (11) Other speculative questions; which have no direct bearing on this
  object;   or   are   concerned   with   the   knowledge   of   natural   events;   do   not
  affect Scripture; and should be entirely separated from religion。
  (12) Now; though everyone; as we have said; is now quite able to see
  this   truth   for   himself;   I   should   nevertheless   wish;   considering   that   the
  whole   of   Religion   depends   thereon;   to   explain   the   entire   question   more
  accurately      and   clearly。   (13)   To   this   end   I  must    first  prove    that  the
  intellectual or accurate knowledge of God is not a gift; bestowed upon all
  good     men    like   obedience;     and;   further;   that   the   knowledge      of   God;
  required by Him through His prophets from everyone without exception;
  as needful to be known; is simply a knowledge of His Divine justice and
  charity。 (14) Both these points are easily proved from Scripture。 (15) The
  first plainly follows from Exodus vi:2; where God; in order to show the
  singular grace bestowed upon Moses; says to him: 〃And I appeared unto
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  Abraham; unto Isaac; and unto Jacob by the name of El Sadai (A。 V。 God
  Almighty); but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them〃 … for the
  better   understanding   of   which   passage   I   may   remark   that   El   Sadai;   in
  Hebrew; signifies the God who suffices; in that He gives to every man that
  which   suffices   for   him;   and;   although   Sadai   is   often   used   by   itself;   to
  signify God; we cannot doubt that the word El (God; {power; might}) is
  everywhere   understood。  (16)   Furthermore;  we   must   note   that Jehovah   is
  the only word found in Scripture with the meaning of the absolute essence
  of God; without reference to created things。 (17) The Jews maintain; for
  this reason; that this is; strictly speaking; the only name of God; that the
  rest of the words used are merely titles; and; in truth; the other names of
  God;   whether   they   be   substantives   or   adjectives;   are   merely   attributive;
  and belong to Him; in so far as He is conceived of in relation to created
  things;    or   manifested     through     them。    (18)   Thus    El;  or  Eloah;    signifies
  powerful;   as   is   well   known;   and   only   applies   to   God   in   respect   to   His
  supremacy; as when we call Paul an apostle; the faculties of his power are
  set forth in an accompanying adjective; as El; great; awful; just; merciful;
  &c。;   or   else   all   are   understood   at   once   by   the   use   of   El   in   the   plural
  number; with a singular signification; an expression frequently adopted in
  (19) Now; as God tells Moses that He was not known to the patriarchs
  by  the   name   of   Jehovah;   it   follows   that   they  were   not   cognizant   of   any
  attribute   of   God   which   expresses   His   absolute   essence;   but   only   of   His
  deeds and promises that is; of His power; as manifested in visible things。
  (20) God does not thus speak to Moses in order to accuse the patriarchs of
  infidelity; but; on the contrary; as a means of extolling their belief and faith;
  inasmuch as; though they possessed no extraordinary knowledge of God
  (such as Moses had); they yet accepted His promises as fixed and certain;
  whereas      Moses;     though     his   thoughts     about    God    were     more    exalted;
  nevertheless doubted about the Divine promises; and complained to God
  that;   instead   of   the   promised   deliverance;   the   prospects   of   the   Israelites
  had darkened。
  (21) As the patriarchs did not know the distinctive name of God; and
  as   God   mentions   the   fact   to   Moses;   in   praise   of   their   faith   and   single…
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  heartedness; and in contrast t