第 5 节
作者:莫莫言      更新:2021-02-24 23:39      字数:9322
  taken   and   compiled。   (42)   The   above   conclusion   may   be   supported   by
  many reasons。
  (43)   I。   Because   the   books   of   both   Testaments   were   not   written   by
  express command at one place for all ages; but are a fortuitous collection
  of the works of men; writing each as his period and disposition dictated。
  (44) So much is clearly shown by the call of the prophets who were bade
  to admonish the ungodly of their time; and also by the Apostolic Epistles。
  (45) II。 Because it is one thing to understand the meaning of Scripture
  and   the   prophets;   and   quite   another   thing   to   understand   the   meaning   of
  God; or the actual truth。 (46) This follows from what we said in Chap。 II。
  (47) We showed; in Chap。 VI。; that it applied to historic narratives; and to
  miracles: but it by no means applies to questions concerning true religion
  and virtue。
  (48) III。 Because the books of the Old Testament were selected from
  many; and were collected and sanctioned by a council of the Pharisees; as
  we showed in Chap。 X。 (49) The books of the New Testament were also
  chosen   from   many   by   councils   which   rejected   as   spurious   other   books
  held sacred by many。 (50) But these councils; both Pharisee and Christian;
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  were not composed of prophets; but only of learned men and teachers。 (51)
  Still; we must grant that they were guided in their choice by a regard for
  the Word of God ; and they must; therefore; have known what the law of
  God was。
  (52)   IV。   Because the Apostles   wrote   not   as   prophets;   but   as teachers
  (see last Chapter); and chose whatever method they thought best adapted
  for those whom they addressed: and consequently; there are many things
  in the Epistles (as we showed at the end of the last Chapter) which are not
  necessary to salvation。
  (53)    V。   Lastly;   because     there    are   four   Evangelists     in   the   New
  Testament;      and   it  is  scarcely   credible    that  God    can   have    designed    to
  narrate the life   of   Christ   four times   over;  and   to   communicate   it   thus   to
  mankind。   (54)   For   though   there   are   some   details   related   in   one   Gospel
  which are not in another; and one often helps us to understand another; we
  cannot thence conclude that all that is set down is of vital importance to us;
  and   that   God   chose   the   four   Evangelists   in   order   that   the   life   of   Christ
  might be better understood; for each one preached his Gospel in a separate
  locality; each wrote it down as he preached it; in simple language; in order
  that   the   history   of   Christ   might   be   clearly   told;   not   with   any   view   of
  explaining his fellow…Evangelists。
  (55) If there are some passages which can be better; and more easily
  understood       by  comparing      the   various    versions;   they   are   the  result   of
  chance; and are not numerous: their continuance in obscurity would have
  impaired      neither   the  clearness     of  the  narrative    nor   the  blessedness     of
  (56) We have now shown that Scripture can only be called the Word of
  God in so far as it affects religion; or the Divine law; we must now point
  out that; in respect to these questions; it is neither faulty; tampered with;
  nor    corrupt。   (57)   By   faulty;   tampered     with;   and   corrupt;   I  here   mean
  written so incorrectly; that the meaning cannot be arrived at by a study of
  the language; nor from the authority of Scripture。 (58) I will not go to such
  lengths as to say that the Bible; in so far as it contains the Divine law; has
  always   preserved   the   same   vowel…points;   the   same   letters;   or   the   same
  words (I leave this to be proved by; the Massoretes and other worshippers
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  of    the   letter);  I  only;   maintain     that  the   meaning      by;  which     alone    an
  utterance is entitled to be called Divine; has come down to us uncorrupted;
  even though the original wording may have been more often changed than
  we  suppose。  (59)   Such   alterations;  as   I  have   said   above; detract   nothing
  from   the   Divinity   of   the   Bible;   for   the   Bible   would   have   been   no   less
  Divine had it been written in different words or a different language。 (60)
  That the Divine law has in this sense come down to us uncorrupted; is an
  assertion   which   admits   of   no   dispute。   (61)   For   from   the   Bible   itself   we
  learn; without the smallest difficulty or ambiguity;; that its cardinal precept
  is: To love God above all things; and one's neighbour as one's self。 (62)
  This cannot be a spurious passage; nor due to a hasty and mistaken scribe;
  for if the Bible had ever put forth a different doctrine it would have had to
  change the whole of its teaching; for this is the corner…stone of religion;
  without   which   the   whole   fabric   would   fall   headlong   to   the   ground。   (63)
  The Bible would not be the work we have been examining; but something
  quite different。
  (64) We remain; then; unshaken in our belief that this has always been
  the   doctrine   of   Scripture;   and;   consequently;   that   no   error   sufficient   to
  vitiate it can have crept in without being instantly; observed by all; nor can
  anyone have succeeded in tampering with it and escaped the discovery of
  his malice。
  (65) As this corner…stone is intact; we must perforce admit the same of
  whatever   other   passages   are   indisputably   dependent   on   it;   and   are   also
  fundamental; as; for instance; that a God exists; that He foresees all things;
  that He is Almighty; that by His decree the good prosper and the wicked
  come   to   naught;   and;   finally;   that   our   salvation   depends   solely   on   His
  (66) These   are   doctrines   which   Scripture   plainly  teaches   throughout;
  and   which   it   is   bound   to   teach;   else   all   the   rest   would   be   empty   and
  baseless; nor can we be less positive about other moral doctrines; which
  plainly are  built upon   this   universal foundation   …  for instance; to   uphold
  justice; to aid the weak; to do no murder; to covet no man's goods; &c。 (67)
  Precepts; I repeat; such as these; human malice and the lapse of ages are
  alike powerless to destroy; for if any part of them perished; its loss would
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  immediately   be   supplied   from   the   fundamental   principle;   especially   the
  doctrine of charity; which is everywhere in both Testaments extolled above
  all   others。   (68)   Moreover;   though   it   be   true   that   there   is   no   conceivable
  crime   so   heinous   that   it   has   never   been   committed;  still   there   is   no   one
  who     would     attempt     in  excuse     for  his   crimes     to  destroy;    the   law;   or
  introduce an impious doctrine in the place of what is eternal and salutary;
  men's nature is so constituted that everyone (be he king or subject) who
  has committed a base action; tries to deck out his conduct with spurious
  excuses; till he seems to have done nothing but what is just and right。
  (69) We may conclude; therefore; that the whole Divine law; as taught
  by Scripture; has come down to us uncorrupted。 (70) Besides this there are
  certain facts which we may be sure have been transmitted in good faith。
  (71) For instance; the main facts of Hebrew history; which were perfectly
  well   known   to   everyone。   (72)   The   Jewish   people   were   accustomed   in
  former   times   to   chant   the   ancient   history  of   their   nation   in   psalms。   (73)
  The main facts; also; of Christ's life and passion were immediately spread
  abroad   through   the   whole   Roman   empire。   (74)   It   is   therefore   scarcely
  credible;   unless   nearly   everybody;   consented   thereto;   which   we   cannot
  suppose; that successive generations have handed down the broad outline
  of the Gospel narrative otherwise than as they received it。
  (74)     Whatsoever;       therefore;    is   spurious     or  faulty    can    only   have
  reference   to   details   …   some   circumstances   in   one   or   the   other   history   or
  prophecy       designed     to  stir  the   people    to  greater    devotion;     or  in   some
  miracle; with a view of confounding philosophers; or; lastly; in speculative
  matters     after   they   had    become     mixed     up   with    religion;   so   t