第 1 节
作者:莫莫言      更新:2021-02-24 23:39      字数:9320
  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  A Theologico…Political
  Part III … Chapters XI to XV
  Baruch Spinoza
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  AN     INQUIRY        WHETHER          THE     APOSTLES         WROTE        THEIR
  EPISTLES         AS    APOSTLES         AND     PROPHETS;         OR     MERELY        AS
  (1) No reader of the New Testament can doubt that the Apostles were
  prophets; but as a prophet does not always speak by revelation; but only; at
  rare intervals; as we showed at the end of Chap。 I。; we may fairly inquire
  whether the Apostles   wrote   their   Epistles   as   prophets;  by  revelation   and
  express mandate; as Moses; Jeremiah; and others did; or whether only as
  private   individuals   or   teachers;   especially   as   Paul;   in   Corinthians   xiv:6;
  mentions two sorts of preaching。
  (2)   If   we   examine   the   style   of   the   Epistles;   we   shall   find   it   totally
  different from that employed by the prophets。
  (3)   The   prophets    are  continually    asserting   that  they   speak    by  the
  command of God: 〃Thus saith the Lord;〃 〃The Lord of hosts saith;〃 〃The
  command        of  the   Lord;〃   &c。;   and    this  was   their   habit  not   only   in
  assemblies of the prophets; but also in their epistles containing revelations;
  as appears from the epistle of Elijah to Jehoram; 2 Chron。 xxi:12; which
  begins; 〃Thus saith the Lord。〃
  (4) In the Apostolic Epistles we find nothing of the sort。
  (5)   Contrariwise;   in   I   Cor。   vii:40   Paul   speaks   according   to   his   own
  opinion   and   in   many   passages   we   come   across   doubtful   and   perplexed
  phrase;    such    as;  〃We    think;  therefore;〃    Rom。    iii:28;  〃Now     I  think;〃
  'Endnote 24'; Rom。 viii:18; and so on。 (6) Besides these; other expressions
  are met with very different from those used by the prophets。
  (7) For instance; 1 Cor。 vii:6; 〃But I speak this by permission; not by
  commandment;〃 〃I give my judgment as one that hath obtained mercy of
  the Lord to be faithful〃 (1 Cor。 vii:25); and so on in many other passages。
  (8) We must also remark that in the aforesaid chapter the Apostle says that
  when he states that he has or has not the precept or commandment of God;
  he does not mean the precept or commandment of God revealed to himself;
  but   only   the   words   uttered   by   Christ   in   His   Sermon   on   the   Mount。   (9)
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  Furthermore;   if   we   examine   the   manner   in   which   the Apostles   give   out
  evangelical       doctrine;    we   shall   see   that   it  differs   materially     from    the
  method adopted by the prophets。 (10) The Apostles everywhere reason as
  if they were arguing rather than prophesying; the prophecies; on the other
  hand; contain only dogmas and commands。 (11) God is therein introduced
  not as speaking to reason; but as issuing decrees by His absolute fiat。 (12)
  The authority of the prophets does not submit to discussion; for whosoever
  wishes      to  find   rational    ground    for   his   arguments;      by   that  very    wish
  submits them to everyone's private judgment。 (13) This Paul; inasmuch as
  he uses reason; appears to have done; for he says in 1 Cor。 x:15; 〃I speak
  as to wise men; judge ye what I say。〃 (14) The prophets; as we showed at
  the end of Chapter I。; did not perceive what was revealed by virtue of their
  natural   reason;   and   though   there   are   certain   passages   in   the   Pentateuch
  which      seem     to   be   appeals     to   induction;     they    turn   out;   on    nearer
  examination; to be nothing but peremptory commands。 (15) For instance;
  when Moses says; Deut。 xxxi:27; 〃Behold; while I am yet alive with you;
  this   day   ye   have   been   rebellious   against   the   Lord;   and   how   much   more
  after   my   death;〃   we   must   by   no   means   conclude   that   Moses   wished   to
  convince   the   Israelites   by   reason   that   they   would   necessarily   fall   away
  from the worship of the Lord after his death; for the argument would have
  been     false;   as  Scripture     itself  shows:     the  Israelites    continued     faithful
  during the lives of Joshua and the elders; and afterwards during the time of
  Samuel;   David;   and   Solomon。   (16)   Therefore   the   words   of   Moses   are
  merely   a   moral   injunction;   in   which   he   predicts   rhetorically   the   future
  backsliding of the people so as to impress it vividly on their imagination。
  (17) I say that Moses spoke of himself in order to lend likelihood to his
  prediction; and not as a prophet by revelation; because in verse 21 of the
  same   chapter  we  are  told that   God   revealed   the  same   thing   to   Moses   in
  different     words;     and   there    was    no   need    to   make     Moses     certain    by
  argument   of   God's   prediction   and   decree;   it   was   only   necessary   that   it
  should   be   vividly   impressed   on   his   imagination;   and   this   could   not   be
  better    accomplished       than    by   imagining     the   existing    contumacy   of      the
  people; of which he had had frequent experience; as likely to extend into
  the future。
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  A Theologico…Political Treatise
  (18) All the arguments employed by Moses in the five books are to be
  understood in a similar manner; they are not drawn from the armoury of
  reason;     but   are  merely;    modes     of   expression     calculated     to  instil  with
  efficacy; and present vividly to the imagination the commands of God。 (19)
  However; I do not wish absolutely to deny that the prophets ever argued
  from revelation;   I  only  maintain   that   the  prophets   made   more  legitimate
  use of argument in proportion as their knowledge approached more nearly
  to    ordinary    knowledge;       and   by   this   we   know     that  they    possessed     a
  knowledge        above    the   ordinary;    inasmuch      as  they   proclaimed      absolute
  dogmas; decrees; or judgments。 (20) Thus Moses; the chief of the prophets;
  never     used    legitimate     argument;      and;    on   the   other    hand;    the   long
  deductions   and   arguments   of   Paul;  such   as   we   find   in   the  Epistle   to   the
  Romans; are in nowise written from supernatural revelation。
  (21) The modes of expression and discourse adopted by the Apostles
  in   the   Epistles;   show     very   clearly   that   the  latter  were    not   written   by
  revelation   and   Divine   command;   but   merely   by   the   natural   powers   and
  judgment of the authors。 (22) They consist in brotherly admonitions and
  courteous expressions such as would never be employed in prophecy; as
  for   instance;   Paul's   excuse   in   Romans   xv:15;   〃I   have   written   the   more
  boldly unto you in some sort; my brethren。〃
  (23)   We   may   arrive   at   the   same   conclusion   from   observing   that   we
  never read that the Apostles were commanded to write; but only that they
  went   everywhere   preaching;   and   confirmed   their   words   with   signs。   (24)
  Their     personal     presence     and   signs   were    absolutely     necessary     for   the
  conversion and establishment in religion of the Gentiles; as Paul himself
  expressly states in Rom。 i:11; 〃But I long to see you; that I may impart to
  you some spiritual gift; to the end that ye may be established。〃
  (25) It may be objected that we might prove in similar fashion that the
  Apostles   did   not   preach   as   prophets;   for   they   did   not   go   to   particular
  places; as the prophets did; by the command of God。 (26) We read in the
  Old Testament that Jonah went to Nineveh to preach; and at the same time
  that he was expressly sent there; and told that he most preach。 (27) So also
  it   is  related;   at  great   length;   of  Moses     that   he  went    to  Egypt    as   the
  messenger of God; and was told at the same time what he should say to the
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  children of Israel and to king Pharaoh; and what wonders he should work
  before them to give credit to his words。 (28) Isaiah; Jeremiah; and Ezekiel
  were expressly commanded to preach to the Israelites。 Lastly; the prophets