第 19 节
作者:猜火车      更新:2021-02-24 23:33      字数:9322
  before this could have occurred; some earth would have been washed
  down by heavy rain from the castings on the raised border of turf
  over the upper surface of the stone。
  The second stone was larger that the one just described; viz。; 67
  inches in length; 39 in breadth; and 15 in thickness。  The lower
  surface was nearly flat; so that the worms must soon have been
  compelled to eject their castings beyond its circumference。  The
  stone as a whole had sunk about 2 inches into the ground。  At this
  rate it would have required 262 years for its upper surface to have
  sunk to the general level of the field。  The upwardly sloping;
  turf…covered border round the stone was broader than in the last
  case; viz。; from 14 to 16 inches; and why this should be so; I
  could see no reason。  In most parts this border was not so high as
  in the last case; viz。; from 2 to 2。5 inches; but in one place it
  was as much as 5。5。  Its average height close to the stone was
  probably about 3 inches; and it thinned out to nothing。  If so; a
  layer of fine earth; 15 inches in breadth and 1。5 inch in average
  thickness; of sufficient length to surround the whole of the much
  elongated slab; must have been brought up by the worms in chief
  part from beneath the stone in the course of 35 years。  This amount
  would be amply sufficient to account for its having sunk about 2
  inches into the ground; more especially if we bear in mind that a
  good deal of the finest earth would have been washed by heavy rain
  from the castings ejected on the sloping border down to the level
  of the field。  Some fresh castings were seen close to the stone。
  Nevertheless; on digging a large hole to a depth of 18 inches where
  the stone had lain; only two worms and a few burrows were seen;
  although the soil was damp and seemed favourable for worms。  There
  were some large colonies of ants beneath the stone; and possibly
  since their establishment the worms had decreased in number。
  The third stone was only about half as large as the others; and two
  strong boys could together have rolled it over。  I have no doubt
  that it had been rolled over at a moderately recent time; for it
  now lay at some distance from the two other stones at the bottom of
  a little adjoining slope。  It rested also on fine earth; instead of
  partly on brick…rubbish。  In agreement with this conclusion; the
  raised surrounding border of turf was only 1 inch high in some
  parts; and 2 inches in other parts。  There were no colonies of ants
  beneath this stone; and on digging a hole where it had lain;
  several burrows and worms were found。
  At Stonehenge; some of the outer Druidical stones are now
  prostrate; having fallen at a remote but unknown period; and these
  have become buried to a moderate depth in the ground。  They are
  surrounded by sloping borders of turf; on which recent castings
  were seen。  Close to one of these fallen stones; which was 17 ft
  long; 6 ft。 broad; and 28。5 inches thick; a hole was dug; and here
  the vegetable mould was at least 9。5 inches in thickness。  At this
  depth a flint was found; and a little higher up on one side of the
  hole a fragment of glass。  The base of the stone lay about 9。5
  inches beneath the level of the surrounding ground; and its upper
  surface 19 inches above the ground。
  A hole was also dug close to a second huge stone; which in falling
  had broken into two pieces; and this must have happened long ago;
  judging from the weathered aspect of the fractured ends。  The base
  was buried to a depth of 10 inches; as was ascertained by driving
  an iron skewer horizontally into the ground beneath it。  The
  vegetable mould forming the turf…covered sloping border round the
  stone; on which many castings had recently been ejected; was 10
  inches in thickness; and most of this mould must have been brought
  up by worms from beneath its base。  At a distance of 8 yards from
  the stone; the mould was only 5。5 inches in thickness (with a piece
  of tobacco pipe at a depth of 4 inches); and this rested on broken
  flint and chalk which could not have easily yielded to the pressure
  or weight of the stone。
  A straight rod was fixed horizontally (by the aid of a spirit…
  level) across a third fallen stone; which was 7 feet 9 inches long;
  and the contour of the projecting parts and of the adjoining
  ground; which was not quite level; was thus ascertained; as shown
  in the accompanying diagram (Fig。 7) on a scale of 0。5 inch to a
  foot。  The turf…covered border sloped up to the stone on one side
  to a height of 4 inches; and on the opposite side to only 2。5
  inches above the general level。  A hole was dug on the eastern
  side; and the base of the stone was here found to lie at a depth of
  4 inches beneath the general level of the ground; and of 8 inches
  beneath the top of the sloping turf…covered border。
  Sufficient evidence has now been given showing that small objects
  left on the surface of the land where worms abound soon get buried;
  and that large stones sink slowly downwards through the same means。
  Every step of the process could be followed; from the accidental
  deposition of a single casting on a small object lying loose on the
  surface; to its being entangled amidst the matted roots of the
  turf; and lastly to its being embedded in the mould at various
  depths beneath the surface。  When the same field was re…examined
  after the interval of a few years; such objects were found at a
  greater depth than before。  The straightness and regularity of the
  lines formed by the imbedded objects; and their parallelism with
  the surface of the land; are the most striking features of the
  case; for this parallelism shows how equably the worms must have
  worked; the result being; however; partly the effect of the washing
  down of the fresh castings by rain。  The specific gravity of the
  objects does not affect their rate of sinking; as could be seen by
  porous cinders; burnt marl; chalk and quartz pebbles; having all
  sunk to the same depth within the same time。  Considering the
  nature of the substratum; which at Leith Hill Place was sandy soil
  including many bits of rock; and at Stonehenge; chalk…rubble with
  broken flints; considering; also; the presence of the turf…covered
  sloping border of mould round the great fragments of stone at both
  these places; their sinking does not appear to have been sensibly
  aided by their weight; though this was considerable。 {50}
  On the number of worms which live within a given space。We will
  now show; firstly; what a vast number of worms live unseen by us
  beneath our feet; and; secondly; the actual weight of the earth
  which they bring up to the surface within a given space and within
  a given time。  Hensen; who has published so full and interesting an
  account of the habits of worms; {51} calculates; from the number
  which he found in a measured space; that there must exist 133;000
  living worms in a hectare of land; or 53;767 in an acre。  This
  latter number of worms would weigh 356 pounds; taking Hensen's
  standard of the weight of a single worm; namely; three grams。  It
  should; however; be noted that this calculation is founded on the
  numbers found in a garden; and Hensen believes that worms are here
  twice as numerous as in corn…fields。  The above result; astonishing
  though it be; seems to me credible; judging from the number of
  worms which I have sometimes seen; and from the number daily
  destroyed by birds without the species being exterminated。  Some
  barrels of bad ale were left on Mr。 Miller's land; {52} in the hope
  of making vinegar; but the vinegar proved bad; and the barrels were
  upset。  It should be premised that acetic acid is so deadly a
  poison to worms that Perrier found that a glass rod dipped into
  this acid and then into a considerable body of water in which worms
  were immersed; invariably killed them quickly。  On the morning
  after the barrels had been upset; 〃the heaps of worms which lay
  dead on the ground were so amazing; that if Mr。 Miller had not seen
  them; he could not have thought it possible for such numbers to
  have existed in the space。〃  As further evidence of the large
  number of worms which live in the ground; Hensen states that he
  found in a garden sixty…four open burrows in a space of 14。5 square
  feet; that is; nine in 2 square feet。  But the burrows are
  sometimes much more numerous; for when digging in a grass…field
  near Maer Hall; I found a cake of dry earth; as large as my two
  open hands; which was penetrated by seven burrows; as large as
  Weight of the earth ejected from a single burrow; and from all the
  burrows within a given space。With respect to the weight of the
  earth daily ejected by worms; Hensen found that it amounted; in the
  case of some worms which he kept in confinement; and which he
  appears to have fed with leaves; to only 0。5 gram; or less than 8
  grains per diem。  But a very much larger amount must be ejected by
  worms in their natural state; at the periods when they consume
  earth as food instead of leaves; and when they are making deep
  burrows。  This is rendered almost certain by the following weights
  of the castings t