第 28 节
作者:披荆斩棘      更新:2021-02-24 23:23      字数:9322
  Her eyes travelled toward the hills she had been used to watch at this hour;
  and rested on them with a vague; unseeing gaze。
  〃Tired Kathie? A penny for your thoughts; my dear;〃 said her husband;
  coming in presently to find her still sitting there。
  〃I'm thinking what a curious world this is; and what an ironical vein of
  humour   the   gods   who   look   after   it   must   possess;〃   she   replied;   with   a
  mirthless laugh; rising as she spoke。
  John looked puzzled。
  〃Funny   my   having   known   Broomhurst   before;   you   mean?〃   he   said
  〃I was fishing down at Lynmouth this time last year;〃 Broomhurst said
  at   dinner。   〃You   know   Lynmouth;   Mrs。   Drayton?   Do   you   never   imagine
  you hear the gurgling of the stream? I am tantalised already by the sound
  of it rushing through the beautiful green gloom of those woods /aren't/
  they lovely? And /I/ haven't been in this burnt…up spot as many hours as
  you've had months of it。〃
  She smiled a little。
  〃You     must   learn   to  possess    your   soul   in  patience;〃    she  said;   and
  glanced      inconsequently      from    Broomhurst       to  her   husband;     and    then
  dropped her eyes and was silent a moment。
  John   was   obviously;   and   a   little   audibly;   enjoying   his   dinner。   He   sat
  with his chair pushed close to the table; and his elbows awkwardly raised;
  swallowing   his   soup   in   gulps。   He   grasped   his   spoon   tightly   in   his   bony
  hand; so that its swollen joints stood out larger and uglier than ever; his
  wife thought。
  Her   eyes   wandered   to   Broomhurst's   hands。   They   were   well   shaped;
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  and; though not small; there was a look of refinement about them; he had a
  way  of   touching   things delicately;  a   little lingeringly;  she   noticed。 There
  was   an   air of   distinction   about his   clear…cut;  clean…shaven   face;   possibly
  intensified by contrast with Drayton's blurred features; and it was; perhaps;
  also by contrast with the gray cuffs that showed beneath John's ill…cut drab
  suit that the linen Broomhurst wore seemed to her particularly spotless。
  Broomhurst's thoughts;   for   his   part;   were  a   good   deal   occupied   with
  his hostess。
  She was pretty; he thought; or perhaps it was that; with the wide; dry
  lonely plain as a setting; her fragile delicacy of appearance was invested
  with a certain flower…like charm。
  〃The silence here seems rather strange; rather appalling at first; when
  one   is   fresh   from   a   town;〃   he   pursued;   after   a   moment's   pause;   〃but   I
  suppose you're used to it; eh; Drayton? How do /you/ find life here; Mrs。
  Drayton?〃 he asked; a little curiously; turning to her as he spoke。
  She     hesitated    a  second。    〃Oh;    much     the  same     as  I  should    find   it
  anywhere        else;   I   expect;〃    she    replied;    〃after    all;  one    carries    the
  possibilities   of   a   happy   life   about   with   one;     don't   you   think   so?   The
  Garden   of   Eden   wouldn't   necessarily   make   my   life   any   happier;   or   less
  happy;     than   a   howling     wilderness     like   this。  It  depends     on   one's   self
  〃Given the right Adam and Eve; the desert blossoms like the rose; in
  fact;〃   Broomhurst   answered;   lightly;   with   a   smiling   glance   inclusive   of
  husband and wife; 〃you two don't feel as though you'd been driven out of
  Paradise; evidently。〃
  Drayton       raised    his   eyes   from     his   plate   with    a   smile    of   total
  〃Great     heavens!      what    an   Adam      to  select!〃    thought     Broomhurst;
  involuntarily; as Mrs。 Drayton rose rather suddenly from the table。
  〃I'll   come   and   help   with   that   packing…case;〃   John   said;   rising;   in   his
  turn; lumberingly from his place; 〃then we can have a smokeeh! Kathie
  don't mind; if we sit near the entrance。
  The two   men went out together;  Broomhurst holding   the lantern;  for
  the moon had not yet risen。 Mrs。 Drayton followed them to the doorway;
  … Page 97…
  and; pushing the looped…up hanging farther aside; stepped out into the cool
  Her heart was beating quickly; and there was a great lump in her throat
  that frightened her as though she were choking。
  〃And I am his /wife/I /belong/ to him!〃 she cried; almost aloud。
  She pressed both her hands tightly against her breast; and set her teeth;
  fighting to keep down the rising flood that threatened to sweep away her
  composure。 〃Oh; what a fool I am! What an hysterical fool of a woman I
  am!〃 she whispered below her breath。 She began to walk slowly up and
  down outside the tent; in the space illumined by the lamplight; as though
  striving   to   make   her   outwardly   quiet   movements   react   upon   the   inward
  tumult。  In   a   little   while she   had   conquered;   she   quietly  entered the   tent;
  drew   a   low   chair   to   the   entrance;   and   took   up   a   book;   just   as   footsteps
  became      audible。    A  moment      afterward     Broomhurst      emerged     from    the
  darkness into the circle of light outside; and Mrs。 Drayton raised her eyes
  from the pages she was turning to greet him with a smile。
  〃Are your things all right?〃
  〃Oh; yes; more or less; thank you。 I was a little concerned about a case
  of   books;   but   it   isn't   much   damaged   fortunately。   Perhaps   I've   some   you
  would care to look at?〃
  〃The     books     will   be   a  godsend;〃      she   returned;    with    a  sudden
  brightening of the eyes; 〃I was getting /desperate/for books。〃
  〃What are you reading now?〃 he asked; glancing at the volume that lay
  in her lap。
  〃It's a Browning。 I carry it about a good deal。 I think I like to have it
  with me; but I don't seem to read it much。〃
  〃Are    you    waiting    for  a  suitable   optimistic    moment?〃      Broomhurst
  inquired; smiling。
  〃Yes; now that you mention it; I think that must be why I am waiting;〃
  she replied; slowly。
  〃And it doesn't comeeven in the Garden of Eden? Surely the serpent;
  pessimism; hasn't been insolent enough to draw you into conversation with
  him?〃 he said; lightly。
  〃There has been no one to converse with at allwhen John is away; I
  … Page 98…
  mean。 I think I should have liked a little chat with the serpent immensely
  by way of a change;〃 she replied; in the same tone。
  〃Ah;    yes;〃   Broomhurst      said;  with   sudden     seriousness;    〃it  must   be
  unbearably dull for you alone here; with Drayton away all day。〃
  Mrs。 Drayton's hand shook a little as she fluttered a page of her open
  〃I   should    think    it  quite   natural   you    would    be   irritated   beyond
  endurance to hear   that all's   right with the   world; for   instance; when   you
  were sighing for the long day to pass;〃 he continued。
  〃I don't mind the day so much; it's the evenings。〃 She abruptly checked
  the    swift  words;    and    flushed   painfully。    〃I  meanI've    grown     stupidly
  nervous;   I   thinkeven   when   John   is   here。   Oh;   you   have   no   idea   of   the
  awful /silence/ of this place at night;〃 she added; rising hurriedly from her
  low seat; and moving closer to the doorway。 〃It is so close; isn't it?〃 she
  said; almost apologetically。 There was silence for quite a minute。
  Broomhurst's quick eyes noted the silent momentary clinching of the
  hands that hung at her side; as she stood leaning against the support at the
  〃But how stupid of me to give you such a bad impression of the camp…
  …   the  first  evening;    too!〃  Mrs。    Drayton    exclaimed;     presently;    and   her
  companion mentally commended the admirable composure of her voice。
  〃Probably you will never notice that it /is/ lonely at all;〃 she continued;
  〃John likes it here。 He is immensely interested in his work; you know。 I
  hope   /you/   are   too。   If   you   are   interested   it   is   all   quite   right。   I   think   the
  climate tries me a little。 I never used to be stupidand nervous。 Ah; here's
  John; he's been round to the kitchen tent; I suppose。〃
  〃Been     looking    after  that   fellow   cleanin'   my    gun;   my   dear;〃   John
  explained; shambling toward the deck…chair。
  Later Broomhurst stood at his own tent door。 He looked up at the star…