第 108 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:21      字数:9322
  even moved; though both at that moment fancied they
  could part with their new…found happiness in order to re…
  store their friend to his peace of mind。  Jasper was pale
  as death; but; in Mabel; maiden modesty had caused the
  blood to mantle on her cheeks; until their bloom was
  heightened to a richness that was scarcely equalled in her
  hours of light…hearted buoyancy and joy。  As the feeling
  which; in her sex; always accompanies the security of love
  returned; threw its softness and tenderness over her coun…
  tenance; she was singularly beautiful。  Pathfinder gazed
  at her with an intentness he did not endeavor to conceal;
  and then he fairly laughed in his own way; and with a sort
  of wild exultation; as men that are untutored are wont to
  express their delight。  This momentary indulgence; how…
  ever; was expiated by the pang which followed the sudden
  consciousness that this glorious young creature was lost to
  him for ever。  It required a full minute for this simple…
  minded being to recover from the shock of this conviction;
  and then he recovered his dignity of manner; speaking
  with gravity; almost with solemnity。
  〃I have always known; Mabel Dunham; that men have
  their gifts;〃 said he; 〃but I'd forgotten that it did not
  belong to mine to please the young; the beautiful; and
  l'arned。  I hope the mistake has been no very heavy sin;
  and if it was; I've been heavily punished for it; I have。
  Nay; Mabel; I know what you'd say; but it's unnecessary;
  I _feel_ it all; and that is as good as if I _heard_ it all。  I've
  had a bitter hour; Mabel。  I've had a very bitter hour;
  〃Hour!〃 echoed Mabel; as the other first used the
  word; the tell…tale blood; which had begun to ebb towards
  her heart; rushing again tumultuously to her very tem…
  ples; 〃surely not an hour; Pathfinder?〃
  〃Hour!〃 exclaimed Jasper at the same instant; 〃no;
  no; my worthy friend; it is not ten minutes since you left
  〃Well; it may be so; though to me it has seemed to be
  day。  I begin to think; however; that the happy count
  time by minutes; and the miserable count it by months。
  But we will talk no more of this; it is all over now; and
  many words about it will make you no happier; while they
  will only tell me what I've lost; and quite likely how much
  I desarved to lose her。  No; no; Mabel; 'tis useless to in…
  terrupt me; I admit it all; and your gainsaying it; though
  it be so well meant; cannot change my mind。  Well; Jas…
  per; she is yours; and; though it's hard to think it; I do
  believe you'll make her happier than I could; for your gifts
  are better suited to do so; though I would have strived
  hard to do as much; if I know myself; I would。  I ought
  to have known better than to believe the Sergeant; and I
  ought to have put faith in what Mabel told me at the head
  of the lake; for reason and judgment might have shown
  me its truth; but it is so pleasant to think what we wish;
  and mankind so easily over…persuade us; when we over…per…
  suade ourselves。  But what's the use in talking of it; as I
  said afore?  It's true; Mabel seemed to be consenting;
  though it all came from a wish to please her father; and
  from being skeary about the savages  〃
  〃I understand you; Mabel; and have no hard feelings; I
  haven't。  I sometimes think I should like to live in your
  neighborhood; that I might look at your happiness; but;
  on the whole; it's better I should quit the 55th altogether;
  and go back to the 60th; which is my natyve rigiment; as
  it might be。  It would have been better; perhaps; had I
  never left it; though my sarvices were much wanted in
  this quarter; and I'd been with some of the 55th years
  agone; Sergeant Dunham; for instance; when he was in
  another corps。  Still; Jasper; I do not regret that I've
  known you  〃
  〃And me; Pathfinder!〃 impetuously interrupted Mabel;
  〃do you regret having known _me_?  Could I think so; I
  should never be at peace with myself。〃
  〃You; Mabel!〃 returned the guide; taking the hand of
  our heroine and looking up into her countenance with
  guileless simplicity; but earnest affection; 〃how could I
  be sorry that a ray of the sun came across the gloom of a
  cheerless day  that light has broken in upon darkness;
  though it remained so short a time?  I do not flatter
  myself with being able to march quite so light…hearted
  as I once used to could; or to sleep as sound; for some time
  to come; but I shall always remember how near I was to
  being undeservedly happy; I shall。  So far from blaming
  you; Mabel; I only blame myself for being so vain as to
  think it possible I could please such a creatur'; for sar…
  tainly you told me how it was; when we talked it over on
  the mountain; and I ought to have believed you then; for
  I do suppose it's nat'ral that young women should know
  their own minds better than their fathers。  Ah's me!  It's
  settled now; and nothing remains but for me to take leave
  of you; that you may depart; I feel that Master Cap must
  be impatient; and there is danger of his coming on shore
  to look for us all。〃
  〃To take leave!〃 exclaimed Mabel。
  〃Leave!〃 echoed Jasper; 〃you do not mean to quit us;
  my friend?〃
  〃'Tis best; Mabel; 'tis altogether best; Eau…douce; and
  it's wisest。  I could live and die in your company; if I only
  followed feeling; but; if I follow reason; I shall quit you
  here。  You will go back to Oswego; and become man and
  wife as soon as you arrive;  for all that is determined with
  Master Cap; who hankers after the sea again; and who
  knows what is to happen;  while I shall return to the wil…
  derness and my Maker。  Come; Mabel;〃 continued Path…
  finder; rising and drawing nearer to our heroine; with grave
  decorum; 〃kiss me; Jasper will not grudge me one kiss;
  then we'll part。〃
  〃Oh; Pathfinder!〃 exclaimed Mabel; falling into the
  arms of the guide; and kissing his cheeks again and again;
  with a freedom and warmth she had been far from mani…
  festing while held to the bosom of Jasper; 〃God bless you;
  dearest Pathfinder!  You'll come to us hereafter。  We
  shall see you again。  When old; you will come to our
  dwelling; and let me be a daughter to you?〃
  〃Yes; that's it;〃 returned the guide; almost gasping for
  breath; 〃I'll try to think of it in that way。  You're more
  befitting to be my daughter than to be my wife; you are。
  Farewell; Jasper。  Now we'll go to the canoe; it's time
  you were on board。〃
  The manner in which Pathfinder led the way to the
  shore was solemn and calm。  As soon as he reached the
  canoe; he again took Mabel by the hands; held her at the
  length of his own arms; and gazed wistfully into her face;
  until the unbidden tears rolled out of the fountains of
  feeling and trickled down his rugged cheeks in streams。
  〃Bless me; Pathfinder;〃 said Mabel; kneeling reverently
  at his feet。  〃Oh; at least bless me before we part!〃
  That untutored but noble…minded being did as she de…
  sired; and; aiding her to enter the canoe; seemed to tear
  himself away as one snaps a strong and obstinate cord。
  Before he retired; however; he took Jasper by the arm and
  led him a little aside; when he spoke as follows:
  〃You're kind of heart and gentle by natur'; Jasper; but
  we are both rough and wild in comparison with that dear
  creatur'。  Be careful of her; and never show the roughness
  of man's natur' to her soft disposition。  You'll get to un…
  derstand her in time; and the Lord; who governs the lake
  and the forest alike; who looks upon virtue with a smile
  and upon vice with a frown; keep you happy and worthy
  to be so!〃
  Pathfinder made a sign for his friend to depart; and he
  stood leaning on his rifle until the canoe had reached the
  side of the _Scud_。 Mabel wept as if her heart would break;
  nor did her eyes once turn from the open spot in the glade;
  where the form of the Pathfinder was to be seen; until the
  cutter had passed a point that completely shut out the
  island。  When last in view; the sinewy frame of this extra…
  ordinary man was as motionless as if it were a statue set
  up in that solitary place to commemorate the scenes of
  which it had so lately been the witness。
  Oh! let me only breathe the air;
  The blessed air that's breath'd by thee;
  And; whether on its wings it bear
  Healing or death; 'tis sweet to me!
  Pathfinder was accustomed to solitude; but; when
  the _Scud_ had actually disappeared; he was almost overcome
  with a sense of his loneliness。  Never before had he been
  conscious of his isolated condition in the world; for his
  feelings had gradually been accustoming themselves to the
  blandishments and wants of social life; particularly as the
  last were connected with the domestic affections。  Now; all
  had vanished; as it might be; in one moment; and he was
  left equally without companions and without hope。  Even
  Chingachgook had left him; though it was but temporarily;
  still his presence was missed at the precise instant which
  might be termed the most critical in our hero's life。
  Pathfinder stood leaning on his rifle; in the attitude
  described in the last chapter; a long time after the _Scud_
  had disappeared。  The rigidity of his limbs seemed per…
  manent; and none but a man accustomed to put his mus…
  cles to the severest proof coul