第 101 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:21      字数:9322
  as my opinion that they travel such different roads that
  they will never meet。〃
  〃Explain yourself; my friend;〃 said the bewildered sea…
  man; looking around him in search of Muir; whose absence
  began to excite his distrust。  〃I see nothing of the Quar…
  termaster; but I think him too much of a man to run
  away; now that the victory is gained。  If the fight were
  ahead instead of in our wake; the case would be altered。〃
  〃There lies all that is left of him; beneath that great…
  coat;〃 returned the guide; who then briefly related the
  manner of the Lieutenant's death。  〃The Tuscarora was
  as venemous in his blow as a rattler; though he failed to
  give the warning;〃 continued Pathfinder。  〃I've seen
  many a desperate fight; and several of these sudden out…
  breaks of savage temper; but never before did I see a hu…
  man soul quit the body more unexpectedly; or at a worse
  moment for the hopes of the dying man。  His breath was
  stopped with the lie on his lips; and the spirit might be
  said to have passed away in the very ardor of wickedness。〃
  Cap listened with a gaping mouth; and he gave two or
  three violent hems; as the other concluded; like one who
  distrusted his own respiration。
  〃This is an uncertain and uncomfortable life of yours;
  Master Pathfinder; what between the fresh water and the
  savages;〃 said he; 〃and the sooner I get quit of it; the
  higher will be my opinion of myself。  Now you mention
  it; I will say that the man ran for that berth in the rocks;
  when the enemy first bore down upon us; with a sort of
  instinct that I thought surprising in an officer; but I was
  in too great a hurry to follow; to log the whole matter ac…
  curately。  God bless me!  God bless me!  a traitor; do you
  say; and ready to sell his country; and to a rascally French…
  man too?〃
  〃To sell anything; country; soul; body; Mabel; and all
  our scalps; and no ways particular; I'll engage; as to the
  purchaser。  The countrymen of Captain Flinty…heart here
  were the paymasters this time。〃
  〃Just like 'em; ever ready to buy when they can't
  thrash; and to run when they can do neither。〃
  Monsieur Sanglier lifted his cap with ironical gravity;
  and acknowledged the compliment with an expression of
  polite contempt that was altogether lost on its insensible
  subject。  But Pathfinder had too much native courtesy;
  and was far too just…minded; to allow the attack to go un…
  〃Well; well;〃 he interposed; 〃to my mind there is no
  great difference 'atween an Englishman and a Frenchman;
  after all。  They talk different tongues; and live under
  different kings; I will allow; but both are human; and
  feel like human beings; when there is occasion for it。〃
  Captain Flinty…heart; as Pathfinder called him; made
  another obeisance; but this time the smile was friendly;
  and not ironical; for he felt that the intention was good;
  whatever might have been the mode of expressing it。  Too
  philosophical; however; to heed what a man like Cap
  might say or think; he finished his breakfast; without al…
  lowing his attention to be again diverted from that im…
  portant pursuit。
  〃My business here was principally with the Quarter…
  master;〃 Cap continued; as soon as he had done regarding
  the prisoner's pantomime。  〃The Sergeant must be near
  his end; and I have thought he might wish to say some…
  thing to his successor in authority before he finally de…
  parted。  It is too late; it would seem; and; as you say;
  Pathfinder; the Lieutenant has truly gone before。〃
  〃That he has; though on a different path。  As for au…
  thority; I suppose the Corporal has now a right to com…
  mand what's left of the 55th; though a small and worried;
  not to say frightened; party it is。  But; if anything needs
  to be done; the chances are greatly in favor of my being
  called on to do it。  I suppose; however; we have only to
  bury our dead; set fire to the block and the huts; for they
  stand in the inimy's territory by position; if not by law;
  and must not be left for their convenience。  Our using
  them again is out of the question; for; now the Frenchers
  know where the island is to be found; it would be like
  thrusting the hand into a wolf…trap with our eyes wide
  open。  This part of the work the Sarpent and I will see
  to; for we are as practysed in retreats as in advances。〃
  〃All that is very well; my good friend。  And now for
  my poor brother…in…law: though he is a soldier; we cannot
  let him slip without a word of consolation and a leave…
  taking; in my judgment。  This has been an unlucky affair
  on every tack; though I suppose it is what one had a right
  to expect; considering the state of the times and the na…
  ture of the navigation。  We must make the best of it; and
  try to help the worthy man to unmoor; without straining
  his messengers。  Death is a circumstance; after all; Master
  Pathfinder; and one of a very general character too; seeing
  that we must all submit to it; sooner or later。〃
  〃You say truth; you say truth; and for that reason I
  hold it to be wise to be always ready。  I've often thought;
  Saltwater; that he is the happiest who has the least to leave
  behind him when the summons comes。  Now; here am I;
  a hunter and a scout and a guide; although I do not own a
  foot of land on 'arth; yet do I enjoy and possess more than
  the great Albany Patroon。  With the heavens over my head
  to keep me in mind of the last great hunt; and the dried
  leaves beneath my feet; I tramp over the ground as freely
  as if I was its lord and owner; and what more need heart
  desire?  I do not say that I love nothing that belongs to
  'arth; for I do; though not much; unless it might be Mabel
  Dunham; that I can't carry with me。  I have some pups
  at the higher fort that I vally considerable; though they
  are too noisy for warfare; and so we are compelled to live
  separate for awhile; and then I think it would grieve me
  to part with Killdeer; but I see no reason why we should
  not be buried in the same grave; for we are as near as can
  be of the same length  six feet to a hair's breadth; but;
  bating these; and a pipe that the Sarpent gave me; and a
  few tokens received from travellers; all of which might be
  put in a pouch and laid under my head; when the order
  comes to march I shall be ready at a minute's warning;
  and; let me tell you; Master Cap; that's what I call a cir…
  cumstance too。〃
  〃'Tis just so with me;〃 answered the sailor; as the two
  walked towards the block; too much occupied with their
  respective morality to remember at the moment the mel…
  ancholy errand they were on; 〃that's just my way of feel…
  ing and reasoning。  How often have I felt; when near
  shipwreck; the relief of not owning the craft!  'If she
  goes;' I have said to myself; 'why; my life goes with her;
  but not my property; and there's great comfort in that。'
  I've discovered; in the course of boxing about the world
  from the Horn to Cape North; not to speak of this run on
  a bit of fresh water; that if a man has a few dollars; and
  puts them in a chest under lock and key; he is pretty cer…
  tain to fasten up his heart in the same till; and so I carry
  pretty much all I own in a belt round my body; in order;
  as I say; to keep the vitals in the right place。  D… me;
  Pathfinder; if I think a man without a heart any better
  than a fish with a hole in his air…bag。〃
  〃I don't know how that may be; Master Cap; but a man
  without a conscience is but a poor creatur'; take my word
  for it; as any one will discover who has to do with a Mingo。
  I trouble myself but little with dollars or half…joes; for
  these are the favoryte coin in this part of the world; but
  I can easily believe; by what I've seen of mankind; that if
  a man _has_ a chest filled with either; he may be said to lock
  up his heart in the same box。  I once hunted for two sum…
  mers; during the last peace; and I collected so much peltry
  that I found my right feelings giving way to a craving
  after property; and if I have consarn in marrying Mabel;
  it is that I may get to love such things too well; in order
  to make her comfortable。〃
  〃You're a philosopher; that's clear; Pathfinder; and I
  don't know but you're a Christian。〃
  〃I should be out of humor with the man that gainsayed
  the last; Master Cap。  I have not been Christianized by
  the Moravians; like so many of the Delawares; it is true;
  but I hold to Christianity and white gifts。  With me; it is
  as on…creditable for a white man not to be a Christian as
  it is for a red…skin not to believe in his happy hunting…
  grounds; indeed; after allowing for difference in traditions;
  and in some variations about the manner in which the
  spirit will be occupied after death; I hold that a good Dela…
  ware is a good Christian; though he never saw a Moravian;
  and a good Christian a good Delaware; so far as natur 'is
  consarned。  The Sarpent and I talk these matters over
  often; for he has a hankerin' after Christianity  〃
  〃The d…l he has!〃 interrupted Cap。  〃And what does
  he intend to do in a church with all the scalps he takes?〃
  〃Don't run away with a false idee; friend Cap; don't run
  away with a false idee。  These things are only skin…deep;
  and all depend on edication and nat'ral gifts。  Look
  around you at mankind; and tell me why you see a red
  warrior here; a bla