第 58 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:21      字数:9322
  attained the ascendency; 〃no one who knows you can; or
  does; believe you guilty。  Pathfinder says he will pledge
  his life for you。〃
  〃Then you; Mabel;〃 returned the youth; his eyes flashing
  fire; 〃do not look upon me as the traitor your father
  seems to believe me to be?〃
  〃My dear father is a soldier; and is obliged to act as one。
  My father's daughter is not; and will think of you as she
  ought to think of a man who has done so much to serve
  her already。〃
  〃Mabel; I'm not used to talking with one like you; or
  saying all I think and feel with any。  I never had a sister;
  and my mother died when I was a child; so that I know
  little what your sex most likes to hear  〃
  Mabel would have given the world to know what lay be…
  hind the teeming word at which Jasper hesitated; but the
  indefinable and controlliug sense of womanly diffidence
  made her suppress her curiosity。  She waited in silence
  for him to explain his own meaning。
  〃I wish to say; Mabel;〃 the young man continued; after
  a pause which he found sufficiently embarrassing; 〃that
  I am unused to the ways and opinions of one like you; and
  that you must imagine all I would add。〃
  Mabel had imagination enough to fancy anything; but
  there are ideas and feelings that her sex prefer to have ex…
  pressed before they yield them all their own sympathies;
  and she had a vague consciousness that these of Jasper
  might properly be enumerated in the class。  With a readi…
  ness that belonged to her sex; therefore; she preferred
  changing the discourse to permitting it to proceed any
  further in a manner so awkward and so unsatisfactory。
  〃Tell me one thing; Jasper; and I shall be content;〃 said
  she; speaking now with a firinness which denoted confi…
  dence; not only in herself; but in her companion: 〃you do
  not deserve this cruel suspicion which rests upon you?〃
  〃I do not; Mabel!〃 answered Jasper; looking into her
  full blue eyes with an openness and simplicity that might
  have shaken stronger distrust。  〃As I hope for mercy
  hereafter; I do not!〃
  〃I knew it  I could have sworn it!〃 returned the girl
  warmly。  〃And yet my father means well;  but do not let
  this matter disturb you; Jasper。〃
  〃There is so much more to apprehend from another
  quarter just now; that I scarcely think of it。〃
  〃I do not wish to alarm you; Mabel; but if your uncle
  could be persuaded to change his notions about handling
  the _Scud_: and yet he is so much more experienced than
  I am; that he ought; perhaps; to place more reliance on his
  own judgment than on mine。〃
  〃Do you think the cutter in any danger?〃 demanded
  Mabel; quick as thought。
  〃I fear so; at least she would have been thought in great
  danger by us of the lake; perhaps an old seaman of the
  ocean may have means of his own to take care of her。〃
  〃Jasper; all agree in giving you credit for skill in man…
  aging the _Scud_。  You know the lake; you know the cut…
  ter; you _must_ be the best judge of our real situation。〃
  〃My concern for you; Mabel; may make me more cow…
  ardly than common; but; to be frank; I see but one method
  of keeping the cutter from being wrecked in the course of
  the next two or three hours; and that your uncle refuses to
  take。  After all; this may be my ignorance; for; as he says;
  Ontario is merely fresh water。〃
  〃You cannot believe this will make any difference。
  Think of my dear father; Jasper!  Think of yourself; of
  all the lives that depend on a timely word from you to save
  〃I think of you; Mabel; and that is more; much more;
  than all the rest put together!〃 returned the young man;
  with a strength of expression and an earnestness of look
  that uttered infinitely more than the words themselves。
  Mabel's heart beat quickly; and a gleam of grateful sat…
  isfaction shot across her blushing features; but the alarm
  was too vivid and too serious to admit of much relief from
  happier thoughts。  She did not attempt to repress a look
  of gratitude; and then she returned to the feeling which
  was naturally uppermost。
  〃My uncle's obstinacy must not be permitted to occa…
  sion this disaster。  Go once more on deck; Jasper; and
  ask my father to come into the cabin。〃
  While the young man was complying with this request;
  Mabel sat listening to the howling of the storm and the
  dashing of the water against the cutter; in a dread to which
  she had hitherto been a stranger。  Constitutionally an ex…
  cellent sailor; as the term is used among passengers; she
  had not hitherto bethought her of any danger; and had
  passed her time since the commencemeut of the gale in
  such womanly employments as her situation allowed; but
  now that alarm was seriously awakened; she did not fail to
  perceive that never before had she been on the water in
  such a tempest。  The minute or two which elapsed before
  the Sergeant came appeared an hour; and she scarcely
  breathed when she saw him and Jasper descending the
  ladder in company。  Quick as language could express her
  meaning; she acquainted her father with Jasper's opinion
  of their situation; and entreated him; if he loved her; or
  had any regard for his own life; or for those of his men;
  to interfere with her uncle; and to induce him to yield the
  control of the cutter again to its proper commander。
  〃Jasper is true; father;〃 added she earnestly; 〃and if
  false; he could have no motive in wrecking us in this dis…
  tant part of the lake at the risk of all our lives; his own
  included。  I will pledge my own life for his truth。〃
  〃Ay; this is well enough for a young woman who is
  frightened;〃 answered the more phlegmatic parent; 〃but
  it might not be so excusable in one in command of an ex…
  pedition。  Jasper may think the chance of drowning in
  getting ashore fully repaid by the chance of escaping as
  soon as he reaches the land。〃
  〃Sergeant Dunham!〃
  These exclamations were made simultaneously; but they
  were uttered in tones expressive of different feelings。  In
  Jasper; surprise was the emotion uppermost; in Mabel
  reproach。  The old soldier; however; was too much accus…
  tomed to deal frankly with subordinates to heed either;
  and after a moment's thought; he continued as if neither
  had spoken。  〃Nor is brother Cap a man likely to submit
  to be taught his duty on board a vessel。〃
  〃But; father; when all our lives are in the utmost jeop…
  〃So much the worse。  The fair…weather commander is
  no great matter; it is when things go wrong that the best
  officer shows himself in his true colors。  Charles Cap will
  not be likely to quit the helm because the ship is in dan…
  ger。  Besides; Jasper Eau…douce; he says your proposal in
  itself has a suspicious air about it; and sounds more like
  treachery than reason。〃
  〃He may think so; but let him send for the pilot and
  hear his opinion。  It is well known that I have not seen
  the man since yesterday evening。〃
  〃This does sound reasonably; and the experiment shall
  be tried。  Follow me on deck then; that all may be hon…
  est and above…aboard。〃
  Jasper obeyed; and so keen was the interest of Mabel;
  that she too ventured as far as the companion…way; where
  her garments were sufficiently protected against the vio…
  lence of the wind and her person from the spray。  Here
  maiden modesty induced her to remain; though an absorbed
  witness of what was passing。
  The pilot soon appeared; and there was no mistaking the
  look of concern that he cast around at the scene as soon as
  he was in the open air。  Some rumors of the situation of
  the _Scud_ had found their way below; it is true; but in this
  instance rumor had lessened instead of magnifying the
  danger。  He was allowed a few minutes to look about him;
  and then the question was put as to the course which he
  thought it prudent to follow。
  〃I see no means of saving the cutter but to anchor;〃 he
  answered simply; and without hesitation。
  〃What! out here in the lake?〃 inquired Cap; as he had
  previously done of Jasper。
  〃No: but closer in; just at the outer line of the
  The effect of this communication was to leave no doubt
  in the mind of Cap that there was a secret arrangement
  between her commander and the pilot to cast away the
  _Scud_; most probably with the hope of effecting their es…
  cape。  He consequently treated the opinion of the latter
  with the indifference he had manifested towards that of
  the former。
  〃I tell you; brother Dunham;〃 said he; in answer to the
  remonstrances of the Sergeant against his turning a deaf
  ear to this double represeutation; 〃that no seaman would
  give such an opinion honestly。  To anchor on a lee shore
  in a gale of wind would be an act of madness that I could
  never excuse to the underwriters; under any circumstances;
  so long as a rag can be set; but to anchor close to breakers
  would be insanity。〃
  〃His Majesty underwrites the _Scud_; brother; and I am
  responsible for the lives of my command。  These men are
  better acquainted with Lake Ontario than we can possibly
  be; and I do think their telling the same tale entitles them
  to some credit。〃
  〃Uncle!〃 said Mabel earnestly; but a gesture from Jas…
  per induced the girl to restrain her feelings。
  〃We are drifting down upon the breakers so rapidly;〃
  said the young man; 〃that little nee