第 33 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:20      字数:9321
  〃And are you not afraid that she may be left a widow
  while still a young woman? what between wild beasts; and
  wilder savages; Pathfinder may be said to carry his life in
  his hand。〃
  〃'Every bullet has its billet;' Lundie;〃 for so the Major
  was fond of being called in his moments of condescension;
  and when not engaged in military affairs; 〃and no man in
  the 55th can call himself beyond or above the chances of
  sudden death。  In that particular; Mabel would gain nothing
  by a change。  Besides; sir; if I may speak freely on such a
  subject; I much doubt if ever Pathfinder dies in battle; or
  by any of the sudden chances of the wilderness。〃
  〃And why so; Sergeant?〃 asked the Major。  〃He is a
  soldier; so far as danger is concerned; and one that is much
  more than usually exposed; and; being free of his person;
  why should he expect to escape when others do not?〃
  〃I do not believe; your honor; that the Pathfinder con…
  siders his own chances better than any one's else; but the
  man will never die by a bullet。  I have seen him so often
  handling his rifle with as much composure as if it were a
  shepherd's crook; in the midst of the heaviest showers of
  bullets; and under so many extraordinary circumstances;
  that I do not think Providence means he should ever fall
  in that manner。  And yet; if there be a man in his Majesty's
  dominions who really deserves such a death; it is Path…
  〃We never know; Sergeant;〃 returned Lundie; with a
  countenance grave with thought; 〃and the less we say
  about it; perhaps; the better。  But will your daughter
  Mabel; I think; you call her  will Mabel be as willing to
  accept one who; after all; is a mere hanger…on of the army;
  as to take one from the service itself?  There is no hope
  of promotion for the guide; Sergeant。〃
  〃He is at the head of his corps already; your honor。  In
  short; Mabel has made up her mind on this subject; and;
  as your honor has had the condescension to speak to me
  about Mr。 Muir; I trust you will be kind enough to say
  that the girl is as good as billeted for life。〃
  〃Well; well; this is your own matter; and; now  Ser…
  geant Dunham!〃
  〃Your honor;〃 said the other; rising; and giving the
  customary salute。
  〃You have been told it is my intention to send you
  down among the Thousand Islands for the next month。
  All the old subalterns have had their tours of duty in that
  quarter  all that I like to trust at least; and it has at
  length come to your turn。  Lieutenant Muir; it is true;
  claims his right; but; being quartermaster; I do not like
  to break up well…established arrangements。  Are the men
  〃Everything is ready; your honor。  The draft is made;
  and I understood that the canoe which got in last night
  brought a message to say that the party already below is
  looking out for the relief。〃
  〃It did; and you must sail the day after to…morrow; if
  not to…morrow night。  It will be wise; perhaps; to sail in
  the dark。〃
  〃So Jasper thinks; Major Duncan; and I know no one
  more to be depended on in such an affair than young
  Jasper Western。〃
  〃Young Jasper Eau…douce!〃 said Lundie; a slight smile
  gathering around his usually stern mouth。  〃Will that
  lad be of your party; Sergeant?〃
  〃Your honor will remember that the _Scud_ never quits
  port without him。〃
  〃True; but all general rules have their exceptions。
  Have I not seen a seafaring person about the fort within
  the last few days?〃
  〃No doubt; your honor; it is Master Cap; a brother…in…
  law of mine; who brought my daughter from below。〃
  〃Why not put him in the _Scud_ for this cruise; Sergeant;
  and leave Jasper behind?  Your brother…in…law would like
  the variety of a fresh…water cruise; and you would enjoy
  more of his company。〃
  〃I intended to ask your honor's permission to take him
  along; but he must go as a volunteer。  Jasper is too brave
  a lad to be turned out of his command without a reason;
  Major Duncan; and I'm afraid brother Cap despises fresh
  water too much to do duty on it。〃
  〃Quite right; Sergeant; and I leave all this to your own
  discretion。  Eau…douce must retain his command; on sec…
  ond thoughts。  You intend that Pathfinder shall also be
  of the party?〃
  〃If your honor approves of it。  There will be service
  for both the guides; the Indian as well as the white man。〃
  〃I think you are right。  Well; Sergeant; I wish you
  good luck in the enterprise; and remember the post is to
  be destroyed and abandoned when your command is with…
  drawn。  It will have done its work by that time; or we
  shall have failed entirely; and it is too ticklish a position
  to be maintained unnecessarily。  You can retire。〃
  Sergeant Dunham gave the customary salute; turned on
  his heels as if they bad been pivots; and had got the door
  nearly drawn to after him; when he was suddenly recalled。
  〃I had forgotten; Sergeant; the younger officers have
  begged for a shooting match; and to…morrow has been
  named for the day。  All competitors will be admitted; and
  the prizes will be a silver…mounted powder horn; a leathern
  flask ditto;〃 reading from a piece of paper; 〃as I see by
  the professional jargon of this bill; and a silk calash for a
  lady。  The latter is to enable the victor to show his gal…
  lantry by making an offering of it to her he best loves。〃
  〃All very agreeable; your honor; at least to him that
  succeeds。  Is the Pathfinder to be permitted to enter?〃
  〃I do not well see how he can be excluded; if he choose
  to come forward。  Latterly; I have observed that he takes
  no share in these sports; probably from a conviction of his
  own unequalled skill。〃
  〃That's it; Major Duncan; the honest fellow knows
  there is not a man on the frontier who can equal him; and
  he does not wish to spoil the pleasure of others。  I think
  we may trust to his delicacy in anything; sir。  Perhaps it
  may be as well to let him have his own way?〃
  〃In this instance we must; Sergeant。  Whether he will
  be as successful in all others remains to be seen。  I wish
  you good evening; Dunham。〃
  The Sergeant now withdrew; leaving Duncan of Lundie
  to his own thoughts: that they were not altogether disa…
  greeable was to be inferred from the smiles which occa…
  sionally covered a countenance hard and martial in its
  usual expression; though there were moments in which all
  its severe sobriety prevailed。  Half an hour might have
  passed; when a tap at the door was answered by a direc…
  tion to enter。  A middle…aged man; in the dress of an offi…
  cer; but whose uniform wanted the usual smartness of the
  profession; made his appearance; and was saluted as 〃Mr。
  〃I have come sir; at your bidding; to know my for…
  tune;〃 said the Quartermaster; in a strong Scotch accent;
  as soon as he had taken the seat which was proffered to
  him。  〃To say the truth to you; Major Duncan; this girl
  is making as much havoc in the garrison as the French
  did before Ty: I never witnessed so general a rout in so
  short a time!〃
  〃Surely; Davy; you don't mean to persuade me that your
  young and unsophisticated heart is in such a flame; after
  one week's ignition?  Why; man; this is worse than the
  affair in Sootland; where it was said the heat within was so
  intense that it just burnt a hole through your own pre…
  cious body; and left a place for all the lassies to peer in at;
  to see what the combustible material was worth。〃
  〃Ye'll have your own way; Major Duncan; and your
  father and mother would have theirs before ye; even if
  the enemy were in the camp。  I see nothing so extraordi…
  nar' in young people following the bent of their inclina…
  tions and wishes。〃
  〃But you've followed yours so often; Davy; that I should
  think by this time it had lost the edge of novelty。  In…
  cluding that informal affair in Scotland; when you were a
  lad; you've been married four times already。〃
  〃Only three; Major; as I hope to get another wife。  I've
  not yet had my number: no; no; only three。〃
  〃I'm thinking; Davy; you don't include the first affair
  I mentioned; that in which there was no parson。〃
  〃And why should I Major?  The courts decided that
  it was no marriage; and what more could a man want?
  The woman took advantage of a slight amorous propensity
  that may be a weakness in my disposition; perhaps; and
  inveigled me into a contract which was found to be illegal。〃
  〃If I remember right; Muir; there were thought to be
  two sides to that question; in the time of it?〃
  〃It would be but an indifferent question; my dear
  Major; that hadn't two sides to it; and I've known many
  that had three。  But the poor woman's dead; and there
  was no issue; so nothing came of it after all。  Then; I was
  particularly unfortunate with my second wife; I say sec…
  ond; Major; out of deference to you; and on the mere sup…
  position that the first was a marriage at all; but first or
  second; I was particularly unfortunate with Jeannie
  Graham; who died in the first lustrum; leaving neither
  chick nor chiel behind her。  I do think; if Jeannie had
  survived; I never should have turned my thoughts towards
  another wife。〃
  〃But as she did not; you married twice after her death;
  and are desirous of doing so a third time。〃
  〃The truth can never justly be gainsaid; Major Duncan;
  and I am always ready to avow