第 41 节
作者:怀疑一切      更新:2021-02-24 23:08      字数:9319
  It was cold; and dark; and damp; and low; and narrow; and poor Toad
  began   to   shiver;   partly   from   dread   of   what   might   be   before   him;   partly
  because he was wet through。 The lantern was far ahead; and he could not
  help lagging behind a little in the darkness。 Then he heard the Rat call out
  warningly; ‘COME on; Toad!' and a terror seized him of being left behind;
  alone in the darkness; and he ‘came on' with such a rush that he upset the
  Rat into the Mole and the Mole into the Badger; and for a moment all was
  confusion。 The Badger thought they were being attacked from behind; and;
  as there was no room to use a stick or a cutlass; drew a pistol; and was on
  the point of putting a bullet into Toad。 When he found out what had really
  happened       he  was    very   angry    indeed;    and   said;   ‘Now     this  time   that
  tiresome Toad SHALL be left behind!'
  But Toad whimpered; and the other two promised that they would be
  answerable for his good conduct; and at last the Badger was pacified; and
  the procession moved on; only this time the Rat brought up the rear; with a
  firm grip on the shoulder of Toad。
  So they groped and shuffled along; with their ears pricked up and their
  paws on their pistols; till at last the Badger said; ‘We ought by now to be
  pretty nearly under the Hall。'
  Then suddenly they heard; far away as it might be; and yet apparently
  nearly  over   their heads;  a   confused   murmur   of   sound;  as   if people   were
  shouting and cheering and stamping on the floor and hammering on tables。
  The   Toad's   nervous   terrors   all   returned;   but   the   Badger   only   remarked
  placidly; ‘They ARE going it; the Weasels!'
  The passage now began to slope upwards; they groped onward a little
  further;   and   then   the   noise   broke   out   again;   quite   distinct   this   time;   and
  very close above them。 ‘Ooo…ray…ooray… oo…ray…ooray!' they heard; and the
  stamping of little feet on the floor; and the clinking of glasses as little fists
  pounded   on   the   table。   ‘WHAT   a   time   they're   having!'   said   the   Badger。
  ‘Come on!' They hurried along the passage till it came to a full stop; and
  they   found   themselves   standing   under   the   trap…door   that   led   up   into   the
  butler's pantry。
  … Page 143…
  Such   a   tremendous   noise   was   going   on   in   the   banqueting…hall   that
  there was little danger of their being overheard。 The Badger said; ‘Now;
  boys;   all   together!'   and   the   four   of   them   put   their  shoulders   to   the   trap…
  door and heaved   it back。 Hoisting   each other up;  they found   themselves
  standing in the pantry; with only a door between them and the banqueting…
  hall; where their unconscious enemies were carousing。
  The noise; as they emerged from the passage; was simply deafening。
  At last; as the cheering and hammering slowly subsided; a voice could be
  made   out   saying;   ‘Well;   I   do   not   propose   to   detain   you   much   longer'
  (great   applause)‘but   before   I   resume   my   seat'(renewed   cheering)‘I
  should like to say one word about our kind host; Mr。 Toad。 We all know
  Toad!'(great laughter)‘GOOD Toad; MODEST Toad; HONEST Toad!'
  (shrieks of merriment)。
  ‘Only just let me get at him!' muttered Toad; grinding his teeth。
  ‘Hold hard a minute!' said the Badger; restraining him with difficulty。
  ‘Get ready; all of you!'
  ‘Let   me   sing   you   a   little   song;'   went   on   the   voice;   ‘which   I   have
  composed on the subject of Toad'(prolonged applause)。
  Then the Chief Weaselfor it was hebegan in a high; squeaky voice
  ‘Toad he went a…pleasuring Gaily down the street'
  The Badger drew himself up; took a firm grip of his stick with both
  paws; glanced round at his comrades; and cried
  ‘The hour is come! Follow me!'
  And flung the door open wide。
  What a squealing and a squeaking and a screeching filled the air!
  Well    might    the  terrified   weasels    dive   under   the  tables   and   spring
  madly   up   at   the   windows!   Well   might   the   ferrets   rush   wildly   for   the
  fireplace   and   get   hopelessly   jammed   in   the   chimney!   Well   might   tables
  and chairs be upset; and glass and china be sent crashing on the floor; in
  the panic of that terrible moment when the four Heroes strode wrathfully
  into the room! The mighty Badger; his whiskers bristling; his great cudgel
  whistling through the air; Mole; black and grim; brandishing his stick and
  shouting      his  awful    war…cry;    ‘A   Mole!    A   Mole!'    Rat;   desperate     and
  … Page 144…
  determined; his belt bulging with weapons of every age and every variety;
  Toad;   frenzied   with   excitement   and   injured   pride;   swollen   to   twice   his
  ordinary size; leaping into the air and emitting Toad…whoops that chilled
  them to the marrow! ‘Toad he went a…pleasuring!' he yelled。 ‘I'LL pleasure
  'em!' and he went straight for the Chief Weasel。 They were but four in all;
  but    to  the   panic…stricken     weasels    the   hall  seemed     full   of  monstrous
  animals;      grey;   black;   brown     and    yellow;    whooping       and   flourishing
  enormous   cudgels;   and   they   broke   and   fled   with   squeals   of   terror   and
  dismay;      this  way    and    that;  through     the   windows;      up   the   chimney;
  anywhere to get out of reach of those terrible sticks。
  The affair was soon over。 Up and down; the whole length of the hall;
  strode   the   four   Friends;   whacking   with   their   sticks   at   every   head   that
  showed   itself;   and   in   five   minutes   the   room   was   cleared。   Through   the
  broken windows the shrieks of terrified weasels escaping across the lawn
  were borne faintly to their ears; on the floor lay prostrate some dozen or so
  of the enemy; on whom the Mole was busily engaged in fitting handcuffs。
  The   Badger;   resting   from   his   labours;   leant   on   his   stick   and   wiped   his
  honest brow。
  ‘Mole;' he said;' ‘you're the best of fellows! Just cut along outside and
  look after those stoat…sentries of yours; and see what they're doing。 I've an
  idea that; thanks to you; we shan't have much trouble from them to…night!'
  The Mole vanished promptly through a window; and the Badger bade
  the other two set a table on its legs again; pick up knives and forks and
  plates and glasses from the debris on the floor; and see if they could find
  materials   for   a   supper。   ‘I   want   some   grub;   I   do;'   he   said;   in   that   rather
  common way he had of speaking。 ‘Stir your stumps; Toad; and look lively!
  We've got your house back for you; and you don't offer us so much as a
  sandwich。' Toad felt rather hurt that the Badger didn't say pleasant things
  to him; as he had to the Mole; and tell him what a fine fellow he was; and
  how splendidly he had fought; for he was rather particularly pleased with
  himself and the way he had gone for the Chief Weasel and sent him flying
  across the table with one blow of his stick。 But he bustled about; and so
  did the Rat; and soon they found some guava jelly in a glass dish; and a
  cold chicken; a tongue that had hardly been touched; some trifle; and quite
  … Page 145…
  a   lot   of   lobster   salad;   and   in   the   pantry   they   came   upon   a   basketful   of
  French rolls and any quantity of cheese; butter; and celery。 They were just
  about     to  sit  down    when     the   Mole    clambered      in  through     the  window;
  chuckling; with an armful of rifles。
  ‘It's all over;' he reported。 ‘From what I can make out; as soon as the
  stoats; who were very nervous and jumpy already; heard the shrieks and
  the   yells   and   the   uproar   inside   the   hall;   some   of   them  threw   down   their
  rifles and fled。 The others stood fast for a bit; but when the weasels came
  rushing   out   upon   them   they   thought   they   were   betrayed;   and   the   stoats
  grappled with the weasels; and the weasels fought to get away; and they
  wrestled and wriggled and punched each other; and rolled over and over;
  till most of 'em rolled into the river! They've all disappeared by now; one
  way or another; and I've got their rifles。 So that's all right!'
  ‘Excellent   and   deserving   animal!'   said   the   Badger;   his   mouth   full   of
  chicken   and   trifle。   ‘Now;   there's   just   one   more   thing   I   want   you