第 10 节
作者:怀疑一切      更新:2021-02-24 23:08      字数:9320
  EVERYBODY up。 Very thoughtless of him; I call it。 When I get home I
  shall go and complain about it toto somebody or other; see if I don't!'
  ‘O; dear! O; dear!' cried the Rat; in despair at his obtuseness。 ‘Here;
  stop arguing and come and scrape!' And he set to work again and made the
  snow fly in all directions around him。
  After some further toil his efforts were rewarded; and a very shabby
  door…mat lay exposed to view。
  ‘There; what did I tell you?' exclaimed the Rat in great triumph。
  ‘Absolutely       nothing    whatever;'     replied    the   Mole;     with    perfect
  truthfulness。   ‘Well   now;'   he   went   on;   ‘you   seem   to   have   found   another
  piece of domestic litter; done for and thrown away; and I suppose you're
  perfectly happy。 Better go ahead and dance your jig round that if you've
  got to; and get it over; and then perhaps we can go on and not waste any
  more time over rubbish… heaps。 Can we EAT a doormat? or sleep under a
  door…mat? Or sit on a door…mat and sledge home over the snow on it; you
  exasperating rodent?'
  ‘Doyoumeantosay;'   cried   the   excited   Rat;   ‘that   this   door…   mat
  doesn't TELL you anything?'
  ‘Really; Rat;' said the Mole; quite pettishly; ‘I think we'd had enough
  of this folly。 Who ever heard of a door…mat TELLING anyone anything?
  They simply don't do it。 They are not that sort at all。 Door…mats know their
  ‘Now look here; youyou thick…headed beast;' replied the Rat; really
  angry; ‘this must stop。 Not another word; but scrape scrape and scratch
  and dig and hunt round; especially on the sides of the hummocks; if you
  want to sleep dry and warm to… night; for it's our last chance!'
  The Rat attacked a snow…bank beside them with ardour; probing with
  his cudgel everywhere and then digging with fury; and the Mole scraped
  busily   too;   more   to   oblige   the   Rat   than  for   any   other   reason;   for   his
  … Page 35…
  opinion was that his friend was getting light…headed。
  Some ten minutes' hard work; and the point of the Rat's cudgel struck
  something that sounded hollow。 He worked till he could get a paw through
  and feel; then called the Mole to come and help him。 Hard at it went the
  two animals; till at last the result of their labours stood full in view of the
  astonished and hitherto incredulous Mole。
  In   the   side   of   what   had   seemed   to   be   a   snow…bank   stood   a   solid…
  looking little door; painted a dark green。 An iron bell…pull hung by the side;
  and   below   it;   on   a   small   brass   plate;   neatly   engraved   in   square   capital
  letters; they could read by the aid of moonlight MR。 BADGER。
  The Mole fell backwards on the snow from sheer surprise and delight。
  ‘Rat!' he cried in penitence; ‘you're a wonder! A real wonder; that's what
  you are。 I see it all now! You argued it out; step by step; in that wise head
  of yours; from the very moment that I fell and cut my shin; and you looked
  at the cut; and at once your majestic mind said to itself; 〃Door…scraper!〃
  And then you turned to and found the very door…scraper that done it! Did
  you stop there? No。 Some people would have been quite satisfied; but not
  you。 Your intellect went on working。 〃Let me only just find a door…mat;〃
  says you to yourself; 〃and my theory is proved!〃 And of course you found
  your   door…mat。   You're   so   clever;   I   believe   you   could   find   anything   you
  liked。 〃Now;〃 says you; 〃that door exists;  as plain as if I saw it。 There's
  nothing else remains to be done but to find it!〃 Well; I've read about that
  sort of thing in books; but I've never come across it before in real life。 You
  ought   to   go   where   you'll   be   properly   appreciated。 You're   simply   wasted
  here; among us fellows。 If I only had your head; Ratty'
  ‘But   as   you   haven't;'   interrupted   the   Rat;   rather  unkindly;   ‘I   suppose
  you're going to sit on   the   snow all night   and TALK  Get   up at   once and
  hang on to that bell…pull you see there; and ring hard; as hard as you can;
  while I hammer!'
  While the Rat attacked the door with his stick; the Mole sprang up at
  the bell…pull; clutched it and swung there; both feet well off the ground;
  and from  quite   a long   way  off they  could   faintly  hear   a   deep…toned bell
  … Page 36…
  THEY waited patiently for what seemed a very long time; stamping in
  the   snow   to   keep   their   feet   warm。 At   last   they   heard   the   sound   of   slow
  shuflling footsteps approaching the door from the inside。 It seemed; as the
  Mole remarked to the Rat; like some one walking in carpet slippers that
  were too large for him and down at heel; which was intelligent of Mole;
  because that was exactly what it was。
  There was the   noise of   a   bolt shot   back;   and the   door   opened a   few
  inches; enough to show a long snout and a pair of sleepy blinking eyes。
  ‘Now; the VERY next time this happens;' said a gruff and suspicious
  voice;   ‘I   shall   be   exceedingly   angry。   Who   is   it   THIS   time;   disturbing
  people on such a night? Speak up!'
  ‘Oh;   Badger;'   cried   the   Rat;   ‘let   us   in;   please。   It's   me;   Rat;   and   my
  friend Mole; and we've lost our way in the snow。'
  ‘What;   Ratty;   my   dear   little   man!'   exclaimed   the   Badger;   in   quite   a
  different voice。 ‘Come along in; both of you; at once。 Why; you must be
  perished。 Well I never! Lost in the snow! And in the Wild Wood; too; and
  at this time of night! But come in with you。'
  The   two   animals   tumbled   over   each   other   in   their   eagerness   to   get
  inside; and heard the door shut behind them with great joy and relief。
  The Badger; who wore a long dressing…gown; and whose slippers were
  indeed   very   down   at   heel;   carried   a   flat   candlestick   in   his   paw   and   had
  probably been on his way to bed when their summons sounded。 He looked
  kindly down on them and patted both their heads。 ‘This is not the sort of
  night   for   small   animals   to   be   out;'   he   said   paternally。   ‘I'm   afraid   you've
  been up to some of your pranks again; Ratty。 But come along; come into
  the kitchen。 There's a first…rate fire there; and supper and everything。'
  He shuffled on in front of them; carrying the light; and they followed
  him;   nudging   each   other   in   an   anticipating   sort   of   way;   down   a   long;
  gloomy; and; to tell the truth; decidedly shabby passage; into a sort of a
  … Page 37…
  central   hall;   out   of   which   they   could   dimly   see   other   long   tunnel…like
  passages   branching;   passages   mysterious   and   without   apparent   end。   But
  there   were     doors    in  the  hall   as  wellstout     oaken    comfortable…looking
  doors。     One    of  these    the  Badger     flung    open;    and   at  once    they   found
  themselves in all the glow and warmth of a large fire…lit kitchen。
  The floor was well…worn red brick; and on the wide hearth burnt a fire
  of logs; between two attractive chimney…corners tucked away in the wall;
  well   out   of   any   suspicion   of   draught。   A   couple   of   high…backed   settles;
  facing     each     other    on   either    side   of   the    fire;  gave    further     sitting
  accommodations   for   the   sociably   disposed。   In   the   middle   of   the   room
  stood a long table of plain boards placed on trestles; with benches down
  each side。 At one end of it; where an arm…chair stood pushed back; were
  spread     the   remains     of  the   Badger's     plain   but   ample    supper。    Rows     of
  spotless plates winked from the shelves of the dresser at the far end of the
  room; and from the rafters overhead hung hams; bundles of dried herbs;
  nets of onions; and baskets of eggs。 It seemed a place where heroes could
  fitly   feast   after   victory;   where   weary   harvesters   could   line   up   in   scores
  along   the   table   and   keep   their   Harvest   Home   with   mirth   and   song;   or
  where two or three friends of simple tastes could sit about as they pleased
  and eat and smoke and talk in comfort and contentment。 The ruddy brick
  floor  smiled   up   at   the   smoky  ceiling;   the   oaken   settles;   shiny  with   long
  wear;   exchanged   cheerful   glances   with   each   other;   plates   on   the   dresser