第 5 节
作者:敏儿不觉      更新:2021-02-24 22:58      字数:9319
  death by Mrs Pearcy in October 1890; but the fact that Mrs Hogg had been
  battered about the head; and that the head had been almost severed from
  the body; would seem to indicate that the murderess was the stronger of
  the   two   women。      The    case   of  Belle   Gunness     (treated  by   Mr   George
  Dilnot in his Rogues March'1') might be cited。                Fat; gross…featured; far
  from attractive though she was; her victims were all men who had married
  or   had   wanted    to  marry    her。   Mr    Dilnot   says   these   victims   ‘‘almost
  certainly   numbered   more   than       a   hundred。''  She   murdered   for   money;
  using   chloral   to   stupefy;   and   an   axe   for   the   actual   killing。 She   herself
  was slain and burned; with her three children; by a male accomplice whom
  she was planning to dispose of; he having arrived at the point of knowing
  too much。      1907 was the date of her death at La Porte; U。S。A。
  '1' Bles; 1934。
  It occurs when the female killer happens to be dramatical…minded that
  she    will   use   a  pistol。   Mme      Weissmann…Bessarabo;          who;    with   her
  daughter; shot her husband in Paris (August 1920); is of this kind。                  She
  and   the   daughter;   Paule…Jacques;   seem  to   have   seen   themselves   as   wild;
  wild women from the Mexico where they had sometime lived; and were
  always flourishing revolvers。
  I would say that the use of poison so much by women murderers has
  reason; first; in the lack of physique for violent methods; but I would put
  alongside that reason this other; that women poisoners usually have had a
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  handy     proximity     to  their  victims。    They     have    had   contact   with   their
  victims   in   an   attendant   capacity。    I   have   a   suspicion;   moreover;   that   a
  good   number   of   women   poisoners   actually   chose   the   medium   as   THE
  KINDEST WAY。            Women; and I might add not a few men; who would be
  terribly    shocked    by   sight   or  news    of  a  quick    but  violent   death;    can
  contemplate   with   relative   placidity   a   lingering   and   painful   fatal   illness。
  Propose      to  a  woman     the   destruction    of  a   mangy     stray  cat  or   of  an
  incurably   diseased   dog   by   means   of   a   clean;   well…placed   shot;   and   the
  chances      are   that  she    will  shudder。      Butno      lethal   chamber     being
  availablesuggest   poison;   albeit   unspecified;   and   the   method   will   more
  readily commend itself。         This among women with no murderous instincts
  I have a fancy also that in some cases of murder by poison; not only by
  women; the murderer has been able to dramatize herself or himself ahead
  as   a   tender;   noble;   and   self…sacrificing   attendant   upon   the   victim。   No
  need     here;   I  think;  to  number      the  cases   where     the  ministrations     of
  murderers to their victims have   aroused the almost tearful admiration of
  I shall say nothing of the secrecy of the poison method; of the chance
  which still exists; in spite of modern diagnosis; that the illness induced by
  it will pass for one arising from natural causes。             This is ground traversed
  so often that its features are as familiar as those of one's own house door。
  Nor shall I say anything of the ease with which; even in these days; the
  favourite poison of the woman murderer; arsenic; can be obtained in one
  form or another。
  One hears and reads; however; a great deal about the sense of power
  which gradually steals upon the poisoner。             It is a speculation upon which
  I am not ready to argue。        There is; indeed; chapter and verse for believing
  that   poisoners    have    arrived   at  a  sense   of  omnipotence。       But    if  Anna
  Zwanziger (here I quote from Mr Philip Beaufroy Barry's essay on her in
  his Twenty Human Monsters); ‘‘a day or two before the execution; smiled
  and said it was a fortunate thing for many people that she was to die; for
  had    she   lived   she  would     have   continued     to  poison    men    and   women
  indiscriminately''; if; still according to the same writer; ‘‘when the arsenic
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  was found on her person after the arrest; she seized the packet and gloated
  over the powder; looking at it; the chronicler assures us; as a woman looks
  at her lover''; and if; ‘‘when the attendants asked her how she could have
  brought   herself   calmly   to   kill   people   with   whom   she   was   livingwhose
  meals   and   amusements   she   sharedshe   replied   that   their   faces   were   so
  stupidly healthy and happy that she desired to see them change into faces
  of pain and despair;'' I will say this in no way goes to prove the woman
  criminal   to   be   more   deadly   than   the   male。    This   ghoulish   satisfaction;
  with the conjectured feeling of omnipotence; is not peculiar to the woman
  poisoner。     Neill   Cream  had   it。     Armstrong   had   it。     Wainewright;   with
  his   reason    for  poisoning     Helen    Abercrombie‘‘Upon          my   soul   I  don't
  know; unless it was that her legs were too thick''is quite on a par with
  Anna   Zwanziger。        The   supposed   sense   of   power   does   not   even   belong
  exclusively to the poisoner。         Jack the Ripper manifestly had something of
  the same idea about his use of the knife。
  As a monster in mass murder against Mary Ann Cotton I will set you
  the   Baron   Gilles   de    Rais;   with   his  forty   flogged;   outraged;    obscenely
  mutilated and slain children in one of his castles alonehis total of over
  two   hundred   children   thus   foully   done   to   death。     I   will   set   you   Gilles
  against   anything      that   can  be   brought   forward   as   a   monster   in   cruelty
  among women。
  Against      the   hypocrisy      of   Helene     Jegado     I   will   set   you    the
  sanctimonious Dr Pritchard; with the nauseating entry in his diary (quoted
  by Mr Roughead) recording the death of the wife he so cruelly murdered:
  March   1865;   18;   Saturday。      Died   here   at   1 A。M。    Mary   Jane;   my
  own   beloved   wife;   aged   thirty…eight   years。      No   torment   surrounded   her
  bedside   'the   foul   liar!'but   like   a   calm   peaceful   lamb   of   God   passed
  Minnie away。        May  God and   Jesus; Holy  Ghost; one   in three;  welcome
  Minnie!      Prayer on   prayer till   mine be o'er; everlasting love。            Save   us;
  Lord; for Thy dear Son!
  Against the mean murders of Flanagan and Higgins I will set you Mr
  Seddon and Mr Smith of the ‘‘brides in the bath。''
  % IV
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  I   am   conscious   that   in   arguing   against   the   ‘‘more   deadly   than   the
  male'' conception of the woman criminal I am perhaps doing my book no
  great   service。     It   might   work   for   its   greater   popularity   if   I   argued   the
  other way;  making   out that the   subjects I have   chosen were monsters   of
  brutality; with arms up to the shoulders in blood; that they were prodigies
  of iniquity and cunning; without bowels; steeped in hypocrisy; facinorous
  to a degree never surpassed or even equalled by evil men。                       It may seem
  that;   being   concerned   to   strip   female   crime   of   the   lurid   preeminence   so
  commonly given it; I have contrived beforehand to rob the ensuing pages
  of any richer savour they might have had。                But I don't; myself; think so。
  If   these   women;   some   of   them;   are   not   greater   monsters   than   their
  male   analogues;   monsters   they   still   remain。         If   they   are   not;   others   of
  them;   greater   rogues   and   cheats   than   males   of   like   criminal   persuasion;
  cheats and rogues they are beyond cavil。                The truth of the matter is that I
  loathe   the   use   of   superlatives   in   serious   works   on   crime。     I   will   read;   I
  promise you; anything decently written in a fictional way about ‘master'
  crooks;   ‘master'   killers;   kings;   queens;   princes;   and   a   whole   peerage   of
  crime; knowing very well that never yet has a ‘master' criminal had any
  cleverness   but   what   a   novelist   gave   him。       But   in   works   on   crime   that
  pretend to seriousness I would eschew;   pace Mr Leonard R。 Gribble;   all
  ‘queens'   and   other   honorifics   in