第 3 节
作者:津夏      更新:2021-02-24 22:17      字数:9322
  Is plucked by the foe in his might; not culled in the bridal
  Alas for the hate and the horror…how say it?…less hateful by far
  Is the doom to be slain by the sword; hewn down in the carnage of
  For wide; ah! wide is the woe when the foeman has mounted the
  There is havoc and terror and flame; and the dark smoke broods
  over all;
  And wild is the war…god's breath; as in frenzy of conquest he
  And pollutes with the blast of his lips the glory of holiest
  strophe 3
  Up to the citadel rise clash and din;
  The war…net closes in;
  The spear is in the heart: with blood imbrued
  Young mothers wail aloud;
  For children at their breast who scream and die!
  And boys and maidens fly;
  Yet scape not the pursuer; in his greed
  To thrust and grasp and feed!
  Robber with robber joins; each calls his mate
  Unto the feast of hate…
  The banquet; lo! is spread…seize; rend; and tear!
  No need to choose or share!
  antistrophe 3
  And all the wealth of earth to waste is poured…
  A sight by all abhorred!
  The grieving housewives eye it; heaped and blent;
  Earth's boons are spoiled and spent;
  And waste to nothingness; and O alas;
  Young maids; forlorn ye pass…
  Fresh horror at your hearts…beneath the power
  Of those who crop the flower!
  Ye own the ruffian ravisher for lord;
  And night brings rites abhorred!
  Woe; woe for you! upon your grief and pain
  There comes a fouler stain。
  (On one side THE Spy enters; on the other; ETEOCLES and
  Look; friends! methinks the scout; who parted hence
  To spy upon the foemen; comes with news;
  His feet as swift as wafting chariot…wheels。
  Ay; and our king; the son of Oedipus;
  Comes prompt to time; to learn the spy's report…
  His heart is fainer than his foot is fast!
  Well have I scanned the foe; and well can say
  Unto which chief; by lot; each gate is given。
  Tydeus already with his onset…cry
  Storms at the gate called Proetides; but him
  The seer Amphiaraus holds at halt;
  Nor wills that he should cross Ismenus' ford;
  Until the sacrifices promise fair。
  But Tydeus; mad with lust of blood and broil;
  Like to a cockatrice at noontide hour;
  Hisses out wrath and smites with scourge of tongue
  The prophet…son of Oecleus…Wise thou art;
  Faint against war; and holding back from death!
  With such revilings loud upon his lips
  He waves the triple plumes that o'er his helm
  Float overshadowing; as a courser's mane;
  And at his shield's rim; terror in their tone;
  Clang and reverberate the brazen bells。
  And this proud sign; wrought on his shield; he bears;…
  The vault of heaven; inlaid with blazing stars;
  And; for the boss; the bright moon glows at full;
  The eye of night; the first and lordliest star。
  Thus with high…vaunted armour; madly bold;
  He clamours by the stream…bank; wild for war;
  As a steed panting grimly on his bit;
  Held in and chafing for the trumpet's bray!
  Whom wilt thou set against him? when the gates
  Of Proetus yield; who can his rush repel?
  To me; no blazon on a foeman's shield
  Shall e'er present a fear! such pointed threats
  Are powerless to wound; his plumes and bells;
  Without a spear; are snakes without a sting。
  Nay; more…that pageant of which thou tellest…
  The nightly sky displayed; ablaze with stars;
  Upon his shield; palters with double sense
  One headstrong fool will find its truth anon!
  For; if night fall upon his eyes in death;
  Yon vaunting blazon will its own truth prove;
  And he is prophet of his folly's fall。
  Mine shall it be; to pit against his power
  The loyal son of Astacus; as guard
  To hold the gateways…a right valiant soul;
  Who has in heed the throne of Modesty
  And loathes the speech of Pride; and evermore
  Shrinks from the base; but knows no other fear。
  He springs by stock from those whom Ares spared;
  The men called Sown; a right son of the soil;
  And Melanippus styled。 Now; what his arm
  To…day shall do; rests with the dice of war;
  And Ares shall ordain it; but his cause
  Hath the true badge of Right; to urge him on
  To guard; as son; his motherland from wrong。
  (MELANIPPUS goes out。)
  CHORUS (chanting)
  Then may the gods give fortune fair
  Unto our chief; sent forth to dare
  War's terrible arbitrament!
  But ah! when champions wend away;
  I shudder; lest; from out the fray;
  Only their blood…stained wrecks be sent!
  Nay; let him pass; and the gods' help be his!
  Next; Capaneus comes on; by lot to lead
  The onset at the gates Electran styled:
  A giant be; more huge than Tydeus' self;
  And more than human in his arrogance…
  May fate forefend his threat against our walls!
  God willing; or unwilling…such his vaunt…
  I will lay waste this city; Pallas' self;
  Zeus's warrior maid; although she swoop to earth
  And plant her in my path; shall stay me not。
  And; for the flashes of the levin…bolt;
  He holds them harmless as the noontide rays。
  Mark; too; the symbol on his shield…a man
  Scornfully weaponless but torch in hand;
  And the flame glows witbin his grasp; prepared
  For ravin: lo; the legend; wrought in words;
  Fire for the city bring I; flares in gold!
  Against such wight; send forth…yet whom? what man
  Will front that vaunting figure and not fear?
  Aha; this profits also; gain on gain!
  In sooth; for mortals; the tongue's utterance
  Bewrays unerringly a foolish pride!
  Hither stalks Capaneus; with vaunt and threat
  Defying god…like powers; equipt to act;
  And; mortal though he be; he strains his tongue
  In folly's ecstasy; and casts aloft
  High swelling words against the ears of Zeus。
  Right well I trust…if justice grants the word…
  That; by the might of Zeus; a bolt of flame
  In more than semblance shall descend on him。
  Against his vaunts; though reckless; I have set;
  To make assurance sure; a warrior stern…
  Strong Polyphontes; fervid for the fray;…
  A sturdy bulwark; he; by grace of Heaven
  And favour of his champion Artemis!
  Say on; who holdeth the next gate in ward?
  (POLYPHONTES goes out。)
  CHORUS (chanting)
  Perish the wretch whose vaunt affronts our home!
  On him the red bolt come;
  Ere to the maiden bowers his way he cleave;
  To ravage and bereave!
  I will say on。 Eteoclus is third…
  To him it fell; what time the third lot sprang
  O'er the inverted helmet's brazen rim;
  To dash his stormers on Neistae gate。
  He wheels his mares; who at their frontlets chafe
  And yearn to charge upon the gates amain。
  They snort the breath of pride; and; filled therewith;
  Their nozzles whistle with barbaric sound。
  High too and haughty is his shield's device…
  An armed man who climbs; from rung to rung;
  A scaling ladder; up a hostile wall;
  Afire to sack and slay; and he too cries
  (By letters; full of sound; upon the shield)
  Not Ares' self shall cast me from the wall。
  Look to it; send; against this man; a man
  Strong to debar the slave's yoke from our town。
  ETEOCLES (pointing to MEGAREUS)
  Send will I…even this man; with luck to aid…
  (MEGAREUS departs as soon as he has been marked out。)
  By his worth sent already; not by pride
  And vain pretence; is he。 'Tis Megareus;
  The child of Creon; of the Earth…sprung born!
  He will not shrink from guarding of the gates;
  Nor fear the maddened charger's frenzied neigh;
  But; if he dies; will nobly quit the score
  For nurture to the land that gave him birth;
  Or from the shield…side hew two warriors down…
  Eteoclus and the figure that he lifts…
  Ay; and the city pictured; all in one;
  And deck with spoils the temple of his sire!
  Announce the next pair; stint not of thy tongue!
  CHORUS (chanting)
  O thou; the warder of my home;
  Grant; unto us; Fate's favouring tide;
  Send on the foemen doom!
  They fling forth taunts of frenzied