第 2 节
作者:津夏      更新:2021-02-24 22:17      字数:9322
  Come down to the sevenfold gates and harry the foemen away!
  strophe 3
  O gods and O sisters of gods; our bulwark and guard! we beseech
  That ye give not our war…worn hold to a rabble of alien speech!
  List to the call of the maidens; the hands held up for the right;
  antistrophe 3
  Be near us; protect us; and show that the city is dear in your
  Have heed for her sacrifice holy; and thought of her offerings
  Forget not her love and her worship; be near her and smite for
  her sake!
  (ETEOCLES and his retinue re…enter。)
  ETEOCLES (addressing the CHORUS)
  Hark to my question; things detestable!
  Is this aright and for the city's weal;
  And helpful to our army thus beset;
  That ye before the statues of our gods
  Should fling yourselves; and scream and shriek your fears?
  Immodest; uncontrolled! Be this my lot…
  Never in troublous nor in peaceful days
  To dwell with aught that wears a female form!
  Where womankind has power; no man can house;
  Where womankind feeds panic; ruin rules
  Alike in house and city! Look you now…
  Your flying feet; and rumour of your fears;
  Have spread a soulless panic on our walls;
  And they without do go from strength to strength;
  And we within make breach upon ourselves!
  Such fate it brings; to house with womankind。
  Therefore if any shall resist my rule
  Or man; or woman; or some sexless thing…
  The vote of sentence shall decide their doom;
  And stones of execution; past escape;
  Shall finish all。 Let not a woman's voice
  Be loud in council! for the things without;
  A man must care; let women keep within…
  Even then is mischief all too probable!
  Hear ye? or speak I to unheeding ears?
  CHORUS (chanting)
  Ah; but I shudder; child of Oedipus!
  I heard the clash and clang!
  The axles rolled and rumbled; woe to us;
  Fire…welded bridles rang!
  Say…when a ship is strained and deep in brine;
  Did eer a seaman mend his chance; who left
  The helm; t' invoke the image at the prow?
  CHORUS (chanting)
  Ah; but I fled to the shrines; I called to our helpers on high;
  When the stone…shower roared at the portals!
  I sped to the temples aloft; and loud was my call and my cry;
  Look down and deliver; Immortals!
  Ay; pray amain that stone may vanquish steel!
  Where not that grace of gods? ay; ay…methinks;
  When cities fall; the gods go forth from them!
  CHORUS (chanting)
  Ah; let me die; or ever I behold
  The gods go forth; in conflagration dire!
  The foemen's rush and raid; and all our hold
  Wrapt in the burning fire!
  Cry not on Heaven; in impotent debate!
  What saith the saw?…Good saving Strength; in verity;
  Out of Obedience breeds the babe Prosperity。
  CHORUS (chanting)
  'Tis true: yet stronger is the power divine;
  And oft; when man's estate is overbowed
  With bitter pangs; disperses from his eyne
  The heavy; hanging cloud!
  Let men with sacrifice and augury
  Approach the gods; when comes the tug of war:
  Alaids must be silent and abide within。
  CHORUS (chanting)
  By grace of the gods we hold it; a city untamed of the spear;
  And the battlement wards from the wall the foe and his aspect of
  What need of displeasure herein?
  Ay; pay thy vows to Heaven; I grudge them not;
  But…so thou strike no fear into our men…
  Have calm at heart; nor be too much afraid。
  Alack; it is fresh in mine ears; the clamour and crash of the
  And up to our holiest height I sped on my timorous way;
  Bewildered; beset by the din!
  Now; if ye hear the bruit of death or wounds;
  Give not yourselves o'ermuch to shriek and scream;
  For Ares ravins upon human flesh。
  Ah; but the snorting of the steeds I hear!
  Then; if thou hearest; hear them not too well
  Hark; the earth rumbles; as they close us round!
  Enough if I am here; with plans prepared。
  Alack; the battering at the gates is loud!
  Peace! stay your tongue; or else the town may hear!
  O warders of the walls; betray them not!
  Beshrew your cries! in silence face your fate。
  Gods of our city; see me not enslaved!
  On me; on all; thy cries bring slavery。
  Zeus; strong to smite; turn upon foes thy blow!
  Zeus; what a curse are women; wrought by thee!
  Weak wretches; even as men; when cities fall。
  What! clasping gods; yet voicing thy despair?
  In the sick heart; fear maketh prey of speech。
  Light is the thing I ask thee…do my will!
  Ask swiftly: swiftly shall I know my power。
  Silence; weak wretch! nor put thy friends in fear。
  I speak no more: the general fate be mine!
  I take that word as wiser than the rest。
  Nay; more: these images possess thy will…
  Pray; in their strength; that Heaven be on our side!
  Then hear my prayers withal; and then ring out
  The female triumph…note; thy privilege…
  Yea; utter forth the usage Hellas knows;
  The cry beside the altars; sounding clear
  Encouragement to friends; alarm to foes。
  But I unto all gods that guard our walls;
  Lords of the plain or warders of the mart
  And to Ismenus' stream and Dirce's rills;
  I swear; if Fortune smiles and saves our town;
  That we will make our altars reek with blood
  Of sheep and kine; shed forth unto the gods;
  And with victorious tokens front our fanes…
  Corslets and casques that once our foemen wore;
  Spear…shattered now…to deck these holy homes!
  Be such thy vows to Heaven…away with sighs;
  Away with outcry vain and barbarous;
  That shall avail not; in a general doom!
  But I will back; and; with six chosen men
  Myself the seventh; to confront the foe
  In this great aspect of a poised war;
  Return and plant them at the sevenfold gates;
  Or e'er the prompt and clamorous battle…scouts
  Haste to inflame our counsel with the need。
  (ETEOCLES and his retinue go out。)
  CHORUS (singing)
  strophe 1
  I mark his words; yet; dark and deep;
  My heart's alarm forbiddeth sleep!
  Close…clinging cares around my soul
  Enkindle fears beyond control;
  Presageful of what doom may fall
  From the great leaguer of the wall!
  So a poor dove is faint with fear
  For her weak nestlings; while anew
  Glides on the snaky ravisher!
  In troop and squadron; hand on hand;
  They climb and throng; and hemmed we stand;
  While on the warders of our town
  The flinty shower comes hurtling down!
  Gods born of Zeus! put forth your might
  For Cadmus' city; realm; and right!
  antistrophe 1
  What nobler land shall e'er be yours;
  If once ye give to hostile powers
  The deep rich soil; and Dirce's wave;
  The nursing stream; Poseidon gave
  And Tethys' children? Up and save!
  Cast on the ranks that hem us round
  A deadly panic; make them fling
  Their arms in terror on the ground;
  And die in carnage! thence shall spring
  High honour for our clan and king!
  Come at our wailing cry; and stand
  As throned sentries of our land!
  strophe 2
  For pity and sorrow it were that this immemorial town
  Should sink to be slave of the spear; to dust and to ashes gone
  By the gods of Achaean worship and arms of Achaean might
  Sacked and defiled and dishonoured; its women the prize of the
  That; haled by the hair as a steed; their mantles dishevelled and
  The maiden and matron alike should pass to the wedlock of scorn!
  I hear it arise from the city; the manifold wail of despair…
  Woe; woe for the doom that shall be…as in grasp of the foeman
  they fare!
  antistrophe 2
  For a woe and a weeping it is; if the maiden inviolate flower
  Is plucked by the foe in his might; not culled in the bridal
  Alas for the hate and the ho