第 30 节
作者:冥王      更新:2021-02-24 22:16      字数:9322
  bad will happen to her。 The old sailor is a fine
  character; too; for he has never once grumbled over being
  a grasshopper; as so many would have done。〃
  When the Scarecrow was so nearly burned up the girls
  all shivered a little; and they clapped their hands in
  joy when the flock of Orks came and saved him。
  So it was that when all the exciting adventures in
  Jinxland were over and the four Orks had begun their
  flight across the mountains to carry the mortals into the
  Land of Oz; Ozma called the Wizard to her and asked him
  to prepare a place for the strangers to sleep。
  The famous Wizard of Oz was a quaint little man who
  inhabited the royal palace and attended to all the
  magical things that Ozma wanted done。 He was not as
  powerful as Glinda; to be sure; but he could do a great
  many wonderful things。 He proved this by placing a house
  in the uninhabited part of the Quadling Country where the
  Orks landed Cap'n Bill and Trot and Button…Bright; and
  fitting it with all the comforts I have described in the
  last chapter。
  Next morning Dorothy said to Ozma:
  〃Oughtn't we to go meet the strangers; so we can show
  them the way to the Emerald City? I'm sure that little
  girl will feel shy in this beautiful land; and I know if
  'twas me I'd like somebody to give me a welcome。〃
  Ozma smiled at her little friend and answered:
  〃You and Betsy may go to meet them; if you wish; but I
  can not leave my palace just now; as I am to have a
  conference with Jack Pumpkinhead and Professor Wogglebug
  on important matters。 You may take the Sawhorse and the
  Red Wagon; and if you start soon you will be able to meet
  the Scarecrow and the strangers at Glinda's palace。〃
  〃Oh; thank you!〃 cried Dorothy; and went away to tell
  Betsy and to make preparations for the journey。
  Chapter Twenty…Two
  The Waterfall
  Glinda's castle was a long way from the mountains; but
  the Scarecrow began the journey cheerfully; since time
  was of no great importance in the Land of Oz and he had
  recently made the trip and knew the way。 It never
  mattered much to Button…Bright where he was or what he
  was doing; the boy was content in being alive and having
  good companions to share his wanderings。 As for Trot and
  Cap'n Bill; they now found themselves so comfortable and
  free from danger; in this fine fairyland; and they were
  so awed and amazed by the adventures they were
  encountering; that the journey to Glinda's castle was
  more like a pleasure trip than a hardship; so many
  wonderful things were there to see。
  Button…Bright had been in Oz before; but never in this
  part of it; so the Scarecrow was the only one who knew
  the paths and could lead them。 They had eaten a hearty
  breakfast; which they found already prepared for them and
  awaiting them on the table when they arose from their
  refreshing sleep; so they left the magic house in a
  contented mood and with hearts lighter and more happy
  than they had known for many a day。 As they marched
  along through the fields; the sun shone brightly and the
  breeze was laden with delicious fragrance; for it carried
  with it the breath of millions of wildflowers。
  At noon; when they stopped to rest by the bank of a
  pretty river; Trot said with a long…drawn breath that was
  much like a sigh:
  〃I wish we'd brought with us some of the food that was
  left from our breakfast; for I'm getting hungry again。〃
  Scarcely had she spoken when a table rose up before
  them; as if from the ground itself; and it was loaded
  with fruits and nuts and cakes and many other good things
  to eat。 The little girl's eyes opened wide at this
  display of magic; and Cap'n Bill was not sure that the
  things were actually there and fit to eat until he had
  taken them in his hand and tasted them。 But the Scarecrow
  said with a laugh:
  〃Someone is looking after your welfare; that is
  certain; and from the looks of this table I suspect my
  friend the Wizard has taken us in his charge。 I've known
  him to do things like this before; and if we are in the
  Wizard's care you need not worry about your future。〃
  〃Who's worrying?〃 inquired Button…Bright; already at
  the table and busily eating。
  The Scarecrow looked around the place while the others
  were feasting; and finding many things unfamiliar to him
  he shook his head and remarked:
  〃I must have taken the wrong path; back in that last
  valley; for on my way to Jinxland I remember that I
  passed around the foot of this river; where there was a
  great waterfall。〃
  〃Did the river make a bend; after the waterfall?〃 asked
  Cap'n Bill。
  〃No; the river disappeared。 Only a pool of whirling
  water showed what had become of the river; but I suppose
  it is under ground; somewhere; and will come to the
  surface again in another part of the country。〃
  〃Well;〃 suggested Trot; as she finished her luncheon;
  〃as there is no way to cross this river; I s'pose we'll
  have to find that waterfall; and go around it。〃
  〃Exactly;〃 replied the Scarecrow; so they soon renewed
  their journey; following the river for a long time until
  the roar of the waterfall sounded in their ears。 By and
  by they came to the waterfall itself; a sheet of silver
  dropping far; far down into a tiny lake which seemed to
  have no outlet。 From the top of the fall; where they
  stood; the banks gradually sloped away; so that the
  descent by land was quite easy; while the river could do
  nothing but glide over an edge of rock and tumble
  straight down to the depths below。
  〃You see;〃 said the Scarecrow; leaning over the brink;
  〃this is called by our Oz people the Great Waterfall;
  because it is certainly the highest one in all the land;
  but I think  Help!〃
  He had lost his balance and pitched headforemost into
  the river。 They saw a flash of straw and blue clothes;
  and the painted face looking upward in surprise。 The
  next moment the Scarecrow was swept over the waterfall
  and plunged into the basin below。
  The accident had happened so suddenly that for a moment
  they were all too horrified to speak or move。
  〃Quick! We must go to help him or he will be drowned;〃
  Trot exclaimed。
  Even while speaking she began to descend the bank to
  the pool below; and Cap'n Bill followed as swiftly as his
  wooden leg would let him。 Button…Bright came more slowly;
  calling to the girl:
  〃He can't drown; Trot; he's a Scarecrow。〃
  But she wasn't sure a Scarecrow couldn't drown and
  never relaxed her speed until she stood on the edge of
  the pool; with the spray dashing in her face。 Cap'n Bill;
  puffing and panting; had just voice enough to ask; as he
  reached her side:
  〃See him; Trot?〃
  〃Not a speck of him。  Oh; Cap'n; what do you s'pose has
  become of him?〃
  〃I s'pose;〃 replied the sailor; 〃that he's in that
  water; more or less far down; and I'm 'fraid it'll make
  his straw pretty soggy。 But as fer his bein' drowned; I
  agree with Button…Bright that it can't be done。〃
  There was small comfort in this assurance and Trot
  stood for some time searching with her eyes the bubbling
  water; in the hope that the Scarecrow would finally come
  to the surface。 Presently she heard Button…Bright
  calling: 〃Come here; Trot!〃 and looking around she saw
  that the boy had crept over the wet rocks to the edge of
  the waterfall and seemed to be peering behind it。 Making
  her way toward him; she asked:
  〃What do you see?〃
  〃A cave;〃 he answered。 〃Let's go in。 P'r'aps we'll find
  the Scarecrow there。〃
  She was a little doubtful of that; but the cave
  interested her; and so did it Cap'n Bill。 There was just
  space enough at the edge of the sheet of water for them
  to crowd in behind it; but after that dangerous entrance
  they found room enough to walk upright and after a time
  they came to an opening in the wall of rock。 Approaching
  this opening; they gazed within it and found a series of
  steps; cut so that they might easily descend into the
  Trot turned to look inquiringly at her companions。 The
  falling water made such din and roaring that her voice
  could not be heard。 Cap'n Bill nodded his head; but
  before he