第 28 节
作者:冥王      更新:2021-02-24 22:16      字数:9322
  loaded with chains and dressed in fustian; the people
  hissed him and drew back as he passed so their garments
  would not touch him。
  Krewl was not haughty or overbearing any more; on the
  contrary he seemed very meek and in great fear of the
  fate his conquerors had in store for him。 But Gloria and
  Pon were too happy to be revengeful and so they offered
  to appoint Krewl to the position of gardener's boy at the
  castle; Pon having resigned to become King。 But they said
  he must promise to reform his wicked ways and to do his
  duty faithfully; and he must change his name from Krewl
  to Grewl。 All this the man eagerly promised to do; and so
  when Pon retired to a room in the castle to put on
  princely raiment; the old brown smock he had formerly
  worn was given to Grewl; who then went out into the
  garden to water the roses。
  The remainder of that famous day; which was long
  remembered in Jinxland; was given over to feasting and
  merrymaking。 In the evening there was a grand dance in
  the courtyard; where the brass band played a new piece of
  music called the 〃Ork Trot〃 which was dedicated to 〃Our
  Glorious Gloria; the Queen。〃
  While the Queen and Pon were leading this dance; and
  all the Jinxland people were having a good time; the
  strangers were gathered in a group in the park outside
  the castle。 Cap'n Bill; Trot; Button…Bright and the
  Scarecrow were there; and so was their old friend the
  Ork; but of all the great flock of Orks which had
  assisted in the conquest but three remained in Jinxland;
  besides their leader; the others having returned to their
  own country as soon as Gloria was crowned Queen。 To the
  young Ork who had accompanied them in their adventures
  Cap'n Bill said:
  〃You've surely been a friend in need; and we're mighty
  grateful to you for helping us。 I might have been a
  grasshopper yet if it hadn't been for you; an' I might
  remark that bein' a grasshopper isn't much fun。〃
  〃If it hadn't been for you; friend Ork;〃 said the
  Scarecrow; 〃I fear I could not have conquered King
  〃No;〃 agreed Trot; 〃you'd have been just a heap of
  ashes by this time。〃
  And I might have been lost yet;〃 added Button…Bright。
  〃Much obliged; Mr。 Ork。〃
  〃Oh; that's all right;〃 replied the Ork。 〃Friends must
  stand together; you know; or they wouldn't be friends。
  But now I must leave you and be off to my own country;
  where there's going to be a surprise party on my uncle;
  and I've promised to attend it。〃
  〃Dear me;〃 said the Scarecrow; regretfully。 〃That is
  very unfortunate。〃
  〃Why so?〃 asked the Ork。
  〃I hoped you would consent to carry us over those
  mountains; into the Land of Oz。 My mission here is now
  finished and I want to get back to the Emerald City。〃
  〃How did you cross the mountains before?〃 inquired the
  〃I scaled the cliffs by means of a rope; and crossed
  the Great Gulf on a strand of spider web。 Of course I can
  return in the same manner; but it would be a hard journey
  and perhaps an impossible one  for Trot and Button…
  Bright and Cap'n Bill。 So I thought that if you had the
  time you and your people would carry us over the
  mountains and land us all safely on the other side; in
  the Land of Oz。〃
  The Ork thoughtfully considered the matter for a while。
  Then he said:
  〃I mustn't break my promise to be present at the
  surprise party; but; tell me; could you go to Oz to…
  〃What; now?〃 exclaimed Trot。
  〃It is a fine moonlight night;〃 said the Ork; 〃and I've
  found in my experience that there's no time so good as
  right away。 The fact is;〃 he explained; 〃it's a long
  journey to Orkland and I and my cousins here are all
  rather tired by our day's work。 But if you will start
  now; and be content to allow us to carry you over the
  mountains and dump you on the other side; just say the
  word and  off we go!〃
  Cap'n Bill and Trot looked at one another
  questioningly。 The little girl was eager to visit the
  famous fairyland of Oz and the old sailor had endured
  such hardships in Jinxland that he would be glad to be
  out of it。
  〃It's rather impolite of us not to say good…bye to the
  new King and Queen;〃 remarked the Scarecrow; 〃but I'm
  sure they're too happy to miss us; and I assure you it
  will be much easier to fly on the backs of the Orks over
  those steep mountains than to climb them as I did。〃
  〃All right; let's go!〃 Trot decided。 〃But where's
  Just at this important moment Button…Bright was lost
  again; and they all scattered in search of him。 He had
  been standing beside them just a few minutes before; but
  his friends had an exciting hunt for him before they
  finally discovered the boy seated among the members of
  the band; beating the end of the bass drum with the bone
  of a turkey…leg that he had taken from the table in the
  banquet room。
  〃Hello; Trot;〃 he said; looking up at the little girl
  when she found him。 〃This is the first chance I ever had
  to pound a drum with a reg'lar drum stick。 And I ate all
  the meat off the bone myself。〃
  〃Come quick。 We're going to the Land of Oz。〃
  〃Oh; what's the hurry?〃 said Button…Bright; but she
  seized his arm and dragged him away to the park; where
  the others were waiting。
  Trot climbed upon the back of her old friend; the Ork
  leader; and the others took their seats on the backs of
  his three cousins。 As soon as all were placed and
  clinging to the skinny necks of the creatures; the
  revolving tails began to whirl and up rose the four
  monster Orks and sailed away toward the mountains。 They
  were so high in the air that when they passed the crest
  of the highest peak it seemed far below them。 No sooner
  were they well across the barrier than the Orks swooped
  downward and landed their passengers upon the ground。
  〃Here we are; safe in the Land of Oz!〃 cried the
  Scarecrow joyfully。
  〃Oh; are we?〃 asked Trot; looking around her curiously。
  She could see the shadows of stately trees and the
  outlines of rolling hills; beneath her feet was soft
  turf; but otherwise the subdued light of the moon
  disclosed nothing clearly。
  〃Seems jus' like any other country;〃 was Cap'n Bill's
  〃But it isn't;〃 the Scarecrow assured him。 〃You are now
  within the borders of the most glorious fairyland in all
  the world。 This part of it is just a corner of the
  Quadling Country; and the least interesting portion of
  it。 It's not very thickly settled; around here; I'll
  admit; but 〃
  He was interrupted by a sudden whir and a rush of air
  as the four Orks mounted into the sky。
  〃Good night!〃 called the shrill voices of the strange
  creatures; and although Trot shouted 〃Good night!〃 as
  loudly as she could; the little girl was almost ready to
  cry because the Orks had not waited to be properly
  thanked for all their kindness to her and to Cap'n Bill。
  But the Orks were gone; and thanks for good deeds do
  not amount to much except to prove one's politeness。
  〃Well; friends;〃 said the Scarecrow; 〃we mustn't stay
  here in the meadows all night; so let us find a pleasant
  place to sleep。 Not that it matters to me; in the least;
  for I never sleep; but I know that meat people like to
  shut their eyes and lie still during the dark hours。〃
  〃I'm pretty tired;〃 admitted Trot; yawning as she
  followed the straw man along a tiny path; 〃so; if you
  don't find a house handy; Cap'n Bill and I will sleep
  under the trees; or even on this soft grass。〃
  But a house was not very far off; although when the
  Scarecrow stumbled upon it there was no light in it
  whatever。 Cap'n Bill knocked on the door several times;
  and there being no response the Scarecrow boldly lifted
  the latch and walked in; followed by the others。 And no
  sooner had they entered than a soft light filled the
  room。 Trot couldn't tell where it came from; for no lamp
  of any sort was visible; but she did not waste much time
  on this problem; because directly in the center of the
  room stood a table set for three; with lots of good food
  on it and several of the dishes smoking hot。
  The little girl and Button…Bright both uttered
  exclamations of pleasur