第 17 节
作者:北方网      更新:2021-02-24 22:10      字数:9322
  _bishoping_ and preaching superadded。 Yet still there was a great deal of
  mauling; vigorous punishing; and an entire intolerance of these two things:
  Heathenism   and   Sea…robbery;   at   least   of   Sea…robbery   in   the   old   style;
  whether in the style we moderns still practise; and call privateering; I do
  not quite know。 But Vikingism proper had to cease in Norway; still more;
  Heathenism; under penalties too severe to he borne; death; mutilation of
  limb;    not   to  mention     forfeiture   and   less   rigorous    coercion。    Olaf   was
  inexorable against violation of the law。 〃Too severe;〃 cried many; to whom
  one   answers;   〃Perhaps   in   part   _yes_;   perhaps   also   in   great   part   _no_;
  depends   altogether   on   the   previous   question;   How   far   the   law   was   the
  eternal one of God Almighty in the universe; How far the law merely of
  Olaf (destitute of right inspiration) left to his own passions and whims?〃
  Many  were   the   jangles   Olaf   had   with   the   refractory  Heathen   Things
  and Ironbeards of a new generation: very curious to see。 Scarcely ever did
  it come to fighting between King and Thing; though often enough near it;
  but   the   Thing   discerning;   as   it   usually   did   in   time;   that   the   King   was
  stronger in men; seemed to say unanimously to itself; 〃We have lost; then;
  … Page 59…
  baptize us; we must burn our old gods and conform。〃 One new feature we
  do slightly discern: here and there a touch of theological argument on the
  heathen   side。   At   one   wild   Thing;   far    up   in  the   Dovrefjeld;   of   a  very
  heathen temper; there was much of that; not to be quenched by King Olaf
  at the moment; so that it had to be adjourned till the morrow; and again till
  the next day。 Here are some traits of it; much abridged from Snorro (who
  gives   a   highly   punctual   account);   which   vividly  represent   Olaf's   posture
  and manner of proceeding in such intricacies。
  The chief Ironbeard on this occasion was one Gudbrand; a very rugged
  peasant;   who;   says   Snorro;   was   like   a   king   in   that   district。   Some   days
  before;   King   Olaf;   intending   a   religious   Thing   in   those   deeply   heathen
  parts;   with    alternative   of   Christianity   or   conflagration;   is    reported;   on
  looking   down   into   the   valley   and   the   beautiful   village   of   Loar   standing
  there; to have said wistfully; 〃What a pity it is that so beautiful a village
  should be burnt!〃 Olaf sent out his message…token all the; same; however;
  and   met   Gudbrand   and   an   immense   assemblage;   whose   humor   towards
  him was uncompliant to a high degree indeed。 Judge by this preliminary
  speech of Gudbrand to his Thing…people; while Olaf was not yet arrived;
  but only advancing; hardly got to Breeden on the other side of the hill: 〃A
  man has come to Loar who is called Olaf;〃 said Gudbrand; 〃and will force
  upon us another faith than we had before; and will break in pieces all our
  Gods。 He   says he   has a   much   greater and   more powerful   God; and   it   is
  wonderful that the earth does not burst asunder under him; or that our God
  lets him go about unpunished when he dares to talk such things。 I know
  this for certain; that if we carry Thor; who has always stood by us; out of
  our Temple that is standing upon this farm; Olaf's God will melt away; and
  he   and   his   men   be   made   nothing   as   soon   as   Thor   looks   upon   them。〃
  Whereupon the Bonders all shouted as one man; 〃Yea!〃
  Which       tremendous       message      they   even     forwarded      to   Olaf;    by
  Gudbrand's younger son at the head of 700 armed men; but did not terrify
  Olaf with it; who; on the contrary; drew up his troops; rode himself at the
  head of them; and began a speech to the Bonders; in which he invited them
  to adopt Christianity; as the one true faith for mortals。
  Far    from    consenting     to  this;  the   Bonders     raised   a  general    shout;
  … Page 60…
  smiting at the same time their shields with their weapons; but Olaf's men
  advancing       on  them    swiftly;   and   flinging    spears;   they   turned    and   ran;
  leaving   Gudbrand's   son   behind;   a   prisoner;   to   whom   Olaf   gave   his   life:
  〃Go home now to thy father; and tell him I mean to be with him soon。〃
  The   son   goes   accordingly;   and   advises   his   father   not   to   face   Olaf;   but
  Gudbrand angrily  replies:   〃Ha; coward!   I   see thou;  too;  art taken   by  the
  folly that man is going about with;〃 and is resolved to fight。 That night;
  however;      Gudbrand      has   a  most    remarkable     Dream;     or  Vision:    a  Man
  surrounded by light; bringing great terror with him; who warns Gudbrand
  against doing battle with Olaf。 〃If thou dost; thou and all thy people will
  fall; wolves will drag away thee and thine; ravens will tear thee in stripes!〃
  And   lo;   in   telling   this   to   Thord   Potbelly;   a   sturdy   neighbor   of   his   and
  henchman in the Thing; it is   found that to Thord also has   come the  self
  same terrible Apparition! Better propose truce to Olaf (who seems to have
  these dreadful Ghostly Powers on his side); and the holding of a Thing; to
  discuss   matters   between   us。   Thing   assembles;   on   a   day   of   heavy   rain。
  Being   all   seated;   uprises   King   Olaf;   and   informs   them:   〃The   people   of
  Lesso; Loar; and Vaage; have accepted Christianity; and broken down their
  idol…houses: they believe now in the True God; who has made heaven and
  earth; and knows all things;〃 and sits down again without more words。
  〃Gudbrand        replies;   'We   know     nothing     about   him    of   whom     thou
  speakest。 Dost thou call him God; whom neither thou nor any one else can
  see? But we have a God who can be seen every day; although he is not out
  to…day because the weather is wet; and he will appear to thee terrible and
  very grand; and I expect that fear will mix with thy very blood when he
  comes into the Thing。 But since thou sayest thy God is so great; let him
  make   it   so   that   to…morrow   we   have   a   cloudy   day;   but   without   rain;   and
  then let us meet again。'
  〃The      king    accordingly      returned     home      to   his   lodging;     taking
  Gudbrand's   son   as   a   hostage;   but   he   gave   them   a     man   as   hostage   in
  exchange。 In the evening the king asked Gudbrand's son What their God
  was like? He replied that he bore the likeness of Thor; had a hammer in
  his hand; was of great size; but hollow within; and had a high stand; upon
  which   he   stood   when   he   was   out。   'Neither   gold   nor   silver   are   wanting
  … Page 61…
  about him; and every day he receives four cakes of bread; besides meat。'
  They then went to bed; but the king watched all night in prayer。 When day
  dawned the king went to mass; then to table; and from thence to the Thing。
  The weather was such as Gudbrand desired。 Now the Bishop stood up in
  his choir…robes; with bishop's coif on his head; and bishop's crosier in his
  hand。 He spoke to the Bonders of the true faith; told the many wonderful
  acts of God; and concluded his speech well。
  〃Thord   Potbelly  replies;   'Many  things   we   are   told   of   by  this   learned
  man with the staff in his hand; crooked at the top like a ram's horn。 But
  since   you   say;   comrades;   that   your   God   is   so   powerful;   and   can   do   so
  many wonders; tell him to make it clear sunshine to…morrow forenoon; and
  then we shall meet here again; and do one of two things;either agree with
  you about this business; or fight you。' And they separated for the day。〃
  Overnight the king instructed Kolbein the Strong; an immense fellow;
  the same who killed Gunhild's two brothers; that he; Kolbein; must stand
  next   him   to…morrow;   people   must   go   down   to   where   the   ships   of   the
  Bonders lay; and punctually bore holes in every one of them; _item_; to
  the farms where their horses wore; and punctually unhalter the whole of
  them; and let them loose: all which was done。 Snorro continues:
  〃Now the king was in prayer all night; beseeching God of his goodness
  and mercy to release him from evil。 When mass was ended; and morning
  was    gray;   the  king   went    to  the  Thing。   When     he   came    thither;  some
  Bonders had already arrived; and they saw a great crowd coming along;
  and   bearing   among   them