第 11 节
作者:浮游云中      更新:2021-02-21 16:36      字数:9322
  Next   morning   two   of   the   court   ushers   came   to   escort   them   to   the
  Cabinet   Council。       Poor   daffodils!     Their   eyes   were   red   with   weeping;
  and they could scarcely stand for terror when they entered the tent where
  the examination was to take place。
  In the   middle   on   a   raised dais   sat the   king   and queen; on their   right
  stood the three princes; on their left the councillors in their robes of state。
  Three   chairs   were   placed   for   the   maidens;   and   they   were   politely   but
  firmly requested to take off their shoes and stockings。
  Blushing crimson the  daffodils   slowly  and   unwillingly  took off  their
  shoes。     Then they cried a little and said they really truly couldn't; but it
  was no use; and the stockings had to follow; and six little green feet were
  exposed to view。
  〃They wear two pairs; I see;〃 said the queen; who was a little short…
  sighted。     〃Very sensible; I'm sure; in this damp place。             Take off the other
  pair; my dears。〃
  But the daffodils only hung their heads and wept。
  Then one of the councillors cried out; in a horrified tone … 〃Their feet
  are   green!     They   are   monstrosities!〃   and   at   that   very   moment   heralds
  were      heard    outside    announcing       the    arrival   of   the    Princesses     of
  Now the king was a shrewd old gentleman; and the true state of affairs
  suddenly flashed upon him。            〃They are impostors!〃 he cried; rising to his
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  feet; 〃turn the deceitful minxes out。〃
  At that the maidens rose and fled。            They never stopped for shoes or
  stockings; but ran like hunted hares out of the tent across the fields; and
  when the people saw their little green feet a great shout of laughter went
  up; in which the king and the princes joined。                As for the daffodils; they
  ran    and   ran  and   ran;   not  daring    even   to   look   behind    them;   till  they
  suddenly stopped for want of breath; and where do you think they were?
  Why   in   their   old   home   under   the   oak   tree。  Most   of   the   daffodils   had
  gone to sleep; but a few were left; and among them their little sister。                   At
  her side stood the fairy。
  〃Well; my dears; do you like being girls?〃 and there was a twinkle in
  her eye as she spoke。
  But the daffodils were sobbing too bitterly to answer; and the fairy had
  a kind heart and did not press the question。             〃Would you be content to be
  daffodils again?〃 she asked; and smiled at them sweetly。
  They murmured a thankful 〃Yes〃; the fairy waved her wand; and in a
  trice the maidens were gone and there were three more flowers; very pale
  faded     ones;   growing     under    the  gnarled    oak    tree。   Poor    discontented
  daffodils!     They had to pay a heavy price for their folly。
  The cuckoo came back time after time; and never wearied of teasing
  them; and their little sister made many very true but disagreeable remarks
  on the extreme silliness of being discontented with one's surroundings。
  Perhaps by next spring things may be better; but of this you may be
  quite  sure;   no   amount   of   cuckoos   will   ever   persuade   the   flowers   in   that
  nook   to   be   anything   but   what   nature   intended   them   to   be   …   sweet   little
  The Fairy Fluffikins
  THE Fairy Fluffikins lived in a warm woolly nest in a hole down an
  old   oak   tree。   She   was   the   sweetest;   funniest   little   fairy   you   ever   saw。
  She   wore   a   little;   soft;   fluffy   brown   dress;   and   on   her   head   a   little   red
  woolly cap; she had   soft   red hair   and the brightest;  naughtiest;  merriest;
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  sharpest brown eyes imaginable。
  What a life she led the animals!          Fairy Fluffikins was a sad tease; she
  would creep into the nests where the fat baby dormice were asleep in bed
  while Mamma dormouse nodded over her knitting and Papa smoked his
  little acorn pipe; and she would tickle the babies till they screamed with
  laughter and nearly rolled out of bed; and Mamma scolded; and Papa said
  in a gruff voice … 〃What a plague you are; you little dors; go to sleep this
  minute or I will fetch my big stick。〃
  And then the babies would shake; for they were afraid of the big stick;
  and naughty Fairy Fluffikins would dance off to find some fresh piece of
  One night she had fine fun。          She found a little dead mouse in a field;
  and at first she was sorry for the mouse; and thought she would bury it and
  plant a daisy on its grave; but then an idea struck her。              She hunted about
  till   she   found   a   piece   of   long;   strong   grass;   and   then   she   took   the   little
  mouse; tied the piece of grass round its tail; and ran away with it to the big
  tree where the Ancient Owl lived。           There was a little hole at the bottom of
  the tree and into it Fairy Fluffikins crept; leaving the mouse outside in the
  moonlight。      Presently she heard a gruff voice in the tree saying …
  〃I smell mouse; I smell mouse。〃             Then there was a swoop of wings;
  and   Fairy   Fluffikins   promptly   drew   the   mouse   into   the   little   hole   and
  stuffed its tail into her mouth so that she might not be heard laughing; and
  the gruff voice said angrily …
  〃Where's that mouse gone?           I smelt mouse; I know I smelt mouse!〃
  She grew tired of this game after a few times; so she left the mouse in
  the hole and   crept away to   a new   one。         She really was   a naughty  fairy。
  She blew on the buttercups so that they thought the morning breeze had
  come   to   wake   them   up;   and   opened   their   cups   in   a   great   hurry。  She
  buzzed outside the clover and made it talk in its sleep; so that it said in a
  cross; sleepy voice … 〃Go away; you stupid busy bee; and don't wake me up
  in the middle of the night。〃
  She pulled the tail of the nightingale who was singing to his lady… love
  in the hawthorn bush; and he lost his place in his song and nearly tumbled
  over   backwards   into   the   garden。      Then   to   her   joy   she   met   an   elderly;
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  domestic puss taking an evening walk with a view to field…mice。
  Here was sport。        Fluffikins hid in the grass and squeaked; and when
  the elderly cat came tearing up she pulled his whiskers and flew away (I
  forgot to tell you that she had little; soft wings); and the elderly cat jumped
  and said …
  〃Mouse…traps        and    mince…meat!        Fancy      a  cat   of   my    age    and
  experience taking a bat for a mouse!             But by my claws I heard a mouse's
  Fairy   Fluffikins   often   met   the   poor   elderly   cat;   and   always   led   him
  some   dreadful   dance;   now   and   then   taking   a   ride   on   his   back   into   the
  bargain; till he thought he must have got the nightmare。
  One     day    Fairy   Fluffikins     was   well    paid   out   for   some     of   her
  naughtiness。       She    was    flying   away    from    a  tree   where    she   had   just
  wrapped a sleeping bat's head up in a large cobweb; when she heard the
  sweep of wings; felt a sharp nip … and in less time than it takes to tell found
  herself in the nest of the Ancient Owl。
  〃My wig!〃 said the Ancient Owl; much surprised; 〃I thought you were
  a bat。〃    And he called his wife and three children to look。
  Now when Fairy Fluffikins saw five pairs of large round eyes blinking
  and   staring   at   her   she   lost   her   head   and   cried   out   …   〃Please;   please;   Mr
  Ancient   Owl;   don't   be   angry   with   me   and   I   will   never   play   tricks   with
  mice   any   more;〃   and   so   told   the Ancient   Owl   what   he   had   never   even
  suspected before。
  Then the Ancient Owl was MOST DREADFULLY ANGRY and read
  Fairy Fluffikins a long sermon about the wickedness of deceiving Ancient
  Owls。      The sermon took two hours and a half; and when it was over all
  the owls hooted at her and pecked her; and Fairy Fluffikins was very glad
  indeed when at last Mrs Ancient Owl gave her a push and said …
  〃Go along; you impertinent brown minx;〃 and she was able to go out
  into the night。
  Even this   sad   adventure   did not   cure  Fairy  Fluffikins of   getting   into