第 11 节
作者:圈圈      更新:2021-02-21 16:11      字数:9322
  headless donkey: at least; upon a donkey who was so interested in the state
  of his stomach that his head was always down there; investigating it; on
  ponies;   expressly   born   to   kick   up   behind;   on   roundabouts   and   swings;
  from   fairs;   in   the   first   cabanother   forgotten   institution   where   the   fare
  regularly got into bed; and was tucked up with the driver。
  Not to trouble you with a detailed account of all my travels in pursuit
  of   the   ghost   of   Master   B。;   which   were   longer   and   more   wonderful   than
  those of Sinbad the Sailor; I will confine myself to one experience from
  which you may judge of many。
  I   was   marvellously   changed。         I  was   myself;    yet  not   myself。    I  was
  conscious of something within me; which has been the same all through
  my   life;   and   which   I   have   always   recognised   under   all   its   phases   and
  varieties as never altering; and yet I was not the I who had gone to bed in
  Master B。's room。 I had the smoothest of faces and the shortest of legs; and
  I had taken another creature like myself; also with the smoothest of faces
  and     the  shortest    of  legs;   behind    a  door;   and   was    confiding     to  him   a
  proposition of the most astounding nature。
  This proposition was; that we should have a Seraglio。
  The other creature assented warmly。 He had no notion of respectability;
  neither had I。 It was the custom of the East; it was the way of the good
  Caliph Haroun Alraschid (let me have the corrupted name again for once;
  it is so scented with sweet memories!); the usage was highly laudable; and
  most worthy of imitation。 〃O; yes! Let us;〃 said the other creature with a
  jump; 〃have a Seraglio。〃
  It was not because we entertained the faintest doubts of the meritorious
  character   of   the   Oriental   establishment   we   proposed   to   import;   that   we
  perceived it must be kept a secret from Miss Griffin。 It was because we
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  knew   Miss   Griffin   to   be   bereft   of   human   sympathies;   and   incapable   of
  appreciating      the  greatness     of  the  great   Haroun。     Mystery     impenetrably
  shrouded from Miss Griffin then; let us entrust it to Miss Bule。
  We   were   ten   in   Miss   Griffin's   establishment   by   Hampstead   Ponds;
  eight ladies and two gentlemen。 Miss Bule; whom I judge to have attained
  the ripe age of eight or nine; took the lead in society。 I opened the subject
  to her in the course of the day; and proposed that she should become the
  Miss    Bule;    after  struggling    with   the   diffidence    so  natural    to;  and
  charming in; her adorable sex; expressed herself as flattered by the idea;
  but wished to know how it was proposed to provide for Miss Pipson? Miss
  Bulewho   was   understood   to   have   vowed   towards   that   young   lady;   a
  friendship; halves; and no secrets; until death; on the Church Service and
  Lessons complete in two volumes with case and lockMiss Bule said she
  could not; as the friend of Pipson; disguise from herself; or me; that Pipson
  was not one of the common。
  Now;   Miss   Pipson;   having   curly   hair   and   blue   eyes   (which   was   my
  idea   of   anything   mortal   and   feminine   that   was   called   Fair);   I   promptly
  replied that I regarded Miss Pipson in the light of a Fair Circassian。
  〃And what then?〃 Miss Bule pensively asked。
  I   replied   that   she   must   be   inveigled   by   a   Merchant;   brought   to   me
  veiled; and purchased as a slave。
  'The other creature had already fallen into the second male place in the
  State;   and   was   set   apart   for   Grand   Vizier。   He   afterwards   resisted    this
  disposal of events; but had his hair pulled until he yielded。'
  〃Shall I not be jealous?〃 Miss Bule inquired; casting down her eyes。
  〃Zobeide; no;〃 I replied; 〃you will ever be the favourite Sultana; the
  first place in my heart; and on my throne; will be ever yours。〃
  Miss Bule; upon that assurance; consented to propound the idea to her
  seven beautiful companions。 It occurring to me; in the course of the same
  day; that we knew we could trust a grinning and good… natured soul called
  Tabby; who was the serving drudge of the house; and had no more figure
  than one of the beds; and upon whose face there was always more or less
  black…lead; I slipped into Miss Bule's hand after supper; a little note to that
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  effect; dwelling on the black…lead as being in a manner deposited by the
  finger of Providence; pointing Tabby out for Mesrour; the celebrated chief
  of the Blacks of the Hareem。
  There  were  difficulties   in   the   formation   of   the   desired   institution;   as
  there are in all combinations。 The other creature showed himself of a low
  character; and; when defeated in aspiring to the throne; pretended to have
  conscientious        scruples     about    prostrating     himself     before    the   Caliph;
  wouldn't   call   him   Commander   of   the   Faithful;   spoke   of   him   slightingly
  and inconsistently as a mere 〃chap;〃 said he; the other creature; 〃wouldn't
  play〃Play!and   was   otherwise   coarse   and   offensive。 This   meanness   of
  disposition      was;   however;     put   down     by   the  general    indignation      of  an
  united Seraglio; and I became blessed in the smiles of eight of the fairest
  of the daughters of men。
  The   smiles   could   only   be   bestowed   when   Miss   Griffin   was   looking
  another way; and only then in a very wary manner; for there was a legend
  among      the   followers     of  the   Prophet    that   she   saw   with    a  little  round
  ornament in the middle of the pattern on the back of her shawl。 But every
  day after dinner; for an hour; we were all together; and then the Favourite
  and the rest of the Royal Hareem competed who should most beguile the
  leisure of the Serene Haroun reposing from the cares of Statewhich were
  generally;   as   in   most   affairs   of   State;   of   an   arithmetical   character;   the
  Commander of the Faithful being a fearful boggler at a sum。
  On   these   occasions;   the   devoted   Mesrour;  chief  of   the   Blacks   of   the
  Hareem; was always in attendance (Miss Griffin usually ringing for that
  officer;    at  the  same     time;   with   great   vehemence);       but  never    acquitted
  himself in a manner worthy of his historical reputation。 In the first place;
  his   bringing   a   broom   into   the   Divan   of   the   Caliph;   even   when   Haroun
  wore on his shoulders the red robe of anger (Miss Pipson's pelisse); though
  it might be got over for the moment; was never to be quite satisfactorily
  accounted       for。   In  the   second     place;    his   breaking     out   into   grinning
  exclamations of 〃Lork you pretties!〃 was neither Eastern nor respectful。 In
  the   third   place;   when   specially   instructed   to   say   〃Bismillah!〃   he   always
  said 〃Hallelujah!〃 This officer; unlike his class;  was too   good…humoured
  altogether; kept his mouth open far too wide; expressed approbation to an
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  incongruous extent; and even onceit was on the occasion of the purchase
  of the Fair Circassian for five hundred thousand purses of gold; and cheap;
  tooembraced        the   Slave;    the   Favourite;    and    the   Caliph;    all  round。
  (Parenthetically let me say God bless Mesrour; and may there have been
  sons   and   daughters   on   that   tender   bosom;   softening   many   a   hard   day
  Miss Griffin was a model of propriety; and I am at a loss to imagine
  what   the   feelings   of   the   virtuous   woman   would   have   been;   if   she   had
  known; when she paraded us down the Hampstead Road two and two; that
  she    was    walking     with   a  stately   step   at  the   head    of  Polygamy      and
  Mahomedanism。   I   believe   that   a   mysterious   and   terrible   joy  with   which
  the contemplation of Miss Griffin; in this unconscious state; inspired us;
  and a grim sense prevalent among us that there was a dreadful power in
  our knowledge of what Miss Griffin   (who knew all things that could be
  learnt out of book) didn't know; were the main… spring of the preservation
  of   our   secret。   It   was   wonderfully   kept;   but   was   once   upon   the   verge   of
  self…betrayal。 The danger and escape occurred upon a Sunday。 We were all
  ten ranged in a conspicuous part of the galler