第 147 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:49      字数:9322
  of; stupid? Goodness; what am I to do with them; Rodion Romanovitch?
  If you only knew how stupid they are! What's one to do with such
  And she; almost crying herself… which did not stop her
  uninterrupted; rapid flow of talk… pointed to the crying children。
  Raskolnikov tried to persuade her to go home; and even said; hoping to
  work on her vanity; that it was unseemly for her to be wandering about
  the streets like an organ…grinder; as she was intending to become
  the principal of a boarding…school。
  〃A boarding…school; ha…ha…ha! A castle in the air;〃 cried Katerina
  Ivanovna; her laugh ending in a cough。 〃No; Rodion Romanovitch; that
  dream is over! All have forsaken us!。。。 And that general。。。。 You know;
  Rodion Romanovitch; I threw an inkspot at him… it happened to be
  standing in the waiting…room by the paper where you sign your name。
  I wrote my name; threw it at him and ran away。 Oh the scoundrels;
  the scoundrels! But enough of them; now I'll provide for the
  children myself; I won't bow down to anybody! She has had to bear
  enough for us!〃 she pointed to Sonia。 〃Polenka; how much have you got?
  Show me! What; only two farthings! Oh; the mean wretches! They give us
  nothing; only run after us; putting their tongues out。 There; what
  is that blockhead laughing at?〃 (She pointed to a man in the crowd。)
  〃It's all because Kolya here is so stupid; I have such a bother with
  him。 What do you want; Polenka? Tell me in French; parlez moi
  francais。 Why; I've taught you; you know some phrases。 Else how are
  you to show that you are of good family; well brought…up children; and
  not at all like other organ…grinders? We aren't going to have a
  Punch and Judy show in the street; but to sing a genteel song。。。。
  Ah; yes;。。。 What are we to sing? You keep putting me out; but we。。。
  you see; we are standing here; Rodion Romanovitch; to find something
  to sing and get money; something Kolya can dance to。。。。 For; as you
  can fancy; our performance is all impromptu。。。。 We must talk it over
  and rehearse it all thoroughly; and then we shall go to Nevsky;
  where there are far more people of good society; and we shall be
  noticed at once。 Lida knows 'My Village' only; nothing but 'My
  Village;' and every one sings that。 We must sing something far more
  genteel。。。。 Well; have you thought of anything; Polenka? If only you'd
  help your mother! My memory's quite gone; or I should have thought
  of something。 We really can't sing 'An Hussar。' Ah; let us sing in
  French; 'Cinq sous;' I have taught it you; I have taught it you。 And
  as it is in French; people will see at once that you are children of
  good family; and that will be much more touching。。。。 You might sing
  'Marlborough s'en va…t…en guerre;' for that's quite a child's song and
  is sung as a lullaby in all the aristocratic houses。
  Marlborough s'en va…t…en guerre
  Ne sait quand reviendra。。。
  she began singing。 〃But no; better sing 'Cinq sous。' Now; Kolya;
  your hands on your hips; make haste; and you; Lida; keep turning the
  other way; and Polenka and I will sing and clap our hands!
  Cinq sous; cinq sous
  Pour monter notre menage。
  (Cough…cough…cough!) Set your dress straight; Polenka; it's
  slipped down on your shoulders;〃 she observed; panting from
  coughing。 〃Now it's particularly necessary to behave nicely and
  genteelly; that all may see that you are well…born children。 I said at
  the time that the bodice should be cut longer; and made of two widths。
  It was your fault; Sonia; with your advice to make it shorter; and now
  you see the child is quite deformed by it。。。。 Why; you're all crying
  again! What's the matter; stupids? Come; Kolya; begin。 Make haste;
  make haste! Oh; what an unbearable child!
  Cinq sous; cinq sous。
  A policeman again! What do you want?〃
  A policeman was indeed forcing his way through the crowd。 But at
  that moment a gentleman in civilian uniform and an overcoat… a
  solid…looking official of about fifty with a decoration on his neck
  (which delighted Katerina Ivanovna and had its effect on the
  policeman)… approached and without a word handed her a green
  three…rouble note。 His face wore a look of genuine sympathy。
  Katerina Ivanovna took it and gave him a polite; even ceremonious;
  〃I thank you; honoured sir;〃 she began loftily。 〃The causes that
  have induced us (take the money; Polenka: you see there are generous
  and honourable people who are ready to help a poor gentlewoman in
  distress)。 You see; honoured sir; these orphans of good family… I
  might even say of aristocratic connections… and that wretch of a
  general sat eating grouse。。。 and stamped at my disturbing him。 'Your
  excellency;' I said; 'protect the orphans; for you knew my late
  husband; Semyon Zaharovitch; and on the very day of his death the
  basest of scoundrels slandered his only daughter。'。。。 That policeman
  again! Protect me;〃 she cried to the official。 〃Why is that
  policeman edging up to me? We have only just run away from one of
  them。 What do you want; fool?〃
  〃It's forbidden in the streets。 You mustn't make a disturbance。〃
  〃It's you're making a disturbance。 It's just the same as if I were
  grinding an organ。 What business is it of yours?〃
  〃You have to get a licence for an organ; and you haven't got one;
  and in that way you collect a crowd。 Where do you lodge?〃
  〃What; a license?〃 wailed Katerina Ivanovna。 〃I buried my husband
  to…day。 What need of a license?〃
  〃Calm yourself; madam; calm yourself;〃 began the official。 〃Come
  along; I will escort you。。。。 This is no place for you in the crowd。
  You are ill。〃
  〃Honoured sir; honoured sir; you don't know;〃 screamed Katerina
  Ivanovna。 〃We are going to the Nevsky。。。。 Sonia; Sonia! Where is
  she? She is crying too! What's the matter with you all? Kolya; Lida;
  where are you going?〃 she cried suddenly in alarm。 〃Oh; silly
  children! Kolya; Lida; where are they off to?。。。〃
  Kolya and Lida; scared out of their wits by the crowd; and their
  mother's mad pranks; suddenly seized each other by the hand; and ran
  off at the sight of the policeman who wanted to take them away
  somewhere。 Weeping and wailing; poor Katerina Ivanovna ran after them。
  She was a piteous and unseemly spectacle; as she ran; weeping and
  panting for breath。 Sonia and Polenka rushed after them。
  〃Bring them back; bring them back; Sonia! Oh stupid; ungrateful
  children!。。。 Polenka! catch them。。。。 It's for your sakes I。。。〃
  She stumbled as she ran and fell down。
  〃She's cut herself; she's bleeding! Oh; dear!〃 cried Sonia;
  bending over her。
  All ran up and crowded round。 Raskolnikov and Lebeziatnikov were the
  first at her side; the official too hastened up; and behind him the
  policeman who muttered; 〃Bother!〃 with a gesture of impatience;
  feeling that the job was going to be a troublesome one。
  〃Pass on! Pass on!〃 he said to the crowd that pressed forward。
  〃She's dying;〃 some one shouted。
  〃She's gone out of her mind;〃 sa