第 144 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:49      字数:9322
  myself; for myself alone; and whether I became a benefactor to others;
  or spent my life like a spider catching men in my web and sucking
  the life out of men; I couldn't have cared at that moment。。。。 And it
  was not the money I wanted; Sonia; when I did it。 It was not so much
  the money I wanted; but something else。。。。 I know it all now。。。。
  Understand me! Perhaps I should never have committed a murder again。 I
  wanted to find out something else; it was something else led me on。
  I wanted to find out then and quickly whether I was a louse like
  everybody else or a man。 Whether I can step over barriers or not;
  whether I dare stoop to pick up or not; whether I am a trembling
  creature or whether I have the right。。。〃
  〃To kill? Have the right to kill?〃 Sonia clasped her hands。
  〃Ach; Sonia!〃 he cried irritably and seemed about to make some
  retort; but was contemptuously silent。 〃Don't interrupt me; Sonia。 I
  want to prove one thing only; that the devil led me on then and he has
  shown me since that I had not the right to take that path; because I
  am just such a louse as all the rest。 He was mocking me and here
  I've come to you now! Welcome your guest! If I were not a louse;
  should I have come to you? Listen: when I went then to the old woman's
  I only went to try。。。。 You may be sure of that!〃
  〃And you murdered her!〃
  〃But how did I murder her? Is that how men do murders? Do men go
  to commit a murder as I went then? I will tell you some day how I
  went! Did I murder the old woman? I murdered myself; not her! I
  crushed myself once for all; for ever。。。。 But it was the devil that
  killed that old woman; not I。 Enough; enough; Sonia; enough! Let me
  be!〃 he cried in a sudden spasm of agony; 〃let me be!〃
  He leaned his elbows on his knees and squeezed his head in his hands
  as in a vise。
  〃What suffering!〃 A wail of anguish broke from Sonia。
  〃Well; what am I to do now?〃 he asked; suddenly raising his head and
  looking at her with a face hideously distorted by despair。
  〃What are you to do?〃 she cried; jumping up; and her eyes that had
  been full of tears suddenly began to shine。 〃Stand up!〃 (She seized
  him by the shoulder; he got up; looking at her almost bewildered。) 〃Go
  at once; this very minute; stand at the cross…roads; bow down; first
  kiss the earth which you have defiled and then bow down to all the
  world and say to all men aloud; 'I am a murderer!' Then God will
  send you life again。 Will you go; will you go?〃 she asked him;
  trembling all over; snatching his two hands; squeezing them tight in
  hers and gazing at him with eyes full of fire。
  He was amazed at her sudden ecstasy。
  〃You mean Siberia; Sonia? I must give myself up?〃 he asked gloomily。
  〃Suffer and expiate your sin by it; that's what you must do。〃
  〃No! I am not going to them; Sonia!〃
  〃But how will you go on living? What will you live for?〃 cried
  Sonia; 〃how is it possible now? Why; how can you talk to your
  mother? (Oh; what will become of them now!) But what am I saying?
  You have abandoned your mother and your sister already。 He has
  abandoned them already! Oh; God!〃 she cried; 〃why; he knows it all
  himself。 How; how can he live by himself! What will become of you
  〃Don't be a child; Sonia;〃 he said softly。 〃What wrong have I done
  them? Why should I go to them? What should I say to them? That's
  only a phantom。。。。 They destroy men by millions themselves and look on
  it as a virtue。 They are knaves and scoundrels; Sonia! I am not
  going to them。 And what should I say to them… that I murdered her; but
  did not dare to take the money and hid it under a stone?〃 he added
  with a bitter smile。 〃Why; they would laugh at me; and would call me a
  fool for not getting it。 A coward and a fool! They wouldn't understand
  and they don't deserve to understand。 Why should I go to them? I
  won't。 Don't be a child; Sonia。。。。〃
  〃It will be too much for you to bear; too much!〃 she repeated;
  holding out her hands in despairing supplication。
  〃Perhaps I've been unfair to myself;〃 he observed gloomily;
  pondering; 〃perhaps after all I am a man and not a louse and I've been
  in too great a hurry to condemn myself。 I'll make another fight for
  A haughty smile appeared on his lips。
  〃What a burden to bear! And your whole life; your whole life!〃
  〃I shall get used to it;〃 he said grimly and thoughtfully。 〃Listen;〃
  he began a minute later; 〃stop crying; it's time to talk of the facts:
  I've come to tell you that the police are after me; on my track。。。。〃
  〃Ach!〃 Sonia cried in terror。
  〃Well; why do you cry out? You want me to go to Siberia and now
  you are frightened? But let me tell you: I shall not give myself up。 I
  shall make a struggle for it and they won't do anything to me。 They've
  no real evidence。 Yesterday I was in great danger and believed I was
  lost; but to…day things are going better。 All the facts they know
  can be explained two ways; that's to say I can turn their
  accusations to my credit; do you understand? And I shall; for I've
  learnt my lesson。 But they will certainly arrest me。 If it had not
  been for something that happened; they would have done so to…day for
  certain; perhaps even now they will arrest me to…day。。。。 But that's no
  matter; Sonia; they'll let me out again。。。 for there isn't any real
  proof against me; and there won't be; I give you my word for it。 And
  they can't convict a man on what they have against me。 Enough。。。。 I
  only tell you that you may know。。。。 I will try to manage somehow to
  put it to my mother and sister so that they won't be frightened。。。。 My
  sister's future is secure; however; now; I believe。。。 and my
  mother's must be too。。。。 Well; that's all。 Be careful; though。 Will
  you come and see me in prison when I am there?〃
  〃Oh; I will; I will。〃
  They sat side by side; both mournful and dejected; as though they
  had been cast up by the tempest alone on some deserted shore。 He
  looked at Sonia and felt how great was her love for him; and strange
  to say he felt it suddenly burdensome and painful to be so loved。 Yes;
  it was a strange and awful sensation! On his way to see Sonia he had
  felt that all his hopes rested on her; he expected to be rid of at
  least part of his suffering; and now; when all her heart turned
  towards him; he suddenly felt that he was immeasurably unhappier
  than before。
  〃Sonia;〃 he said; 〃you'd better not come and see me when I am in
  Sonia did not answer; she was crying。 Several minutes passed。
  〃Have you a cross on you?〃 she asked; as though suddenly thinking of
  He did not at first understand the question。
  〃No; of course not。 Here; take this one; of cypress wood。 I have
  another; a copper one that belonged to Lizaveta。 I changed with
  Lizaveta: she gave me her cross and I gave her my little ikon。 I
  will wear Lizaveta's now and give you this。 Take it。。。 it's mine! It's
  mine; you know;〃 she begged him。 〃We will go to suffer together; and
  together we will bear our cross!〃
  〃Give it me;〃 said Raskolnikov。
  He did not want to hurt her feelings。 But immediately he drew back
  the hand he held out for the cross。
  〃Not now; Sonia。 Better later;〃 he added to comfort her。
  〃Yes; yes; better;〃 she repeated with conviction; 〃when you go to
  meet your suffering; then put it o