第 87 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:48      字数:9322
  〃Oh; no; Pyotr Petrovitch; it was all terribly disheartening;〃
  Pulcheria Alexandrovna hastened to declare with peculiar intonation;
  〃and if Dmitri Prokofitch had not been sent us; I really believe by
  God Himself; we should have been utterly lost。 Here; he is! Dmitri
  Prokofitch Razumihin;〃 she added; introducing him to Luzhin。
  〃I had the pleasure。。。 yesterday;〃 muttered Pyotr Petrovitch with
  a hostile glance sidelong at Razumihin; then he scowled and was
  Pyotr Petrovitch belonged to that class of persons; on the surface
  very polite in society; who make a great point of punctiliousness; but
  who; directly they are crossed in anything; are completely
  disconcerted; and become more like sacks of flour than elegant and
  lively men of society。 Again all was silent; Raskolnikov was
  obstinately mute; Avdotya Romanovna was unwilling to open the
  conversation too soon。 Razumihin had nothing to say; so Pulcheria
  Alexandrovna was anxious again。
  〃Marfa Petrovna is dead; have you heard?〃 she began having
  recourse to her leading item of conversation。
  〃To be sure; I heard so。 I was immediately informed; and I have come
  to make you acquainted with the fact that Arkady Ivanovitch
  Svidrigailov set off in haste for Petersburg immediately after his
  wife's funeral。 So at least I have excellent authority for believing。〃
  〃To Petersburg? here?〃 Dounia asked in alarm and looked at her
  〃Yes; indeed; and doubtless not without some design; having in
  view the rapidity of his departure; and all the circumstances
  preceding it。〃
  〃Good heavens! won't he leave Dounia in peace even here?〃 cried
  Pulcheria Alexandrovna。
  〃I imagine that neither you nor Avdotya Romanovna have any grounds
  for uneasiness; unless; of course; you are yourselves desirous of
  getting into communication with him。 For my part I am on my guard; and
  am now discovering where he is lodging。〃
  〃Oh; Pyotr Petrovitch; you would not believe what a fright you
  have given me;〃 Pulcheria Alexandrovna went on。 〃I've only seen him
  twice; but I thought him terrible; terrible! I am convinced that he
  was the cause of Marfa Petrovna's death。〃
  〃It's impossible to be certain about that。 I have precise
  information。 I do not dispute that he may have contributed to
  accelerate the course of events by the moral influence; so to say;
  of the affront; but as to the general conduct and moral
  characteristics of that personage; I am in agreement with you。 I do
  not know whether he is well off now; and precisely what Marfa Petrovna
  left him; this will be known to me within a very short period; but
  no doubt here in Petersburg; if he has any pecuniary resources; he
  will relapse at once into his old ways。 He is the most depraved; and
  abjectly vicious specimen of that class of men。 I have considerable
  reason to believe that Marfa Petrovna; who was so unfortunate as to
  fall in love with him and to pay his debts eight years ago; was of
  service to him also in another way。 Solely by her exertions and
  sacrifices; a criminal charge; involving an element of fantastic and
  homicidal brutality for which he might well have been sentenced to
  Siberia; was hushed up。 That's the sort of man he is; if you care to
  〃Good heavens!〃 cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna。 Raskolnikov listened
  〃Are you speaking the truth when you say that you have good evidence
  of this?〃 Dounia asked sternly and emphatically。
  〃I only repeat what I was told in secret by Marfa Petrovna。 I must
  observe that from the legal point of view the case was far from clear。
  There was; and I believe still is; living here a woman called
  Resslich; a foreigner; who lent small sums of money at interest; and
  did other commissions; and with this woman Svidrigailov had for a long
  while close and mysterious relations。 She had a relation; a niece I
  believe; living with her; a deaf and dumb girl of fifteen; or
  perhaps not more than fourteen。 Resslich hated this girl; and
  grudged her every crust; she used to beat her mercilessly。 One day the
  girl was found hanging in the garret。 At the inquest the verdict was
  suicide。 After the usual proceedings the matter ended; but; later
  on; information was given that the child had been。。。 cruelly
  outraged by Svidrigailov。 It is true; this was not clearly
  established; the information was given by another German woman of
  loose character whose word could not be trusted; no statement was
  actually made to the police; thanks to Marfa Petrovna's money and
  exertions; it did not get beyond gossip。 And yet the story is a very
  significant one。 You heard; no doubt; Avdotya Romanovna; when you were
  with them the story of the servant Philip who died of ill treatment he
  received six years ago; before the abolition of serfdom。〃
  〃I heard on the contrary that this Philip hanged himself。〃
  〃Quite so; but what drove him; or rather perhaps disposed him; to
  suicide; was the systematic persecution and severity of Mr。
  〃I don't know that;〃 answered Dounia; dryly。 〃I only heard a queer
  story that Philip was a sort of hypochondriac; a sort of domestic
  philosopher; the servants used to say; 'he read himself silly;' and
  that he hanged himself partly on account of Mr。 Svidrigailov's mockery
  of him and not his blows。 When I was there he behaved well to the
  servants; and they were actually fond of him; though they certainly
  did blame him for Philip's death。〃
  〃I perceive; Avdotya Romanovna; that you seem disposed to
  undertake his defence all of a sudden;〃 Luzhin observed; twisting
  his lips into an ambiguous smile; 〃there's no doubt that he is an
  astute man; and insinuating where ladies are concerned; of which Marfa
  Petrovna; who has died so strangely; is a terrible instance。 My only
  desire has been to be of service to you and your mother with my
  advice; in view of the renewed efforts which may certainly be
  anticipated from him。 For my part it's my firm conviction; that he
  will end in a debtor's prison again。 Marfa Petrovna had not the
  slightest intention of settling anything substantial on him; having
  regard for his children's interests; and; if she left him anything; it
  would only be the merest sufficiency; something insignificant and
  ephemeral; which would not last a year for a man of his habits。〃
  〃Pyotr Petrovitch; I beg you;〃 said Dounia; 〃say no more of Mr。
  Svidrigailov。 It makes me miserable。〃
  〃He has just been to see me;〃 said Raskolnikov; breaking his silence
  for the first time。
  There were exclamations from all; and they all turned to him。 Even
  Pyotr Petrovitch was roused。
  〃An hour and a half ago; he came in when I was asleep; waked me; and
  introduced himself;〃 Raskolnikov continued。 〃He was fairly cheerful
  and at ease; and quite hopes that we shall become friends。 He is
  particularly anxious by the way; Dounia; for an interview with you; at
  which he asked me to assist。 He has a proposition to make to you;
  and he told me about it。 He told me; too; that a week before her death
  Marfa Petrovna left you three thousand roubles in her will; Dounia;
  and that you can receive the money very shortly。〃
  〃Thank God!〃 cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna; crossing herself。 〃Pray
  for her soul; Dounia!〃
  〃It's a fact!〃 broke from Luzhin。
  〃Tell us; what more?〃 Dounia urg