第 43 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:47      字数:9322
  who lay undressed; dishevelled; unwashed; on his miserable dirty sofa;
  looking fixedly at him。 Then with the same deliberation he scrutinised
  the uncouth; unkempt figure and unshaven face of Razumihin; who looked
  him boldly and inquiringly in the face without rising from his seat。 A
  constrained silence lasted for a couple of minutes; and then; as might
  be expected; some scene…shifting took place。 Reflecting; probably from
  certain fairly unmistakable signs; that he would get nothing in this
  〃cabin〃 by attempting to overawe them; the gentleman softened
  somewhat; and civilly; though with some severity; emphasising every
  syllable of his question; addressed Zossimov:
  〃Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov; a student; or formerly a student?〃
  Zossimov made a slight movement; and would have answered; had not
  Razumihin anticipated him。
  〃Here he is lying on the sofa! What do you want?〃
  This familiar 〃what do you want〃 seemed to cut the ground from the
  feet of the pompous gentleman。 He was turning to Razumihin; but
  checked himself in time and turned to Zossimov again。
  〃This is Raskolnikov;〃 mumbled Zossimov; nodding towards him。 Then
  he gave a prolonged yawn; opening his mouth as wide as possible。
  Then he lazily put his hand into his waistcoat…pocket; pulled out a
  huge gold watch in a round hunter's case; opened it; looked at it
  and as slowly and lazily proceeded to put it back。
  Raskolnikov himself lay without speaking; on his back; gazing
  persistently; though 'without understanding; at the stranger。 Now that
  his face was turned away from the strange flower on the paper; it
  was extremely pale and wore a look of anguish; as though he had just
  undergone an agonising operation or just been taken from the rack。 But
  the new…comer gradually began to arouse his attention; then his
  wonder; then suspicion and even alarm。 When Zossimov said 〃This is
  Raskolnikov〃 he jumped up quickly; sat on the sofa and with an
  almost defiant; but weak and breaking; voice articulated:
  〃Yes; I am Raskolnikov! What do you want?〃
  The visitor scrutinised him and pronounced impressively:
  〃Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin。 I believe I have reason to hope that my
  name is not wholly unknown to you?〃
  But Raskolnikov; who had expected something quite different; gazed
  blankly and dreamily at him; making no reply; as though he heard the
  name of Pyotr Petrovitch for the first time。
  〃Is it possible that you can up to the present have received no
  information?〃 asked Pyotr Petrovitch; somewhat disconcerted。
  In reply Raskolnikov sank languidly back on the pillow; put his
  hands behind his head and gazed at the ceiling。 A look of dismay
  came into Luzhin's face。 Zossimov and Razumihin stared at him more
  inquisitively than ever; and at last he showed unmistakable signs of
  〃I had presumed and calculated;〃 he faltered; 〃that a letter
  posted more than ten days; if not a fortnight ago。。。〃
  〃I say; why are you standing in the doorway?〃 Razumihin
  interrupted suddenly。 〃If you've something to say; sit down。
  Nastasya and you are so crowded。 Nastasya; make room。 Here's a
  chair; thread your way in!〃
  He moved his chair back from the table; made a little space
  between the table and his knees; and waited in a rather cramped
  position for the visitor to 〃thread his way in。〃 The minute was so
  chosen that it was impossible to refuse; and the visitor squeezed
  his way through; hurrying and stumbling。 Reaching the chair; he sat
  down; looking suspiciously at Razumihin。
  〃No need to be nervous;〃 the latter blurted out。 〃Rodya has been ill
  for the last five days and delirious for three; but now he is
  recovering and has got an appetite。 This is his doctor; who has just
  had a look at him。 I am a comrade of Rodya's; like him; formerly a
  student; and now I am nursing him; so don't you take any notice of us;
  but go on with your business。〃
  〃Thank you。 But shall I not disturb the invalid by my presence and
  conversation?〃 Pyotr Petrovitch asked of Zossimov。
  〃N…no;〃 mumbled Zossimov; 〃you may amuse him。〃 He yawned again。
  〃He has been conscious a long time; since the morning;〃 went on
  Razumihin; whose familiarity seemed so much like unaffected
  good…nature that Pyotr Petrovitch began to be more cheerful; partly;
  perhaps; because this shabby and impudent person had introduced
  himself as a student。
  〃Your mamma;〃 began Luzhin。
  〃Hm!〃 Razumihin cleared his throat loudly。 Luzhin looked at him
  〃That's all right; go on。〃
  Luzhin shrugged his shoulders。
  〃Your mamma had commenced a letter to you while I was sojourning
  in her neighbourhood。 On my arrival here I purposely allowed a few
  days to elapse before coming to see you; in order that I might be
  fully assured that you were in full possession of the tidings; but
  now; to my astonishment。。。〃
  〃I know; I know!〃 Raskolnikov cried suddenly with impatient
  vexation。 〃So you are the fiance? I know; and that's enough!〃
  There was no doubt about Pyotr Petrovitch's being offended this
  time; but he said nothing。 He made a violent effort to understand what
  it all meant。 There was a moment's silence。
  Meanwhile Raskolnikov; who had turned a little towards him when he
  answered; began suddenly staring at him again with marked curiosity;
  as though he had not had a good look at him yet; or as though
  something new had struck him; he rose from his pillow on purpose to
  stare at him。 There certainly was something peculiar in Pyotr
  Petrovitch's whole appearance; something which seemed to justify the
  title of 〃fiance〃 so unceremoniously applied to him。 In the first
  place; it was evident; far too much so indeed; that Pyotr Petrovitch
  had made eager use of his few days in the capital to get himself up
  and rig himself out in expectation of his betrothed… a perfectly
  innocent and permissible proceeding; indeed。 Even his own; perhaps too
  complacent; consciousness of the agreeable improvement in his
  appearance might have been forgiven in such circumstances; seeing that
  Pyotr Petrovitch had taken up the role of fiance。 All his clothes were
  fresh from the tailor's and were all right; except for being too new
  and too distinctly appropriate。 Even the stylish new round hat had the
  same significance。 Pyotr Petrovitch treated it too respectfully and
  held it too carefully in his hands。 The exquisite pair of lavender
  gloves; real Louvain; told the same tale; if only from the fact of his
  not wearing them; but carrying them in his hand for show。 Light and
  youthful colours predominated in Pyotr Petrovitch's attire。 He wore
  a charming summer jacket of a fawn shade; light thin trousers; a
  waistcoat of the same; new and fine linen; a cravat of the lightest
  cambric with pink stripes on it; and the best of it was; this all
  suited Pyotr Petrovitch。 His very fresh and even handsome face
  looked younger than his forty…five years at all times。 His dark;
  mutton…chop whiskers made an agreeable setting on both sides;
  growing thickly about his shining; clean…shaven chin。 Even his hair;
  touched here and there with grey; though it had been combed and curled
  at a hairdresser's; did not give him a stupid appearance; as curled
  hair usually does; by inevitably suggesting a German on his
  wedding…day。 If there really was something unpleasing and repulsive in
  his rather good…looking and imposing countenance; it was due to
  quite other causes。 After scanning