第 29 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:47      字数:9321
  their arms; policemen; and persons of all sorts and both sexes。 The
  door of the office; too; stood wide open。 Peasants stood waiting
  within。 There; too; the heat was stifling and there was a sickening
  smell of fresh paint and stale oil from the newly decorated rooms。
  After waiting a little; he decided to move forward into the next
  room。 All the rooms were small and low…pitched。 A fearful impatience
  drew him on and on。 No one paid attention to him。 In the second room
  some clerks sat writing; dressed hardly better than he was; and rather
  a queer…looking set。 He went up to one of them。
  〃What is it?〃
  He showed the notice he had received。
  〃You are a student?〃 the man asked; glancing at the notice。
  〃Yes; formerly a student。〃
  The clerk looked at him; but without the slightest interest。 He
  was a particularly unkempt person with the look of a fixed idea in his
  〃There would be no getting anything out of him; because he has no
  interest in anything;〃 thought Raskolnikov。
  〃Go in there to the head clerk;〃 said the clerk; pointing towards
  the furthest room。
  He went into that room… the fourth in order; it was a small room and
  packed full of people; rather better dressed than in the outer
  rooms。 Among them were two ladies。 One; poorly dressed in mourning;
  sat at the table opposite the chief clerk; writing something at his
  dictation。 The other; a very stout; buxom woman with a purplish…red;
  blotchy face; excessively smartly dressed with a brooch on her bosom
  as big as a saucer; was standing on one side; apparently waiting for
  something。 Raskolnikov thrust his notice upon the head clerk。 The
  latter glanced at it; said: 〃Wait a minute;〃 and went on attending
  to the lady in mourning。
  He breathed more freely。 〃It can't be that!〃
  By degrees he began to regain confidence; he kept urging himself
  to have courage and be calm。
  〃Some foolishness; some trifling carelessness; and I may betray
  myself! Hm。。。 it's a pity there's no air here;〃 he added; 〃it's
  stifling。。。。 It makes one's head dizzier than ever。。。 and one's mind
  He was conscious of a terrible inner turmoil。 He was afraid of
  losing his self…control; he tried to catch at something and fix his
  mind on it; something quite irrelevant; but he could not succeed in
  this at all。 Yet the head clerk greatly interested him; he kept hoping
  to see through him and guess something from his face。
  He was a very young man; about two and twenty; with a dark mobile
  face that looked older than his years。 He was fashionably dressed
  and foppish; with his hair parted in the middle; well combed and
  pomaded; and wore a number of rings on his well…scrubbed fingers and a
  gold chain on his waistcoat。 He said a couple of words in French to
  a foreigner who was in the room; and said them fairly correctly。
  〃Luise Ivanovna; you can sit down;〃 he said casually to the
  gaily…dressed; purple…faced lady; who was still standing as though not
  venturing to sit down; though there was a chair beside her。
  〃Ich danke;〃 said the latter; and softly; with a rustle of silk
  she sank into the chair。 Her light blue dress trimmed with white
  lace floated about the table like an air…balloon and filled almost
  half the room。 She smelt of scent。 But she was obviously embarrassed
  at filling half the room and smelling so strongly of scent; and though
  her smile was impudent as well as cringing; it betrayed evident
  The lady in mourning had done at last; and got up。 All at once; with
  some noise; an officer walked in very jauntily; with a peculiar
  swing of his shoulders at each step。 He tossed his cockaded cap on the
  table and sat down in an easy…chair。 The small lady positively skipped
  from her seat on seeing him; and fell to curtsying in a sort of
  ecstasy; but the officer took not the smallest notice of her; and
  she did not venture to sit down again in his presence。 He was the
  assistant superintendent。 He had a reddish moustache that stood out
  horizontally on each side of his face; and extremely small features;
  expressive of nothing much except a certain insolence。 He looked
  askance and rather indignantly at Raskolnikov; he was so very badly
  dressed; and in spite of his humiliating position; his bearing was
  by no means in keeping with his clothes。 Raskolnikov had unwarily
  fixed a very long and direct look on him; so that he felt positively
  〃What do you want?〃 he shouted; apparently astonished that such a
  ragged fellow was not annihilated by the majesty of his glance。
  〃I was summoned。。。 by a notice。。。〃 Raskolnikov faltered。
  〃For the recovery of money due; from the student;〃 the head clerk
  interfered hurriedly; tearing himself from his papers。 〃Here!〃 and
  he flung Raskolnikov a document and pointed out the place。 〃Read
  〃Money? What money?〃 thought Raskolnikov; 〃but。。。 then。。。 it's
  certainly not that。〃
  And he trembled with joy。 He felt sudden intense indescribable
  relief。 A load was lifted from his back。
  〃And pray; what time were you directed to appear; sir?〃 shouted
  the assistant superintendent; seeming for some unknown reason more and
  more aggrieved。 〃You are told to come at nine; and now it's twelve!〃
  〃The notice was only brought me a quarter of an hour ago;〃
  Raskolnikov answered loudly over his shoulder。 To his own surprise he;
  too; grew suddenly angry and found a certain pleasure in it。 〃And it's
  enough that I have come here ill with fever。〃
  〃Kindly refrain from shouting!〃
  〃I'm not shouting; I'm speaking very quietly; it's you who are
  shouting at me。 I'm a student; and allow no one to shout at me。〃
  The assistant superintendent was so furious that for the first
  minute he could only splutter inarticulately。 He leaped up from his
  〃Be silent! You are in a government office。 Don't be impudent; sir!〃
  〃You're in a government office; too;〃 cried Raskolnikov; 〃and you're
  smoking a cigarette as well as shouting; so you are showing disrespect
  to all of us。〃
  He felt an indescribable satisfaction at having said this。
  The head clerk looked at him with a smile。 The angry assistant
  superintendent was obviously disconcerted。
  〃That's not your business!〃 he shouted at last with unnatural
  loudness。 〃Kindly make the declaration demanded of you。 Show him。
  Alexandr Grigorievitch。 There is a complaint against you! You don't
  pay your debts! You're a fine bird!〃
  But Raskolnikov was not listening now; he had eagerly clutched at
  the paper; in haste to find an explanation。 He read it once; and a
  second time; and still did not understand。
  〃What is this?〃 he asked the head clerk。
  〃It is for the recovery of money on an I。O。U。; a writ。 You must
  either pay it; with all expenses; costs and so on; or give a written
  declaration when you can pay it; and at the same time an undertaking
  not to leave the capital without payment; and nor to sell or conceal
  your property。 The creditor is at liberty to sell your property; and
  proceed against you according to the law。〃
  〃But I。。。 am not in debt to any one!〃
  〃That's not our business。 Here;